Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1931, p. 38

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Dsy r . . M Have you any plants, or see( you would laike to donate to the mette Garden market this Sati May 16? This is your commn garden' market, the proceeds ofi go to village, beautifying, and yo invited to- be a part of it, bo .donàtinig and in. buying. Bring baskets' filled with plants to gr the market to seli, and take your kets home filled with- other1 that, y ou have bopght. l'hée market 'will be open >o'clock and will continue ail day The place is the, greeni opposit Wilmette avenue station -of the1 Shore line, where the four pre marketshave been held.. Raim o hine-nd -we regre admit that it is usualy rain---the ket wili take place.If' it raÎu umbreila will help; but it is necessary, for everyone ini Wit is a gardener and used to worki the rain-and certainly, rain wi hurt the plants., Gèt your plants ready the figi fore. Leave plenty of dlii .or roots, place them uHf boxes orf pots if possible, and label thenm them 'moiat. Your old friends,. the grower5 have been a part of the market year, will be looking for you. are bringing their choicest planr your selection and their price low. Buy what you want- for garden in your own market and unnecessary trips to the nu' later. Beside plants, the market wý usual, have garden tools, ferti bird bouses, and feeding statiot sale. An'd as usual, a candy and sale wilI 'be beld in connection the nmarket. The Wiimette Garden clu which Mrs. -E. L. Scheidenhe president. and the Eveiiing G club of Wilmette, of, which, Fa Lyon ispresident, are sponsorir market. Mrs. John, F. Weedci Herman T. Reiling are joint cha ofi the sale, Vista del Lago Lists *E vents for Early Photo by Toloff -s who On. Satiirday, Mai,9, Helen ,t each G race Peacock, daughiter'of AMr. They and Mrs. Williamn Gilbert Pcacôek as for of 128' Sixth street,' becamne the es are bride of Grier Dais Patterson of ryour. Chica go, Mr. an 1 Vrs. Patterson' 1 avoid are on. a three wircks' inotor trip, ýrseries in «Use sosth. The bride attended thse Chiicagio Acadcmty of Fine' .Arts vill, a. 'andd .çtidied art ini Paris. Mr. Pat- ilizers. terson wtas fgraduai cd.front. the >ns for Ui'st'of (hicai yola v sc/mol dt baiçea<nid is a nienl'cr of Phi A1lp'ha b, of elm is To Marry in East ;arden William Loninquist, son of' r. 'andj irle D, Mrs. Axel -Loiiiquist (-.f 500 1Elnîwood)t(1 ýng the, avenue, WrVimette, is leavingr on Mon-r m.and day, for Forest HiUIS, Long. Islasid. airMen Nq. . t wbewitb 'bis fiancée, Is Dorothy Gittere, and hier f amily, 'uintil thieir marriage which wi take' pla ce on june 10, ini the east. MIr. 1 ontiquist Mvay and bis bride are planning to returui tChicago and thieir future home ini Frank Lincoln Fowler, son of Mrs.i Robert Cuming of Kew Gardens andq the late Frank Lincoln Fowler of1 Wilmette and brother of Mrs. H. 0.1 Weishaar of 1331, Chestnut' avenue.i The ceremony was.performed' in thej Çýhurch-ini-the-Gardens by the Rev.1 .Warr'en Wheeler Pickett. Miss tucilie Duboif of Hartford, Conn.,.maid of honor, and Miss 'Mar- jore Herbert and, Miss Dorothv Wikof New York, were the1 bride's attendants. :George Wicke. served Mr. FoWler as' best man, and the ushers were. Erederick Zimmner- .manin, Alden Campbell, Burke Doweli. and' Edward Scheuster.' The bride was*gowned. in eggshell chiffon witij a train and long tulle veil triinmed in, orange. blossoms- She carried a prayer. book., Her- at-1 tendants wore pastel gowns of chif- fon and lace and carried Hill roses and delphinium.. Ferns, palms, smilax. and Calla lilies decorated the *church; and baskets of White flowers were aranmged at the altar, A reception was held after the service at the home of the bride's mother for' the wedding party 'and immediate.relatives of, the bride' aid lI)ridegroom. Mr. and Mrs.' Fowler have corne west, on 1 their wedding trip and are at pre sent guests ini the .Weishaarhorne iii Wilmette. Sets Wedding Dayý 'Wedding invitations are to beis sued next week to the wedding of Miss Alice Colby Judson, daughter of Mr. and-Mrs.' James McIntosh Judson of Evanston, and Gordon 'Canning, sont of Mr. and Mrs. A.nd- rew P. Canning of 889 Sheridan road, Hubbard Woods. Tuesday evening juste 9, at 8:30. Dr. Charles W. Gil- key, dean of the University of Chi- cago chapel will. officiate, .vith 'Dr. jantes .Madison , Stifler -assisting. ýFollowing the ceremony, which -wil take place ini the First. Baptist churcli of Evanston, a small reception will. bèe leld at the EvanstonCù-'ounItryý club-. o'clock. The 'president, Mrs. W. S. Campbell presented each of the re- .tiing officers and members of stand- ing committees, as weil as the dele- gates tô the Baptist Old Peoples home and the Baptist orphanage with corsage bouquets as a token of ber appreciation of ý the. work done by each dunring the past year.. The secretary, Mrs'.E. C. Carlson., gave a miost ,comprehensive summary of the work done by the society which inciuded reports from ail the officers and' stand ing committees. Be- tween the reading, 'of. this report., Mrs. Edgar A. Feliers, accompanied by'- Mrs .Frank G. Guthridge, sang in a mnost d àelightfui voice two groups -of 'songs as follows: I1 Would Weave a Song for You ..... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. O'H ara Melisande in the Wood .... Goetz Bit and Fir.........Lensmore Sylvia.............'Speaks. False: Prophe t..................Scott The Anamwer.................. Perry The 'presidènt then- caled 'for a report from Miss Annie Beach, chair- man of the nominating. committee, and, the following officers 'and chair- nmen of *tmdn committees were- electedý: mrs. George B., Wiiliams, presi.- dent; Mrs. H.- A. Smith, secretary;' MIrs. John Segsworth,. treasurer; Mrs. C. Herbert Jones,. program; Miss Minnié Haas, reading; Mrs. George N. Lamb, Christian Ameni-' caniization; Mrs. W. A. Kendnick, civics; Mrs. R. F. Lynxch, bouse; Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, publicity; Mrs. W. O. Haas, ' calling; Mrs. ,Henry Beach,' luncheon; Mrs. J. C Biay- lock, Missionary education. The following officers will remain on the board for, another year:, Mrs. A. V. Gruhn, vice-president; rAthur Scott, social; Mrs. J. A. Kaufman, ,White Cross;, Mrs-. A. 'Heerens, membership. é Cezy corner Circle Luncheon. Is May 21L The Cozy Corner circle of the Wil-, 'mette Congregational ch 'urch will gi've its third annual progressive Mrs. W. H. Jordan, Mr. and Ms. L. A, Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hart, and Mn. and Mrý. James M. Krafthefer of Wiiniette, and Mr. and Mrs; F. R. Kilmier of Keniilworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Erhlick,,Mr. and1 Mrs. C. C. Kidd, and Mr. andý Mr$.. R. . Fêeiman .of Winnotka. Ufl 04#, V. IL- - - -,-----. - --, give a shower in honor of, Mrs. Charles Tr~oth Annoanced Howe, the former Amnne Noyes of Win- netka. Mrn and Mrs. Charles 'Howe Mn. and Mrs. George N. Van Swer- wilI heave very soon to make their ingen of Evanston, announce the en- future home in New. 4ork city where gagement. of their daughter, Virginia, Mr.' Howe, who.is the son of Mn., and to George KennethBudd, 'son of,.Mrs,. Mrs. Charles D. HloNe of Kenilworth,' Charles D. Budd, 594 Glencoe road, has taken a position. Glencoe., on Friday, May ZZ, irom Z unu J o'clock' in the afternoon. and f rom 7 until 10 o'clock in the evening in honor of the 'confirmation of their' daughter, Eleanor Doris. The ccg- firmnation services wiil be 'beld atTemn- ple Mizpýah at 9:30 o'clock in- the' morning. Mr. and Mrs. Shapiro are not issuing cards for the jreceptîon..

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