Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1931, p. 48

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j] FRUIT TREES At4D SMALL FRUITS 'In suburban commtunities' where'.so much 'of our gardcning activities, are primarily decorativé in purpose , we éasily- f aIl into the. habit. of onâitting. many worthy trees: and plants because they, are, primarîly a ssociated with or- chards and sniall fruit fams. Many sorts of fruit trees, are very worthy:as ornanientals and-at the same time bring with theni the fond miemo- ries and recollections of associations whcn we wcrc growing up in, the small rural towns or on the farms,, as most city folks have donc. 0f course it is advisablc to select such fruit trees. as will offer a. possi-_ bilit y. of ripening- some fruit. without any elaborate. spraying prograrn.1 The succcssful growing of fruits in any- well settled community, growing them in large varieties, requires a coinpetent knowledge of a rather elaborate insect fighting program, and eternal vigilance, in carrying, out, that'program. So then, f rom the- standpoint of. a small city or suburban homecstead, we nced to select such varieties, as are out- standingly simple to> handie. The generial. run of nurseries do not handie fruit trees in any except very small sizes' and, from *a landscaping standpoint, these are too, slow, in de- -TuIip Timely Garden To>ics By J. R. Foole veloping, or else we are too imnpatienît. 1-Iowever, most of our ornamental nur- series in the 'Chicagoland area carry somc standard fruit trees in the lar- ger sizes and if handlcd properly, they can be movcd successfullyi. There are.also the dwàrf type 'of fruit*trees, wbich take up. less rootninii the. picture and. fruit at ail earlier age. CULTIVATION 0f FRUIT TREES Fruit trees,. just lîke other trees, the first f cw years aftér.being planted, need ý to be cultivated, the ground around the base o r under the tree kcpt wvorked up, openi, friable, f ree f rom weeds and .g rasses. «Because, of, the f act that we sec large trees, old trecs, well establisbed and dcvcloping with- 'ouit àlny c are whatsoevcr, so',we con- clude thaï trces do flot need care, but the fact is that even the larger, wveIl cstàblished trees -would do better if they wcre givdfi sorne carer. AIl fruit t~ re quire a well draiiped soil, and cherries pre fer. a gravclly or sandy soul, thriving wcll i soul so sandy that ittle-else will grow there. éIn transplanting, the tops inmuist bc -tyll pruned and thceroots pruncd. wherever mutilated. So small a -part of the roots are savcd WV the diggers that the tops must be cut back iii pro- portion. 'Trees often need to be braced whcn, transplarxted,, until they have become firrilv cstablished. They should also bc CRAB APPLES. PEARS, PLUMS, CHERRIÉS The old fashioned dependable Si- bcrian crabs have a well earned place even in.the small orchards. They are gond for jelly, cider -and preserves. Pears love asloping ground, dlay. bu"t flot. too rich. The fruit muât be gath- (Continued on next page)- rnnlched heavily at least for the first ytar. To' prevent this being unsightly, various kindis of commercial mosses may be used, or rotted wood or leaf m0. Small trees should be wrapped dur-. ing: the %vinter asa.protection f romi the rabbits. *GE AT WHICH TREES AND BUSHES BLOOM AND FRUIT In general, starting with trees, under one inch in ýdiameter, f ruiting Vil1 -be-. gin as follows: Standard apples three. to eight years; dwarf apples, two years.;: standard pers, three to, four years; dwarf pears, two years; cherries, three to four years; plums, three to f our years; crabapples,. two years, and peaches, -tbree to four years. Small f ruits in gencral, corne inito bearing as follows: Gooseberries, two years; grapes, twoý years; blackberries, tmvo ycars, currants, two years, and raspherries, twô years. Ail small fruits will be imrnia su- ably 'benefitted dtning the perioxl of ripcning of the fruit, if they are beavil-, mulched, so that the ground ï s kcpt sopping wet. Blackberries so .g rown wvill be s0 luscious that they winot be recognized as being of the sanie variety as those otherwisc haàndled. Aniong the small fruits, currants re- quire spraying, blackberries require lot's of room and also grapes, so there is not much left except raspbcrries anid gooseberries that can bé uscd to any great extent in a small place. 0f. Course, strawberrics are always useiu! and intcresting.. APPLES FOR THE HOMEGROUND The blossonis of appictrees need no introduction or compliments, for they go strong on their. own merits. The, bo)ys love their f riendly boues aniong, Whichl to'play and'build aircéasties, and f rom which to showcr> green apples on the passerhy. A, great variety of standard ýorts will. fruit well in this section, .if>' sprayed several tumes eacb ycar. but they are well worth while for. the bloorn DUNDEE' BD. PERENNIèL NUIRSERY Dundee Rond, 3 Miles West of Waukgan' Rond at S&nderg Rond Telephone Northbrook 230-R-I PERENNIALSand Various Roek ,Plants, doz ...$2.00 ANNUALS, lage assortment, separate colors, doz.. ..5c PETUNIAS, ibloom, 10 doz ...... $300 PETUNIAS, in pots, doz 35 Ev.eryhing. we have is Firsi Class and D péendable. Couse out . . . gel acquainted. . see for yoursel. Sho w NOW at FRANKEN ROS., Ine DeorfioId, Ille Cash and ýCarry Week End Sales Every Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon. During May <These prices a»Ily euly on. days, speci$ied) Phone DeewfIeI d 41 " SL Fit Street West of Railroad and Then South to the End of the Street Plas aDayat r*nken'm .and Lesast Know Tulipe. Nearly 3010 Varietiesi our Show Ground

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