day evenin g f rom 6 o-clock to 6:,t Eastern Standard tinie or 8 to 8:30 Cefitral Daylight savings timie over the network of the NB.C. During the nonth of May the prograis are de- voted to the discussion of "The Voter and Enxerging issues. Frank Kent. editor of the R3altimiore Sun, was one.of the speakers of thie evening of May 5.. when -Threc Newspaper Men Picked thieIssues." He was followcd by I.owell Mellett.. t manager ScrippH, ar-Newspape alliance and Clià-ton Gilbert, XWash- ington corresp)ondenit of the' Philadel- phia, Public Ledger. lSuch an array of talent is sufficient in itelftoencourage interestiniithese programs. 1 .Three Senators Will Pick the Is- sues" was discusscd, On the cveningll of May 12, with Robe rtLFoît. republican, of Wisconsin, and Senia-, tor Thomfas Nash. democérat, of Mon- tana, being two of the>speakeris'se- the league. Three econoinists ill select Ile enierging issues on tlie prograinifor, 'ruesdav evening, May, 19. Miss Katherine 1.udington, clairnian of the radio co-niiiittee.of the 'National League of Wonien Xoters, gives titis word about issues: E. While it is still too carly loi prophesy isstuesthie parties will enu- rphasize in 1932, we bcli1evc that a vcry real service cati l) rende red hy get- r ting the public to consider what arc front by' the depressiOn period -through which wve hav'e been passung. Every mieans which cati he dcvised. to promote such issues iin advance of the canipign year scein to us valu- able." ÀRRIVING JUNE 2 Miss Doris Kimnbaîl, daughiter of the T. Weller Kimballs of 333 Lei- cester road. Keni lworth. who bo as, been attendiugY schôol in. Paris.Silice last'faîl, is airrivîng in New York,0on june 2, lu limle to attend comme nce- mient ai Miss Porter's schiool -ai Farmingion, Con-n., Miss Doris jus t reîurned to Paris. this week 'a trip throughli alv.. shenO . t lie -o-- Miss Gertrude Michelet' lias re- turned to ber home at 1028 Sheridan roaci froin a Mfediterranean cruise. during which she spent ihree %veeks in Paris. 0o- The Freeland. G. , Stecker, f amil, who have beeh mnaking their homne at 1618 Lake avenue,. are expecting to moive into their new home, at 2010 Kenilworih avenue 'about Mav 15. Bernie Photo T'èîvgirlsôofthe New Trier Girls' club gave a style show Tursdav for tl:c allier girls and their înjIothý'rs. .411 types of dresses for suin mer wcear îverc sQ?'l the -garnients beiing provided by Edjar A. Sýtevekts. ic. The ino dels arc .pict-tred abovc. Tlzey are, Ilft to rip/lt: Jane Geriiger, Dorothy Fraser, Martha l/ilent.,Dorothvl Grahail, Gerirude Lynnet, Marjorie.Mer- peu thlair Jaie Nor-dstr>oii, Elizabeth, Baihatchet,- Elizabeth Ronani, Betty I)ostal: Constance -Id(lejbrt)oke, Margaret l-iotdstrô;>n. Helenz Taft, .4ngi*eý If!aîs!trnviicl tirÇ'ii. Jane Haidwick, AMeta 3Muter, MaryJane Ricli,. Gladys De Lonig, and Janct Murràv. Coopérafing with the Chicago Tu- berciilosis instit-ute in its 'Early Diagnosis Camipagn" the -Wilmeite Commnunitv Health Center is mnaking -plans to conduct uts own. clîest cl'iîiic starting *lu juiie. Informiation con- ccrning this cliîîic may be obtaîned 1w calling the Healtlh Center. \Vil- mette 2402 bet-cen ii and 2 o'clock everv daY excel)t Saturdav and Sun- da - . Tuberculosis is a "1poverty'" dîsease that rises and faîls witli levels of econloinic prosperity. Hence, to- day thiere is. grave danger of anuili- crease. To hielp) prevent tlîis we are starting an "EarlN, Diagniosis Carn- 1)aigiu."' Few people knovw that this dlisease sîill-.kills- more persons be- tween 18 and 35 than am, other.'That. Soinetliing hiappenls to young meni and wvonen at this crucial age is obvious. It is the dangerous age wlien tubercU- losis is inosi likcly to strike. . h is saiîd that this disease is the arnbushed- foe of vouth and it is uecessary tha,1 .nieàsi-res be taken to ami our youtAî againsi this foc. MIodemn science bias pfovided the mieais of knowing, ini any given cliild or v'outh,. whethem the dang-er exists or not. For that rea- soni we ask, if -,,u have àny cause to feel alarmed. concerning your child nine ,,ear.s. 0o ~M. and «.lr s.. Henry WI. Kempnjlih and their three daughters, Ger4idine. Jane, aud Marjorie, recently have inoved f roni Chicago to 1341- Greenwood ave- nue*.. Their youngesi daughter is in, kindergarten and the others are, iu the grade school.b Wilmette. Pioneers -PIay, Glenview. Nine Sunday Ramii prevented a gaiine he .twecn two Wilmette basebaîll teams. last SuuidaY. Both outfits we re ail set -to go by 3 o'cloFck but the diamionil soaked by 1prev-ious 'railns made play- imp fllossibe Arrangements have b)een made howvever, 'to plav a serics of garnes later in the season. Next Sunda y the WVilmette Pioneers are meeting the Glenviemv teaiin at. Waukegan and Gleiiview roads. e GAlenview club is deterinied to stop the Pioneers but the locals, with superior pitchiug and hitting strength; are bent on continuing' their winning streak. Trhe following $utnda thie Pioneers play ýthe Bell Cardinals, a Chicago team, at the Pioneer field. Meani- while they- are preparifig to ineet Barriiigton, Lake Zurich, DesPlaines, Haîf Day, and Mt. Prospect. InBene fit oitlthe cormmstte-e in charge of, a bene fit card- party to'be held att/te -Alpha Xi Delta sorority house lit Evanstonî, PliSaturda3y, .Mavh1. Others oit the committee arc.,Mrs., C. H. Foxv of Keniilwortih, Airs. BÈasil Church of Gleucoe, and Mrs John Welch andMrs. R.-F. Huck of, Evanston.. organist, under the guidlance. of the. scho>ol of music faculty there. and who is credited with .being one of the ouitstanding organists of the senior class, gave her senior recital in the Music hall of the university TuesOay evening last W-eek.' The Daily, Card-. inal, the, 1student pubiîcation,. COI- mented' in, this *maniner on Miss Haight's performance:. "0ften she succeeded in pttttinig a feeling. into, certain passages which showed a discriminating siense of musical proportion.. Her effects wvere l)alanfced and definite.- The . îhree movements of Widor's fourth svn-, p)hony were es.peciatly well handled. for* effect,, though. occasionally the transition passages did not flow srnoothl.. "'Th e Magic Harp,' a difficuit and excellently,- rendered number l)y Meade, contained sonie of Ms Haight's most finishied playing. lier handling of, the chines in Russeli's 'The Belis of St. Anne de Beaupre' lrought out 'fthc full'I eauty oi tlhe composition." Mr. and Mrs. E. E,.IHaiglit of 815 Bluff street,. Glencoe, drove to Madi- son to attend(Itlîeir ýdaughter's recital., Driver Is- Arrested on--- Charge of Intoxication \Villiami Harmnoî, colored, 1918 ýFos- ter street, E\,atstoii, was arrested l)v Wilmette police.on a charge of drir- ing while intoxicated followý\ing an automobile accident late las, i Trsd;(ay afternoon iu, which a five-y-ear-o-,ld child was injured. Harmon, driviiîg south on Ridge road, rail off the pavement just souith of Lak<e avenue and crashed into -a parked. car owlncd IbvE: Schildgen., 1703 Lake avenue, WVilmette. Riding with :Harnion w xere Richard Strong, 5 years,old, .and Bernice Sinail.44 ý;ars old, both colore'd. The boy suf- 1fered a deep cut on1 the right side -of his uîouth, according to the.\Vilméitte police report. He wvas attcnded 1bv Dr. Fred D. O'Dounell. Harmion's casýe camne nu)p Monday be- fore Police Magistrate F. A. Petti- boue. The case was continued and lie w,,as granted a change of venue to ,Justice of the Péace John J. Peters Mrs. W. E. Suits of 211 WVarwick oad, Kenilworth, will retumu the lat- ter part of ibis week from a month's trip to, Richmond, Va., and Asheville, N. C.. Mrs. Suits has been the.gue St of her sister, Mrs. Harry S. Corey,: in rRichmond for the- past .ibréee weeks, and now is spending this Week with friends in Asheville,. befome me- turning to ber home.