Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1931, p. 60

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Rates- cents afiIne ln one paper, 26 cents a line l hi wopapiers. 30cnsa Uln ail three papers. MINIMIUMCHRE$.0 Average of five word. ta the lune. No black face type uued. 10% discount on ail cash wth order advertisementu when brought to our oMfce at 123 Central Ave,_ Wilmette, 561 Uncoin Ave., Winnetka, or 341 Park Ave., Qlencoe. Contract rates may b. had upon requeut. Clasalield advel'tiaerkents will be Deadline yor'lnsertionS-accepted Up to Tuesday 9 o'ciock for the W-IL4VrTnLim- or ail three papers; Wednesday 9. o'clock for the WxmmHTicA TALIC and Thursday.5 o'ciock foir tle GLESCOE Ngmws. Tele. phonos: Willnette 430Ô, Winnetka 2000. Wlnnetka, 500, Giencoe 1484, Greenle-af 4300 or Sidrake 5687. 3 LOST AND> RoUND LOST LADY'S WRISTWATCH WITH- out ribbon; Wiimette shopping dis-. trict, Saturday.P.M. Reward for re- turin. Phone Wlnnetka 2960., 2LTN2-ltc LOST ST'NTDAY AP;,rITNON, MALE police ýdog., Black back and tan breast and legs;. AnsweYki to naie "Jotk,"; reward. Ph. Winiîetka 1531. 21,TN2-ite S ANTIQUES FOR ýSALE ANTIQUE CRADTE $35. Phone KenilW(orth 1726. 5LTN2-ltc(- 8 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING BRICK ALTER-ATIONS, CH1mmNEY. repaîirs, cernient and stone work at r-easontabié, prces. Mr-. NansoJn. l'h. Wfiyhette 2995.. sLTN-ltp CAYtL BENGSTON. CARPENTER AND BUILDER REMOD)ELING AND REPAIRING PHONE WINNETKA 2480 8LTN44-tfc S9 SUSINESS SERVICE * OLD) SCREFENS REI'AliIED. NEW ývreens. storin sash, and vabinet work. Call Wiliniette 2101. !LT,'N2-ltc- * .Ail Klnds af Carpenter Work Done JOHN BOESCH Ph. Willnette 2165 9LTN36-tfc CONTRACTOR, STORM SEWER down spouts, and other general job- bing..377 Provident. ePhono Winnetka 12$8 after 5 P. m. 9LTN48-tfe Dressîiaking -Reniodeilno' COLLETTE SOUUS-Wiiaetka 1011. I1I.TN2-ltle 14 - QARDENINO 41 SITUATION -WANTEDl>-PEMA LE EFFICIENT HEU? A better employroent service for the North Sho re homes. References persornally iletgtd NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS Telephones Winn. 2662,- Dav*is 7777, Highld Pk. 25201 .PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCIES 748 Eim St. 634 Davis St. 8 North 1st Winnetka' Eva nston Highld Pli. 41LTN44-tfc fat wnivoker for day work. llefer- ences. Ph. Greenleaf. 1595. 41LT2-1 t 1 XPEPJEiNC'ED )WOMAN DESURES housewobrk by the week or by the day.% *lieferences. Call i Oeenleif 906. E@XPERiENCr.D BOOKKEEPER WILL ý,andIe srnaii set of books. and make up financil reports on part time basis; or do 'relief work during var cation periods. Address B-9, Boxc 40,. (MEUM A N, WOMAN Wý-ANT.S POSI- tion, geuIeual houisework, good eook. Best (ýf NS. ref. Phone Winnetka 3229. . 41 LTN2-1 tii 1'0LLF14,R FI Z FN CI 1 FROFISSO~R wafts a governess or tr;ivein-g coin- I)anii n j oitioim îerimm'nny or for t.he sumnmeýr. Hiav.e heen to Europe. Write 1É-44, Box 40, _Wiimette, IiiW 41 LT2-l j WA TE) ERMA ET OR11DAY wvork )y coiored wma *ihrefer- 4ILTX2:lt(, EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTrS WORK to take home, call and deliver. Expert work, ciothes dried out doors. Ph. Wilmette 2623. 411LTN1-4tc (,or,. Gi-HI. WOLLDLIKE W-R>L or hiaif day work. N.S. ref. Ct.11 '%il- tWist Classe1 German gi 23 Yrs. Old. M111-0. i- mette ref. Ivisih girl, 30 yrs. oid. 1 yr. locai ref. Flnnilh girl, 21 yrs. nid. 16 n. -%in- netka ref. (001<5 Norj-vegian gil 40 yr S, old. first ciass, Winnetka e!. Germian iiril, 3vy!$.oid, .2 yr. loeaire f. ;i*eih grl, Protestant, 40 yrs. old, 3 y-rs. Glencue mfi SECO ND or CHAMBER Ï ernman girl .35 yrs. old,' best of ref. lernian girl, 22.,yrs. nid. good Winne tka ref. - N URSE-GOVERNESS Several girls with excellent, local ref. PAULINE's EMP. AGENCY. 74 E1u' St Winnetka 2662 4lLTN2-ltii (H1AI)ATE I N FANT AND CHtIlL- dren, s nurse wants, position. High schmo gracluate o!44,high standing; a bi t Lututor children., Hospital and Imetti ieferences. Phone Winnetka 1990. 41LTN2-ltp, 1,001) (00>EET(')1,0ED M.ID wishes general, hlousework, good cook, 5tLyoitlav.N .ieeecs h University 9223, LT2lî ('00<; 0US~KEPEU A4-I.; COL- ored: thoroughiy experienced, Sulîurb I)r CounItry,' Beit Northi Shore ref. Tel. Eiglewuo(bid S163. -4fLTN2-1tli 1, 1 i LK E T")TAKE 1-tHOME lviaihillg, uili ealu foi" and delîver, 42 SIT. WANTRD-MALIE CH7iAuFr., GARD-NERAND HOUSE- man. 12. years' N... ref. Cal Wfl- mette 34, Glencoe 961 after 6 p. M. Glencoe 770. '42LTN5'2-3Itp YOU'NG B, O) WOULD LIKE TO HELII in. kitchen or ia garaige. Call Green- icaf 5411 42LT2-ltlp FIXPEIZIENC.ED MAN WANTS WIN- doNN washing, cure of lawNvs, garden and i ouiý.ewn.k. Phi. Wilmiette. 2995. 42LTN2,rlmW( ItEIJABLE WITE MAI's4 WSE day wvork, cieaning, orid jobs a.nd gar- dea. work. Phi. Wiliette 3254.' 1 421.TN2-1 ne CIHAUFFEURI, DRIVEN A4L OV E P Europe and America,- 10 yrs, la 1 *place. Mai'ried. 13-34, Box' 40, Wil- mete, ii.42L2-ltIL C-OýmPETENT EN GLISHMAN W ANTS * chauffeur, gardener, or houseman',.s jol), 'part or fult e Will furnish excellenit n.; s. réferences. Cal! Win- neta 13.42 12-ltp, EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS GAR-. dening, housework, and wlndow wash- ing. Cati Wilinctte 4566. 42,TN2-lnc DXPERIE NCED MAN, WA-S{ WIN- dows, care of lawns, garden worlk,, etc. Winnetka. 1552. 42L9TN2-ltp EXPER. G ARDENER AND 'HOUSEý- man. N. S. ref. By hour, ,day, o week. Phone Winnetka 3248., 4iLTN2-ltp BO0Y'S 16 AND I7 WANT LAWNS TO eut by hour or job . Wili furnish their own iawn mnower. Winnetka 3612. 42LTN1ý2-4tp 43 BIT. WTD.-MAlLE ^Nb FEMALE FRZEE SE RVICE TO.* E'MPLOYERS Everything ln 1HI-GRADE HELP: References POSITIVELY INVESTI- CIATEr). ASK YOUR, NEIGHBORS LEE EMPLQYMENT AGENCY, 1631 Be.nsonl Ave,, Evanston, Davis 8116 uN EtSTATE 5SUPERVISION 43LTN2-itlp SIT., WANTE1) MNAX AND) WIFE A$ coliple, LIlS,) chauffethr, extra boiuse- Ilti. %Nife good cook, ref. Cali ni -ver>ity 4623. 3.N-t RE.II3E cor'. COUPLE, wIF rE ex(-cIeit cook, ilso maid, nian house- illati ad id 'auffeur, lîoth exp. IN. S. réf. (klil after 5 p.m. Wilnette 1058. 43LTN2-lnc C(itTPLI,Ë -WITH LOCAL REFERi- ences. Chauffeur, hou.senian, butier, gardeerîfftine cook, houisemaid. Witinetkii 1509, .43LTN2-lnc XEXI.Îl. COLO)REr) COUPLE; WIFE, genei -.housevwrki good cook; 1hus- band.l chauffeur, yardman, and gen-, erai. handy mian around house. N.. S., ruf. Phone Oakland 3573 or 6222. .43LTN2-1 tp 4'O1. COLI 1,4 WANTS P~OSITION, ma generai housenan aind chauffeur, wife goo)d cook. Refereflees, J3arring-. tonl 31(i. 43LTN24ltp 44 HELP. WANTIEID-FEMALE POS;ITIONS OPEN (IENIIALIIOUSE-WORK Sîalhome. no latndry....$20 wk. 3ý aditt,n laundry, cab fare. .$18 wk. 2 in fail.iy, 6 roonibose $1%Vk., Co'oking tiid-'first'ài., 4 in fariiy $20 wk. in l famniiy, 7 roonis, n aundry $18 wk. 5in faliffly, no iaundry .......$8 vk. 10,good positions at......... $15. wk. COOKING Faniiiy. of 4, neairtan....0.wk C'ook for ýHig>lid P-lIk.. Clubý..$20 vk. F(mii o 4, two OUIhel* helP kept. .. $20 wk.- M ECOND WORK S16 wk FOR SALE MAN'S SUIT LADY'S EXPER LAUNDRESS WANTS DAY dresses and coat, sizes 18 and 38. Good work. Cail Gleneoe 1622. 41L2-liie condition and reasonable.. Ph. Kenil -_________________ -wortb 1726. 33bTN2-Itc WANTED BY EX PE R IEN CE D white Geri-nan, womnan, laundry or sLOANS cieanlng by the day. Ph. Independence 2157. 41LT-ltp IJOANS TO P1WPFiRqTy WNURS. Make and buy lut and- 2nd miortgag«e. WANTED WASH-ING AND IRONING ICVANBT014 BONI) * >(JTQ. CO. to take, home, wiil call for and de- fl8 Oro*e*St Greenleaf 5400 liver. Ph. 'Willmette 3246. *33~pq36c , 41LTN2-lte TUTOR: - GERMAN, WA~ tion; wiliing to act as- butier. Phone: Winnetka EXPEUIENCED MAN WANTS HOUSEý or garden work. N. . ref. Caîl WIi- mette ý 3073. .*42LTN2-1nci EXPERIENCED, MAN,,WAýSH 1WIN- dows, pare of lawns, gar,ýden work,. etc. Winnetka 1552. .42L2-ltp WANTED - COMPETENT 'WHTTE girl, Protestant, for cooking, servinig, and downstairs work. $18. Ref. Cati Wianetka 1144. 44L2-ltp 45 HELP WANTED-MALE YOUNG MEN TO SELL OAK-LAND, Pontiac,. and Marmnon, cars. . No exp. needed. We will train you. Men, with' cars prefex'red.i Wersted Motor Co. 662 Lincoln Ave. Wlnnetka.' 45L2-ltp

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