Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1931, p. 61

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Hotel, 629f Main St. Wiimette 1080. 51L'rN50-tfc ROOM FOR RENT FOR ONE OR TWO. Private entrance, 2,h block to trans- portation. $94 flurr Ave., Ph. Win- netka 2848. - 51L-ltpl B3RIGHT,, PLEASANT ROO.N , CON- ventent to transportationi. Phone Wtin- - netka 415.. 51L1'N2-lte NICELY FURN. ROOM, NO OTHER roomers, ediose to, transp. Ph. Wilmette 1509. '51LTN2-,tp ROOM FOR ýRENT, N1ICEILY F111- ntshed front roomin i.priVate homfe. Ph. Wilmette 3925., 51LTN2-lte SINGLE ROOM WJTH KITCHEN, AT 410 Provident Ave.. Winnetka. Cal ýWinn . 3235. ~ jT2-t FOR -RENT FLJRItZSHED .)2 Roo,.% kitchenette and bath, hot water heat, near transportation.: Ph., Wiimette! 3082, 5lL2-ltp i ,ARGE, 1 SMALL ROOM TO RENT, sepratlyor togethér. 916. Elîni. Win- netka 1169. ' 5]LTN2-lte LARGzE 1LEASANT RJ1OOM, SUITA- bic for 2, twin beds. Also garage 'for rent. Winnetka S42. 5iLTN2-lte LOJVE_ýLY ROOM IN FINE 1LÔCATI)N, 2 bt<'cks fi-on trains. Ali,> garage. 84i) Vernon Ave. Phone Winnetka 15ý8. 51 LTN2-tfc IELY FURNISHED BOM SUIT- able for 1l or 2. 549 Provident, Ave. Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 689. se FOR .REN4T-APARTMIENT5 U'NUSUALLY ATTRZACTIVE ODR 5 roomi apt., av\aitabie iimmnedlitt±iV' neari* lke, lec. refrig. Reais. rentis inetuding garage. 'a< 12 room apartment unfurn. -id'singl'e furnmslhed ro 90Sanish c'ourt. Vil., Ph. ~i.2ý920 1ST, FLOOR APTr 'iN EA ST$10-E. home. Large, living rrn., 1bdrn.,, kitclen and bath. LigttsunnY >< 'f, i'ivate entran-ce pmreh, ai 'soý yard. Oil lhent. Near tr4ansp. Refereueces. Ph. Xil- mette 204.' 56,2-ltp, FýOnR rENT - 5 ROOM .\FLAT AND shop at 1238 Cenitrai av-e., also 2 rmn. heated apt. at' 1937 Wilimette Ave Ph. Wlmette 4978. 561,'1N2-1t,) 3 ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE ANDU giazed porh. 2nd floor heated.' Ph.' 1eniworth 13219, 5(6LTN48-tfe FOR RENT-UNFURN. APT. à AND 4 rooms. H.' W. heat, ail improve- xnentýs. Gieneoe. 331. 56LTN2-ltp CONVENIENTj, MODERN 4 RM. APT., Eckart Bldg. Winnetka 843. 56LTN52-tfc 4, ROOM KITCHENETTE APT. HUM- phrey Building. Cal Wînnetka 98 or 33?8. 56LTN46-tfc 57 FOR RENT-FURNIUHED APTS. FURNISHED AND UNFURtNISHED 'apartments for rent. Raoal priced. Winnetka.690 or 1948. 57LTNe2-tfc 00 FOR RENT-HOUSES BESTRENTALON NORTH SHJORE le a charmîng -loniai, nearty flnew. W!th liv. rni. l5xjo, open porch, brk. rm. lav. elec. refrig. 4 bedrins. 2 bathe. large *.attic, ' 2-car ga'r. Near seol~and: tra«ns. $150 a mo. Frances, J.- W\inscott* 902. Spuçe St.Wimnetka 26 60LTN2-Itc TO RENT-7 RM. HOUSE, 731 11TH St.., water heat. garage. E. Side. $90.00.11 10 rm. hue 1104 Greenicaf Avýe., lg. garage eau be used as, shop. Cor. lot flfine. condition. $125.). Fientye, 729 Lake' Ave. Ph. Wil. 13821 60LTN45-tfc Attractive' Bungalow .rooms a.nd 2 car gar.; modern. réa- sonhable Yenit. Iminiediate occupaflcy. best ref. r.eq. 322 Oak Circle, Wilime(tte, 601,2-1tc FOIR RENT,. EIGHT ROOM HOUSEý, 4 Bedroonis, hot water heat and two- car garage.. Phi. Wilmette 24S7. 60LT2-Itc 61 FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT - FURNISHED, JUNE 15 to Sept. .7; 7 roomn house afld garlg-e' 1Vnrusually artistic and attractiWe. Cool and aiey. Pleasant v'ard, modevate si ze. $125 mo. Phonie.'Winnetka, 850 r 1245.. 61LTN2-ltc 63 W1Qý TO REN-FURtN. HUES. S-MALL FURNISHED 1HOUSE IX IL 1- mette frôm June to Oct. lst, reason-. able, 3 adults. C'al eveffings, Bitter- swet 4600 -apt. 821. 63eL2-ltp ..Glencoe State Bank Ie 'SUITE 0F 1-2 OR 3 ROOMS 'suitable for Docter, Dentist, Archl- tect or any business' requiri.ng office space. Low rentai. 66LT3e-tfc 7Z FOR SAL!-tOUSES Like' a Treasure 'Hunt DELIGHTFUL, STONE .COLONIAL, of supertor c1onstruction anad interior finish, featuring, large rooms with good ivail spaces, a panelled ltbrary and basemnent recreation roomn. Beauti- fui' high wooded.lot, with exceptional' vriew. Only $55,000.: To complete search cali for map of direotions at office, shown now or by hostess Sundfty. DOROTHY K. ROSS 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe,305 or .986 72LTN2-1 ti OWNER HAS MOVED EAST AND IN- structs us to seli his 6 room hom*e, 2 bîks. to steam and electrie. H. -W« heat, gavrage,ý wooded lot 50x250. A buy at .$10,500. Might rent at $90. 340 Linden Ave. Ph. Wiimnettte 68 72L2-1 t< BEAU. NW 10 IRM. B RICK ON ATe tr ,iv ooded lot in finest N.. - resIIidà.' IsIection af. Wtliiette, just re- duced- to $31,500. Don't miss. IL It'.s ver% much worth-while, 513 Davis street 93t) Spanish Court O'reenléaf 16171 Wilmette 29201 72LTN2-ltc NORTHB ROOK* 6 ROOM BRICK VENEER HOUSE, 2 Bedrooms, Living Boom, Dining Rýoom, Kitchen, and Bath, Hot Water Heat, 2 'Car Garage, on à' lot 10OX200, on paved street ail improvements, Grounds- fully. Landsc.aped, pienty . (f trees, 1. Chicken bouse,,Location closc to School, Transportation, and Stores. No*Incurnberance on ?roperty Priec, $V1î,000o 0.' Caî l Samn M. 'Campbell. Northbrook Telephone 155 and M~. .72LTN2-Itp' 556 Center $12,500 7-IIOOM FRAME HOUSE ON FINE- Wooded Hubbard.Woods lot. 4 bed- rmns; 2-car garage; o11 heat;. % mile- to transportation. Owner transferIred and willtake a loss. Reasonable terýms. QUJINLAN-& TYSON, Inc.' 714 Elm St., Winnetka Wlnnotka. 2198 72LTN2-lte s ilms., BRICK,3% 'YRS. 'OLD, LOB, studio, Liv. Rrni. Breakfast. Sun Bm., 4 Bedrmns., 3. Baths, Lav. Rec. Bomt. insulated mietal strips, 2-car Att. ga;- rage. 176 FullerLane. Ph. Winnetka, 2612.72LTN2-ItP FOR SALF,-5BRU. HOUSE. RUN- ning. water, ei ectricity anid bath, garý- age and heu house, at car stop-% mile fromi town. 2 acres of groud- ln fruit and bernies, $3.000. lire. Phillips, 306 N. Rimmrel1 St., Berrie» Spring9s, Mich. LT 1-t 73, WANito TO BUY-HOUfs - WNED TO0 BUY 'ON CONTRACT . orf6 Rrm house' $1,000 cash and not over $125 per month. 'Mail conapiete de- tails to Rua. 3600-8 So. Michigan Ave. Chicago. 73LTN2-ltp 75 WANTED iTO PiUY-VACANTr .1 WAi2 A PLACE TO RUJ'8TICAT*., will pay $500, per- acre, for three, or five acres, along the north bhore. Write B-46, Box 40, Wilmette. 75LTN2)-ltc 76 ' UMMtR RESONTS VERT DJESIRABLE '6 ROOM FUR- nished summer -home set anxqng treeRi at edge of wide. eand beach on Lake Michigan, near Tower Hill and Lake- side, Michigan. Ail modern fachlities, power water system, garage. Entire suryimer at $500. 340 Linden Aire. Ph. -Wîlimette *g 76L2-ite FOR RENT: FURN. COTTAGE, 7 RM.. 2 ffreplaces, large porch. On bluff over- looking Laiçe Mich. 10 mni. N. of S. Haven. Season $225. Phone Winnetka 850 of 12.45. 76LTN2-lte lu-- W'l 'I .ME 'E LIFE 1I

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