- w~vife, wflo was riding with ilr. She SeoralDay,'NIiy 2, in thecubrch a las taketito the Evanston hospita!. Sujendray, ay , in the oserv ad 1>,.suffering froin a broken collar bonei village. Sunday, June 7, wilI be Chil dren's day with united service in and several brokeji ribs, according to, church and Sunday school. Sundayv, tie, \Vilniette police report. June 14, will be the occasionnof the final church' ser*vice of the !seasojii. PieD arm n M ke St. A ugu stine'sTwo Runs in One Week' Next Sunday, May 17, will be the Th ieteFedeateta. Sunday after th e Ascension. There will h inteF?.eatèta be H-oly Communio1n at 8 a.'ini., (mur ch called to the residence of Dr. Arthur schools and Bible classes at 9:45, and HI. Tu ttle, 913 Central avenue. Sundav morning prayer with address at 11. a. m. afternooi*l about 5:15. o'clock to ex- tinguish a rubbish fire, in the base- There art-,s&rvices, today (Thursday) As;cension Day, with Holy ('onmtrlior à7 a. m., 8 a. mn. and 10 a. ni. Tlè.e(o pechd tSt. Mathw', W 7 8l ea 58E Evanston, last Sunday, exchanging w thi the Rev. J. J. Steffenis who peeachedI Lades', Men's. SUITS cde at. St. Augustine's Soof o ur parisflloners aitended a theC annuai dinner of the Churvh. club of Chi cago held last night at the-1-Hotel S herm an. The, Women'sý Associated guild has finir-hed lits meetings for theses. Announce Organization of Child Study, Class A new group, not'heard from mnuch as yet, is the Chiki Study class of the St. erancis Xavier school., But j udg~ ing ýfrointhe,.new. faces appearing at each meeting, it will flot be long until - Mrs. Dalton's home on Chestnut ave- nue :cannot acconimod-ate this fast i groiving circle. The spirited and lively discussionis of these earnest and conscientious mothers shotuld intrigue the imagina-, tion of every rnerber of the Parent- *Teacher organization, it is stateti. * Mrs. Frank J. Dowd f romn the *Logan Hoivard P. T. A. sat in with this group last week and gave, a splendid, comprehens'ive report of h State Parent-Teacher cëonve'ntion held in j*ast St. Louis, to Which she was. a delegate. y I ou,' want to he cini on 'the knuv of scientific notierhoàd6(. plant to spend one of these -pleasiant and * p robtalble Thursday evenings àt the honie of Mrs. H, G. Dalton, 10 29 Clhe-;tnut avenue," reads an announce- m nent. * The next imeeting is schedgled for; Thur,day, May 21, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Bentley McCloud, together with i; her son, Robert, and daughter, Nancy, of Kenilworth returned f rom Omaha last weekend after a visit with 'Mr. and Mý,rs. Robert Olmsted. She has as lier guest for a f ew days, Mr.s.. Robert Stout of Tecamneh, Neb. Mrs. Stout entertained in 'honor of the inembers of Mrs. Mc- Cloud's bridge club on Tuesday of this Week. m Mrs. J. C. Carpenter s$pent most of -this week in Akroni Ohio. of Keillworth w~ith her sister That Exela bened &pr.ssed $ 0 d pressed . 1.00 SUITS sponged'& pressed...... -Daily Delivery to Wilmett. and Wintietka Prompt, ,P.pendabl.. $ervicp STANDARD, Cleaners and Dyers-Tailoring" WILMETTE 4110, 1804 Central St. .50 ln Evamstoýn I~EXTRA 'CA.N OF: It's a Great Game, *especially when you ve equipped your- self pro perly ... at Chandler's GOLF .SHOES for men and women Sturdily buit, on clover sport lines - the womnen's shoes in, white. - and- brown, brown - and- elk and bIack-and- 'hite, at $8, $9 and $10. The Men's sport'shoos ini black- aind-white, and',brown-and-white at $750' and $10.. . the face and ber leit ieg was ruiseu, while Mrs. Holder's right leg «ras bruiseci, according to the police report. Brooks signed a complaint against Brandt, charging reckless driviflg. The case is to corne up Monday after- noon, May 18, at-4 o'clock before Po-, ,.lice Magistrate E. A. Pettibone. i730 W. R, road Avmeu liton, Illinois i *1 3,for $1 Made for us by Spalding. First quality-mnd a GOOD quality. j.