twenty-three years lias nad a beauti- fui but purely sentimental significance has an added factor of practical use- fu!ness, with educators, physicianý, atnd .p)ublic-spirited men and women ever yvh e re. joining with clubs, chrcesand civiç organizations to eniphasize thefact that 10,000 of the 16,000 mothers who die eacli vear from childbirtli causes necd not, die. if they are given adequate maternity care. Thé United States is the onlycouli- trv ïn the world whi ch officially sets aside a day on which to honor moth- .erhood and yet the death rate f rom niaternit'y causes ini the United States * is the highest in the ci.vilized world. This need not be the case.and ini or- der to arouse public opinion to de- mand protection. for, the nation's mothers. Mother's Day for the first tinie lias bèee (levoted to saving *-inothers' lives qnstea(l 0f giving theni, * flowers and candy. Death Rate Cati Be ,Lowered Thie fact that at least two-thirds * of the matèrnal deaths i the Unie States would not qccur if the inothi- ers hiad adequate rnaternity, care .1s proved -conclusivelv **I the records Qi public health organýizationis wil have a comprehiensive prog.rain for care of the -ex,,etanit mother. Nota- ble aniiongt such organizations' is the Infant Welfare Socîety of Chicago wvhose prenatal programi is unique-fii thîs Côtirnunity. Adequate naternitY care is the of),- * ervation, care and instruction byv doctors and nurses ot miothers froni thie tinle the womian thinks she iînav be pregnant until she is able to re- suile lier regular activities and to care for lier' new bal)%,, according to * Miss. Sara B.. -Place, superintendent q f the Iinfanit. Welfare Society of. Clii- cago. The aini of nmaternîity care is to: secure for every Mother thiejiniiinm of mental and discontort durin gpregnancy; ,the nmaximumi of mental and physical fitnesý when the, baby cornes; the reward of a well bab- and the >know ledgere fo r lierseif and baby. mnothex- or for service by a private physician. Af ter the birth of. the ba-. by the mother cornes again to the society's prenata1 conference for fi-. nal examination and her. baby is, brought to the infant conference for C ontinuing medical supervision for a period of six years. Serve MtheII Simo.1917 This prenatal service has been ren- per thousand -live irh gives Indispu- table evidence of the efficacy of the Infant Welfare society's miethods of mnaternity care: United States............... 6.5 Canada ....................5ý.6 Engiand-Wales...........4.1 Denmnark .............. .3.1. Netheriands............2.9. Chicago ......................7 Infant Welfare Society of Chicago............... IVilmettç Cires for 134 Wiiînette center ofthie Infant Wel- fare Society supports Alice H. Wood station at.1964 N. Hlaisted street,. one of the tweive Infant Welfare stations which prov'ides. this adequate tiaternity care. ,Last, year th is station tin. which Xilrette lias sucli a speci al interest eared for 134 expectant. mothers and. caine through the year with a. perfect, record of no maternai deaths. That the depiorabIy high mnaternityl death rate in the United States is due o iack of care is ciearly proved by the 'ttsi quoed above for other eoun*- W.HY WEAR READYMADES?,.. Royal Made-to-Ordev Cloth« Are Perfect in EvsyWy Th« Rite . ii Ke.pinsWith E verybodym -POCýk$.t-Bo ~25 TH& ROYAIL TAUO INcO. Ope«Tse. Thus. aid Rat. Evt>iuOa 1641 ORRINGTON AVE.. Evmnston --.MM Over 8,000Deiveries Withouùt a Lawn Spili RIad HatIng 011 fi. Contracts are now available protectig you in 6% I 1 A 1 ITv, A uniform, run of. dean oil, high West Lake Avenue and Skokie Valley Route PhoesW- mette 641-642- University 5035 - Winnetka 643.