into the newly construoted Christ Parish bouse, tht y had the choice of bringing with them the ]land-ship which they had used in the old buiid- ing, or of setting tip an entirely new craft. Because of the vastly superior accommodations in the new quarters. the latter .plan, was .adopted,' and work was begun on another land-ship which' would be in keeping with the increased spaciousness and the beauty .of the new parish buildings. The Albatross 11, as the successors to the original, craft will be, called,,is unique among Sea' Scout land-ship>s in that it is to be a ýstreamier. It is being constructed witb . yacht-like lines,.except for the beam dimensions. which wilI be unusually ample to give additional deck-space. Plans cali for a raked bow, a bowsprit,, twomasts, a funnel,ýa deckhouse, and eventuallv. a bridge. :The color, scheme isNbue. buif, and white. Parents of the crew cf the çhip, Sea Scouts and Scouters f rom neigli- boring towns, and all others inter- ested are invited to the christening. The committee which is handling arrangements for the ceremnony con-. sists of Scouts Davis, Kidd,, Melecher, Paveyv and Smith. Camp-O -Rai to Be Saturday, Sundayl Over thirty Boy Scout patrols are! ready for the North Shore Area Council Annual Camp-O-Rai comnîig this Saturday and Sunday. Mav 16 arid thie ounty iine road, nortnwest of Glenicoe. This public contest withi .over 240 boys participating will draw spectators from ail the north shore: villages. Keith, Roberts,, chairman of the Toni Campinig commiittee, de- cae "This -year's Camp-O-rRal., which Mil be over twice as big as 2 P. m. Saturday. The C-ontest will, close 8 o'clock Sunday miorning. Fox Patrol WiIl Strive to Wini- at Camp.O.-af The Foxpatrol of Troop 3, \Vil- mette. is working on plans for, the Camp-O-Rai which is to be lield inl the, Glencoe Forest Preserve, May. 16 and 17. The Fox patrol wýas picked by our Scoutmaster, Mr. Osborne. The. patrol is made up of Harrisor. Storms . Patrol "Leader. Ernest, Schaper, Raymond Peterson. Howard Ruif, Herbert Myer, Bill Faymonvill.e, Don.ald Barber, and 'Robert 'Turgeon Thesefellows made up a verv lively parland are going to try bard anà feel sure thev cari "bring home the 1acon." - Erne st Sehaper. Troop 3. wilrnette. Mcthodist Church.- Trail Game Is Diversion After Business. Meeting AÀt Troop 19's last miee ting ive laid plans for a hike May 9. On May WI aIl the Scouts and their meethers were planning to go to Ravinia Opera park for a Mother's Day program. After wve got through with the business p)art of our meeting we decided to lay a trail outside. of us wvent with Our chalk and told the others to follow at a certain time. The trail layers cam e Tho Etof Uet asmal seuVi . VACATION! lm Two Fmcmnatng Woeeh ALL the Moat upiring Sooeuaewy of the COLORADO REJCKIES If Nou de in a Coaninatiopn Children's Spring Specisi - Real'isticChiId Portraiture. in Garden Surroundingis-yet taken In the. Studio-ýw-iII More. Than Please You!l Until 14th of June' 'l 2-1.5x7 in, beautiful Polder 11-îI x4ýcomplefe in. rane, ($25 velue) Foir Only, $1 5.0 FRANCIS F or Appoint ment Phione Wilmreffe 2526 STUDIO 1122 Central Ave. Next door to Wlim.1t. Theat,.e li Our Shoe Repaur Department:, Special, Wecineaday and 77ursdayl, ýOak Hait-ASoles l in Amorica." May we tell you more? North Shore TRAVEL SERVICE Stde Bank ammd -Trust COMpany Evinston UnLS i l. 5000 W i.500S.0 N~a.----------------------- DAVis 1000 Rogers. Park 2775 Evanston WiUmette 1100. Winnetka 3400