I Meeting in Honor of Mothers Wins Hampton's Praise * Lord Hampton, chief 'Scout com- missioiner of Great Britain, acclaimed the "Youth's Tribute to Mothers' program ,herld Mother's day, May 10. at Ravinia park as a "jollyfineshowv." He- further stated: "When* I returi? to Enigland I will be sure to telI hen.. about t--this will interest them., T wanit to cong ratulate the Scouts or' the north shore--yes, a jolly*goo. show." The: attendance of overý 4,00(l would bave surpassed the previouslv announced estimfate of 6,000 had 14t not been for tbreatening weather. This program was sponsored by the North Shore Area council of 'which, Myron C. Ryboît is Scout executive. Nearly 2,000 B oy Scouts, Sea Scout-, Cubs, Girl Scouts,' Camp .Fir c iris and Girl Reserves participated Ini a colorful parade and rei'iew before the grand stand, filled to capacitv with mothers. fathers and friends. Henry Fowler;, president of the North Shore Area council. .was chair-. man of the prograrn. Lord. Hampton. and Bernard L. McNulty, president * of Chicago council of Camp Fire Girls. each presented tbree-muinute addresses as a tribute to the mnothers. The peak of . the programi was tP'e presentation of the Life Saving Honor Medal by* Chief Scout Execuitiv.e *. Jamnes E. West of. New York to the mother of Scout John H. Brumnbatugf Jr., Troop 3, Wilmette. The boy lost bis life saving the life of a fello\Scout. Pronounces Bemediction T lhe Rev. Harold Case, pastor of the North Shore Metbodist Episcopal church, Glencoe, pronotunced the. closing, benediction. At the close of the program each.of the Sea .Scouts". Scouts andý Cubs presented pins of their ranks to their mothers. The Girl Scouts, Girl Reserves, and Campj P ire Girls presentedfloWers to flheir mothers. Mr. Fowler stated that "theç splendid respnsne shown- hv the people nre- *C. M. Finneli, associafe regional executive or Region Seven, said: "I was pleascd with the 'spick and span' tuiform the organizations were wear-, iug. Also, 1 was glad to see the troop comnmitteemen marching. with their boys. NATIONAL SCOIJTING NEWS Bi Welli*mm Lelei President North Shore Arei Council Press club Eagle ,Scout, John Enfiejian lias just returned fromn the back;woods country of Vene >zuela wbere hie fias been witb the Syracuse Uni- versity eéxpedition as taxidermist. Twenty-eight blind boys ini *Pennsylvania recently formed a Scout Troop.-Boy Scouts of N\or- folk,. Va. , recently assisted in a drive for. cleaner.streets. Elmer jenkins, First Class Scout of Peoria, Ill, christened a muni- cipal boat the "City of Peoria." Your comments on this recently developed columnn would be ap- preciated. !Send -thein 'to William Lehie, Jr., 514 Park avenue, Wi- iiette. Scouts' Parents Attend Investiture Ceremony: Friday, May 8, Troop 11l had an Investiture meetinig. The parents of eachi Scout were thiere. Then 'the Scouts had a denonstration of tlieir drilling. Fatlier Norman conducted a very impressive Tendérfoot invest-, iture 'cereniony. Tenderfoot badgesý were given. to fifteen of the newt Scouts who h&d earned them, before1 the Board of Review. May 5. Thet movies of Camp Maà-Ka-Ja-\\ati were shown by Mr. McManus, the camp director, and he gave a talk along with the movies. The Troop will have a large group at camp.t Joseph. Leckner, wa's presented w'ith the Troop Charter for 1931. There were.,refreshments. and the meeting c losed with t he, Scout Oath.-Bob Rich, Troop Il reporter, -St. Franci.s Xavier church. Track Events Feature Silver FoxPatrol Wins Test Held by Troop, 22 lit Troop 22 of the Glencoe Union church there hasbeen a point conte,;tl going on for about five or sixtmonths which, finally ended up' with the, Si!-, ver, 1 ox patrol in the lead. This #7on - test vas one originated by Dr. S.: F. Hedgcock, our 'Scoutmtaster. 'It bas, a chart with the fintes of the five patrols 'iii Troop 22 and.a path for each, -mwmning-to the end of the chart. The idea of the contest was to see which patrol coul-d iment the1 most points.1 Points were given. when Socuts passed tests for attendance.ý when ranks were reacbed-and many other things... The Silver Fox patrol headed by Ralph Stcetzel, finally reached the end of the chart and as a reward for their ihard. work. received the honor of going tothe Camnp-O- RaI. Those that are going wilI sëe themt there.-Glencoe District editor. Dav.id Roberts. Cubs Clean Up Camping Place at Chippily Ridge Cub Pack 60 had a hike on Satur- day, April 18. The Cubs left thr- Sears gym, Kenilworth, at 9 for Chip-, pily Rjidge. They made tliis therir. camping place and picked up glass and tin cans, and piledýthem- in soute thorn bushes where no one would get cut. They cooked their lunch and then had a haif hour to pass tests.. Most of the Cubs passed. The Cub-ý then lbad a treasure hunt, but the treasures were mot al found. They were a five-poumnd box of candy and three one-pound boxes of candy. When the, Cubs Ieft, they each got two pieces of candy. Somt-e of the Cubs went dut Friday afternoon and slept that night at Chippily Ridge.-- Arénd Knoiop, Pack 6D, KenilWorth. Troop 23 Planning for t Hike on May 16 and 17 Mr. Below, our Assistant Scout- Tuesday, May .5, Troo'ps 1 and,2 IultOSina met at the Congrekational church. "Trusting They heard a talk on "Birds of the cording to Vicinity of Chicago," by Mr. Nelson.* and thankil Members of Troop 1. were the guests this, I arn of Troop 2. Al enjoyed thernselves heàrtily.-GeorgeCotTroop 1, Wvilmette 'Congregational church. 'o me. Sthis ac- judgment ention to '"'Very truly, Committees Tel About Progress .ofScout Troops Scouts Troops in WXilmette, Win- netka and, Glencoe- report consider- able Scout advanceme nt .for their troops in April. Following is a patrol list of the reports made bv the varioýus Troop, committees: Wilnette Advancemnt for April Troop 1-Tend.erfoot, Philip Sain- uelson; Menit. badges-Edward* An- drews, civics;. Vernon Brown, bugi- ing and first aid; Billy Grinnell. swimming; John. Pearson, cmvcs. Troop 3 - Menit Badges à- Martin Schara,- civi cs; Harrison Storms. metal work and bird study; Eagle- Scout-Harrison. Storms. Tro..p 22 Advazc.ment for April Star -Gordon Matthews; Lfe- Bob Moulton; Menit badges-Johni Fischer, stamp collectinig; William Fischer' civics, stamp collecting. Warren R: Bettcher, pathfinding and personal health;- Lewis Lepman, Jr.. athletics, firemanship; Gordon Mat- theëws, bird study,. cooking; James Mitchell, flremanship; Bob,.Moulton. bird study and athletics; George Murray, flremanship; William Mur- ray, flremanship; Jack O'Leary,ý firemanship; William Otter, atlî- letics, patbfinding; David Roberts, stamp collecting; Charles Sincere, personal health; and Ralph Stoetzel, pathfinding and 'reading. Wimum.tJa Advancem.nt for April Troop 14 ý-Second Class, David H offman, Hubert Howard, William McFadzean and George, Watson;: First 'Class-W.' C. Colemaàn; M erit. badges-Huùbert Howard, woôodcarv- ing. Troop .15-Menit:badges-Bill Chichester, firemanship ai d scholar- ship. Troop 17-First Class-Hamilton Daijghaday and Jack Leslie; Sta- Donald Rahn; Menit badge s-mDonalId Rahn. reading. -S5yd Craig and Tomi Anderson... Troop 20 -- Second- Clàss -- Paul- Eastman and Philip Eastman; Star- Donald Simpson. Troop 24-Menit badges-Robert Rucher, handicraft; William R ucher, handicraft; *and Phil Hoza, first aid. 1