Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1931, p. 62

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8 RMS., 2 BATHS OVERLOOKINC, S1OKIE CLUB AND set aim4 mg ol<l For.est Trees on grouinds 100x19X. Price $44,000. Owner wlll exclhange for snîaller. 541 Lincoln Ave., cor. Valley Rýd.,' Glencoe. S 1MS BHA. NGLISH TYPE Brick -new ,homewitb beautifull- flow- er gardent, 2499 Deere Park Dr., Highlanid Park. s RMS., 2, BA., $35,000. WILL TRADE. 1S87 Lyrnan Ct., Hlighland Park< THESERE A14 11hOME VALUES 8R'MS.,i 2 BA., $36,000. WILL TIIADE. * 520 Jackson Ave., Glencoe 7RS, 2 BA., $30,0.00 505 Jackson Ave., Glencoe 1RMS. 4 BA., $90,000i WILL E-CANGE 595 Longwood Drive, Glencoe. 246 Franklin ii d., Glencoe 8 RMS., 3 HA., $55,000. W'ILL 20 EXCIIANGE, -Î0Greenleaf Ave., Glen-coe 'S RMS., 3 BA_,. $45,000. WILL 982 Mmrn Rdge Drive, Glencoe 9 RMS, 3BA., 4160,000. mAE 2438 Deere Park Di-ive, Ilighland Park 8 RMS., 3 BA., $67,5è00. Wlll TRADE *2499 Deere Park Drive, Iliglilnd Park 9 M. 4 13BA., $60,000. W1LL TRI-ADE LDeere Park' Drive, E"ast llighiland Park * .SRM. 3 BAý., $49_000. WILL TRLADE 2229 Lakesi1e I., Highland Par'k 12 :1 1.3HA., $175,0I0. WILI TRADE 609 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka 9 R.MS., 3 BA., $70,000. MAKE OôFFEýR * 2714 Sheridan Roaýd, ivaflston. 10, RMS., 3 BA.. $60,000. MAKE OFFER 250 Lincoln Ave., Evanston 6 RMS., 2 HBA..ý, $1,0O. TO SETTLE ESTATE_ ýCor. .McDafll-el anà Noye, 1'rvanston FULL INFORMATION ON TUE AB-OVE PROPERTIES IS CONTAINED IN OUR private' gr(*unas and Cas adid eleutriclty. Pl 4110, Chicago, between 4. P. i e Harri: a.L M i 76LTN2- vacantL, or 'suiiaiicottageM. Wlle fully, owller 7534 N. Clark St., Chicago. 85LTNI-:ite 136 FOR SAL.E-HOUSEHOLD GOOODU S01.11 MAH. BED ROOM-f SET, C) piees. Greit ,sacriffee.- 1 Or thophonlc Vicetrola,' beautiful, solid., Mah. table, 2 Windsor kiteheji chairs, childs kitchen work. table, (lihls Ranger Bicycele, large cane chair, white aind nce a ranige.inr spleridid condition. Ph. Green- leaf 2280. 86LTN2-ltc FÔR SALEJF-Rr4,LIABTP, GAS STOVr 6 burners, 2 yr.s. oid, GreenWilton rug about 9xl0, kitcent cabinet lvivwithî g'entrim, srmaillmize.ý Pr. velour potee.All ln flrst. class condition. CalI Glencoe 322. 86LTN2-ltc 2, ITALIAuN HAINt) CARVED HfiGH h;ick irm chaiirs. WilI sell sep.irat(ely Cali Wilmlette 9q32. S6,2-ltp a7 WANTKFD -To Buy-NSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HIANI3 furniture and other househiold goods. Highest prfices for same. Crost Fur- niture, Store, 1004-6 Emersotn St., Evanston, 111. Ph. Uni. 0189. 87LTN4Z-tfc. 98 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR "-rAT SUNDAY NIGHT $UPPEP. -nlcncs--or any oeccasion - baked beans, cooked to il goldlex bro-wn in thoý o)ld-f- shioned eai'the:ýn bean, pot., Orders tak.ea for. homne-baked beans, bakee nnly to order. 24 hour notice required. 1 IL pot 75ts. 2 lb) pot $1 (ser-Vice for 10). Your flrst order soliitd-am cei'* tain of t.heésecond. Mrs. Wefry, Win'- netka .1661. 88LTN2- tp LAIDYS OXFORD ORAY 11IDIN.O' habit, qize 18, praetlcally new.; and bonts size 5Y2~: very reasonable. Also boy's tuxe4o coat and vtest size 12. Phone Winnetka 1474. 88LTN2-lto FOR S.ALE TW>t.U WA.SUTN('l, MA- chine in good condition. Bargalîi $2-1. 390 Jefferson St., Ph., Glencop 1671 SRTTN2-1 te FO1r, SALrî R.NDI-BA-'TTERY TYPE -45.Law rnwer 3350.Su-ver pl,,tted] cornet. $15._734 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka BLUE' REED BABY CARRIAGE I gond conidition, $10.. Sectional hoýok. caýs e 4,qertlowis,,*ith ton anüd hoIttom. $15. Phone Winnetkn 279ý7. 8LN-t ~ ET6 IN-TE-S HF-AVV CYCL-ONT- fencing. 25 cents fo-1iur iFrn P;ivIik, Jr. Kenilworth 2016. size. Rgças. Phi. Wilinette :isî p. m. 89 %VANTED I)POWER LAWN nmus't be, in A-1 condition iitkal. ?981. 91 -MISCELLANEOUS Stlictly Fresh Eg 31 cents ,doz. Broilers ,Dressed, @0,48* cents lb. Delive'ry day evéry Tuesdjay or Prlday.' Ph. .Wilmette 170 91LTN2-ltp the- hands of salid Board o-f Commis- sioners, by virtue of a tax -levy 0 f said District for tlhe fiscal year endlng March 31, 1932, and froni other sources, for the followîng purposes, unely: GEN<ERAL FLYND , For sala ries, of Secretary, Treas- urer, Atto .rney and other off!- cers, if any------------- 2,000.00 For lighting ofPrs......... 500.00 For water-.to be used in Parks 1,000.00) For Special Assessinent -againist the Park Dist rict Real Estate 75.00 Foi w ages aind expen%.es of the Police. seivice. . . . 2,000-00 For wvages of laborers -and other labor expense ......15,615,00 For construLctionl-and mainîte- liance of Iarks, exclusive of labor............. ........10,500.00 For expenses of collecting and disbui-.sing.entire appropria- tion---------------------..--2.000.0f) Total General Fund tobe raisedý by Taxation ,............ ..3690.00 For maintenance and. other e-x- penses of Bathing Beach, in- eltiding conduct of Beach Roue...............$ 8,000.00y The last foregcoing, to be ipaid out of funds derived from inc.ore of operation of Bathi ng 'Beach and Bea ch 1-louse, Al u nexpenuded balances ln iteiws heurvtotore appropria ted ar~e heîreby îve-. aî>pr(piiated for the saine nùi'poises. . SJNKING FUmi For tho payment of the princi- pal of- bonds of the issue of .junle 1. 19.23, asfol.s Bonds, Nos. 122, 123, 124,' 125_1 126, 127, 12S, 129, 130and 131, due -Decemiber 1, 1932..... ..$10,000-00ý For the paymenit of the princli- pal of bonds of the issue, of July 1, 1926, as follows ,, odsNos. 181, 12, l18-3,184 ami 85 due J)uly 1, 1932ý_. .5000 Foi. the paywýeut of the pîFinci- pal of bonds -of the issue 4if May 1, 1928, as follows: Bondfs Nos» 252, 253, 254, -2,55- 2,56,..2257, 25S, 2,59, 2260, 261, 262, -263,, 264 and 265,, due May'- 1, 133----------------15,000.00' Total Ievy for Prlinceipaýl of *Bonds .. . . .-.$0000 ENTEUËST FTJXD For the pa oen f interest on -bonds of the issue of Junie 1, 1923: lntevest du.e Decemlber 1, 1932 . ............ ..... .. >$ 1,215.00 Inteirest due Julie 1, 1933..- QU0O0 For- the pa1milt ofinteî'est o011 bonds of th(ie isse 0f July 1, Interest due January , l 1932............450.00 Initerest due july -1, 1932. 450.00 For, the paynint of interýest on bonds of the issue of May 1,ý 1928: 1, 1.933.1, erest .on Vimette. Ave., wiî icretary of Sch ool l'es the righ)t to rej 3»67.50 3, 6 97. 50 any ai GLEN R. IANSON, See'y Sehool 'District No. 40. - L2-ltc Unless cailed .. for wlthln ;30, days, Uudson coach, *Wisconsin l icense D- 102,'571, motor number 236846,, carne wi11l be sold for -charÜes. Wllmette Police' Dept. Ph. Wilmette 2700.- road, ilwortn, witn LDr. . vv îîîv ofhciating. Following the ceremony, --\r. and Mrs. Merreli left on a short mnotor trip. On their return they wIll occupy the house they have takel for the summ.iierat 833 Glencoe road, Highland Park. Wilmette Nine. to Play Home Game on Sunday The Wilmette basebali. teanm will play its first home garne of this sea- so hen a nine f rom Kenosha , Xis., invades the, diamnond aI .thie Village Green on. next Sunday, afternoon. The gaine will begin, at 3 pan. Last 'Suiday'thle Wýilmette, l)aSel)all teani,* deterinined to beat the Ncw Trier. Pioneers, was rained'out. Mr. and.I\Irs. Julius P. Kinsier of 928 Fifteenthi street alniounce the lbirthof a daughter, Marcy Lou, on Mav 6. at the Evanston ho.spitial. Mrs. Kinsier,*the former 'Miss An n Kaplan, i§ the dai>giter of MNr.. and M.lrs. Williamn D. Kaplan of 928 Fi f- teenth' street, Wilmette., * ~~- . Ifr. and :Mrs. David Hudson Cork-- ran, Jr. , of Hubbard WVoods aÈre l)eing congratulated upon thec birth ofa aghter, Harriet, on. May.8, at tlhe, Washington, Boulevard Ihospital. \Irs. CGorkran: is. the daughter of- the, jolîxi R. Montgomervsl of -'H.ttbbard *Woods. * -o- Mrs. HarrNy W. Mons, 157 Wood- stock avenue, Kenilworth, bas re- ttîrned from Denisolî . universitN- at Granville. Ohio where she spent four dlàavs over thie past ,Neeken(l with her (ligliter, Miss Harriet. IUMrs. Louise A.Lops, .'ho lias bcéni on a motoi ràn with f iends in thc south. and, Charleston, S C., bias re- turned to the homne of lier dau ghter,ý Mrs. Frederic O. Ebeling, 726 NÙinth street.. *Miss Virginla oodland; daughter, of the LeRoy' Woodlaud's of 336 Lei- ester road, Kenilworth, spent Iast week- end and th;e first part of this week In 'New York City. She returned to hier homne today. ..Cl . t . a iveIt.t . . - NOTICE 0F SALE 0P GOODS-Notice h, .hereby given to George Desnoyer and to aIl others that may be interested, that there. will be.Iiaold at the home of Mrs. H. Schroeder, 511 Kenilworth Ave-- nue, Kenilworth, beglnning 15 days after clate, to satisfy storage charges, 1 ta4le, 2 barber chairs,, 2 office chairs, 2 .Mir-_ rors, 1 Wall case and miscellaneous sup- plies. MRS. H. SCIIROEDER, - Kenilworth, 111. L2-2te -FOR, SALE - 20 ACRES NEARl Nôrthbrook4 nicely Wooded,'wlth spring stream. Price $600.00 pier acre.. L.ý B. 'Andersen, Tel. 54 Northb.ioojk, 111. 81L'1'N2-2tp

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