Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1931, p. 4

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[t costs us approximately 4c to send 'ouf an order, regardtess of size or distance. Compare this with the cost of your time, tires, gasoline, wear anid tsar. We. can deliver for one-tenth what costs to do it yourself.. ECONOSIIE5 -MAY 15 TO MAY 21 HAMBURGER. Fresh g round to. orde r.. l. 25c, SIRLOIN STEAK. Fancy. native beef. l.48c .PO RTERH OUSE STEAK., Choicestcuts . ..IL.55c CHIPSO. Largest 2.5c cartons. 2foè 3 9c COFFEE., Santos. Hîghty satisfactory .2 Ibs. 49C CATSUP. Richelieu. Nothing liner . ..... Pt. 19C OLIVE Q.IL. Old Monk, regular $ 1.45 size qi. $1.10 CRISCO. In 1, 0 /2, and ,3-lb. tin*s lb. 23c KEN-L- RATION., The perfect do'g food ..doz. $1 .39 CAVIAR. Romanoff. Finest imported Russianl 3 lins $1 CHEESE. Burki 6 1orin m1 redSws Gruyere................... .... box 35c TOMATOES. Arcadia Nok 2 size tins, heavy pack ripe fruit . . . . . .. . . . . . .... l 10l c .'.PINEAPPLE. Baby Stuart No. 21/2 tnofrpe Hawatian fruit. 8 lIusciaus-thick slice.s.ý.......fin 23c BUTTER WAFERS. National la rge blue trns. of round flacycrackers, delicatety salted.......in 35c SPICED CRABAPPLES. Richelieu tali glass 13 fancy whole fruit . . . . . . . 15 and September 15 of cach year al dogs, regardless of breed, age or size, are required to be secuirely nîuzzled when running at large at any tinte of d4y or ilit. D ogs strictly confilned to the oWners' premnises. or kept in leash *are not con- sidered to be, runiiin g -at-large. Thli ordinance provides that the usual type of leather strap muzzle is not tigbit enough or secure enougli to 'prevent. a dog f rom nipping. Wi regauze or leather basket mutzzles are required. W. 'C. Yackel, 'police comnmissioner of Ken1ilworth. *announces that part-, tifile dog cthr have heen sworn ini to assist the Keni1lvortlî Police (lepart- ment ini the enforcenient of the ordi- nance. Al .dogs picked up ini violation Of the ordiiance %vill he impounded for a'period, of, five days and then will bc (lestroyed.if nlot redeenîed, Mr. Yackel Stated. This applies to dogs running at large ini Kenilworth wliuse <owner s livc outsidc that village. Thle ordinance f urther provides that on or before June 1 every (log oliler ini Kenilworth intst have a licetîse, for- lus dog. NIr. aund Mrs. 'Marshall C. Coriî1S. i106 Ash street, Xinietka, amîlo-unce the birth of a daughiter,, Mary Helchn. April 4, at the Evanston hospital. Mrs.. Cortîs, the fornmer Helen Seng, is the daughter of MIr. and, NLrs. Julius T. Seng, 1222 Chestnut avenue The Cortîs have a year oi so, Daniel._______ of 12 ta .jar 39c The North Shore Congregation Is;- rael of Glencoe, lias called to its puil- pit Rabbi Charles E. Shiulmani of Wheeling, West Virginia, whicb po- sition hie will assume 'after Septenîber 1, next. This 's the pulpit that wvas. made, vacant by the untiniely. d.eati of'Ralbi Louis J. Kop.ald. Mr. Shuinian is an outstaiîdling,, young rabbi in Reformned Judaisn. He is about. 30 years of age, a gradu- ate of the Ohio Northern Univýersity Law school,, the University of Chii- cago and the Hebrew Union college: where he was ordained rabbi ini 1Q27. since which, tinie he hias held the po- sition of rabbi of the Eoff Street temple, Wheeling, Wes't Vrginia. Mrs. Shulman, Who was born in Chicago Heighits, had the:unlique (lis-, tinction of, beiag the only woman atý tendant at the Hebrev Union college at the tîimeof lier nmarriageto Rabl,* Shuinian. Ini the comnmuniitv'where lie bas se rved, Rabbi Shuilman is knownvi as. a mani of considerable intellectital at-- talumient, and enthusiasm, and lie ItI conisidered a' fine addition, to the re, igious circles of Chicago and'suhbi-Is Realtors Observe ilth A nniversary l'he next mieeting of the N.)rt1î hoeReal Estate board -will be hielci Mondav .nigbt, 'May 18, at 6 :30 o)'clock-at the Shawnee Couintrv- clill in Wilmette. "T'his is going to be a bannier miieetiiîg," readsan annouincemient thi: week Iby Harold R. Xant, secretary of the board. It will mark the eleventih anniversary of the orkanizatiçiî of the board, and the, miembers are planning an apl)ropriate celebration. The board wiIl also *celeb)'rate reachiiîg the one hiundred>,:mark in tnienIIer- ship. ).r. Vant aînnouticed. Dr. Sbieîherdof fthe staff .of thIe Chicago Century of Progress Exposi- tion of 1933 il be presetit to -give. an ilistrated talk on ýthe fair. The real estate 'board meniber-s have been in1- vited to.bring other mnembers of thieir families. "'fhîeý' ill greatly eijoy the picturées and the tallk," 'Mr. \Vanit Irs. ~ FF ie CENTRAL AND TWELFTH - WILMETTE GROCERY PHONE 510 M1ARKET PHONE 5-14 M.as. F. A. Buck 1 ~67 Wilmette AVe. Phone Wilmette 4 598 t Lt 42.ouuee Assortment, $2.00 RPiîn-tin« Cafibg Shops We DelUver 1135CenmralAve., Wllmette W-ilmette ses 4h 4 4 *1

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