Ravinia J une.2 t "Peter Ibbetson," "William Tell," and "La Basoche," thé three novel- ties %promised for this. season. of. Ravinia Opera, have particularly i-7 teresting histories.ý The season opens on Saturday evenIng, June. 20, and continues through Monday. eve ning, August 31. Coupon books, for gt admissions are. now on sale by mem- 'ers of, Ravinia Opera, club coin- niittees -in north shore towns. "Peter Ibbetson" was written in novel form in 1891 -by the fam9us cartonnist for Punch, George du- Maurier, since . when it bas become a best- seller-,àa play,. a movie, and now an opera. DuMaurier: was in bis six- ties wben be wrote the book, and it refiects the influence of bis lown child- hood. It spins the pure romance of theý drama of escape,, for in it the author sets forth bis, engaging theory. that a.,miserable niortal may project himself -into a happier sphere by the simiple device of what the book calls ".dreamiing true." MeI.dy la BeguiIitg Deenis Taylor, who bas made, it inte, an opera, bas composed a beguil- ing melody te a couplet from Chateau- briand. which drifts through the novel like a tender motif: "Combien j'ai douce souvenance Du joli lieu de ma naissance." While the opera is written in Eng- lish.1 the scenes of Peter's return to France are sung in French. At Ra- vinia the opera will be sung by Lucrezia Boni and Edward Johrnson *as the Ducbess and Peter, roles which they recently created at the Metro- pelitan world p-remiere. Florence Macbet.h is to be Mrs. Deane. Al- fredo Gandolfi will do Colonel.Ibbet- son.: and Leon Rothier appears, as Miajor Duquesnois. Rossini's "William Tell," which opée the season because* it classi- fies as a worthwhile revival and be- cause it holds fine. roles for Eliza- beth Rethberg, Giovanni Martinielli, and Giuseppe Danise, is the Iast *opera written 4y Rossini. The story Florensce Austral, soprano, wdill sing Handel and Wagner arias at the Thursday evening, May 21, performance of the Chicago-North Shore ,Music 'festival' at Patten gymuasim, Pvaston. Madam AustralI's husband,'Johin Amadio, uJEell pIà&j the flute obbliiato foir one of lier sangs, the David aria, f"Charmant l'Oiseaut" f ront "ta Perle du Bresil." Richard Crooks First Artist in Recital Series Richard Crooks, tenor, will open the Artist-Recital series sponso.red by the Winnetka nmusic club, on Novenber 2. He is an American who bas attained interna tional fame, and lie is no.w rec- ognized as a premier operatic and con- cert star througbout the world . Crooks wvas .sinigirig as church soloist at the age oëf nine. The choirmaster, gave him inistructions. for five years, and then. the youthful artist wvent to Newv York to sing i AilIAgels' church, where bis Nvork as a boy so- prano is still cherished, Wben bis voice changed. te tenor, it; developed The sale for single admission'tic- ets for the Chicago- North, Shore MusicJ festival is open at the Lyon~ and Healy stores in Evainston andi Chicago. -The sale of course tickets bas been very satis9factory, according te the. m anagement. Se great has been the demand that there is somne doubt about the poýssibility 'of filling, the large numn- ber of mail ordrs, for single concerts now accumulated., Guest artists will soon arrive -for the series. of rehearsals taking, place be- tween now and the opening of the festi- val. Thé first *to arrive: ill. be Lily jPons, who sings on' the opening night, Monday, -May 18. She cornes f rom ,Aon Arbor, wvhere she sang at.the festival. Noble Camn il Drect A Cappella Choir May 20 Thé ChicagoA. Cappella choir will be heard at Orchestra hall on Wed- nesday evening, May 20, directed.by Noble Cain. This is the second con- cert 'of the season, sponsore'd by Bertha Ott. The choir will sing choral numbeis' that are new to Chicago-ail- diences, and standard numnbers rep- resenting composers of America, Eng- land, IRussia and Germnan;v. IN PIANO RECITAL Among the students of Walter Spr,% who were presented in a piano recital last Sunday afternoon in Evanston was Peggy McCabe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. McCabe, 341 Washington avenue, Wilmette. Peggy played the "Veil Dance" by Frimnl. SOPRANO IN DEBUT Paula Schlueter, soprano, will rnako, her Chicago debut at the Playhouse on Sunday afternoon, May 24, under the direct.,ion of Bertha Ott. of Music Festival By Wutheda -1- PrtlA The Chicago-North Shore Music festival opens on- Monday evening. Mav 18. at Patteni gymnasium, ERv- anstn and will *continue during the weeký with. performances on Tuesday evenîng, May 19, Thursday evenin. May 21. and Saturday afternoon and evenin. May 23.' A galaxy of stars will ad the Chicago. Symphony -or---- chestra,.a festival chorus of 00 voices. a chiidren's chorus of 1,500 voices and the -A Cappella choir in. making the festival pass ýal previou .s records of attendance and enthusiasm. Tickets for single concerts are on sale at the. Lyon and Healy stores. in Evanston and Chicago. There will be a public rehearsal on Sunday after- non. May 17. On Mndyevening, May ý18, at 8:15 o'clock, the festival chorus and the Chicago Symphony orchestra, di- rected bv Frederick Stock,. will- of- fiicially ojpen the seasoin ,w4h the motet for double choir by Bach, "Now Shall thie Grace.". Honegger's great choral w ork, "King David." follows, with or- chestra.- organ, chorus, and with. Jeannette Vreeland, soépranEenor RÉeývnolIds, , contralto, Dan Gridley., tenor. and Pa ul Leyssac, narralor. ,as-' sîstintr. Lily Ponis, sensational French operatic star of the Metropolitan Opera company. will be head in "Caro Xoine.." frot Verdi's opera, "Rigo- lettc)," and in the "Bell Song" frotu "ILakme " by Delibes. The orchestra Will .11ay a'Debussy nocturne. "Fes- tiials." and Elgar's "Pomp and Cir- cumstance." P aderewski to'play On Tuesday evening, Mav 19. Ignace' Jan Paderewski will be hea rd. lilaying bis own A-minor piano con- certo with orchestra, and in a Chopin group conmposed -of_ the D-flat .major nocturne.; the F-sharp m inor Mazur- ka, opus '59;, the A-miîner Etude, apus '24; and ,the B-fiat miner Scherzo. The orchestra, will take up, the rest of the program playng Beethoven's over- ture te "Die Geschoefe -des Prome- theus." Schumann's fourth symphony, and Ravel's "XValtz," a choreographie poee. On Thursday evenirig, Mày 21, Sunday afternoon; May 17, under the direction of Éertha OttC Uis program includes seyeral cf bis own. composi- tions, "Variations on an Irish Theme," three waltzes, and "Passacaglia.". He will also play Beethoven's second so- nata, a g o cf Debuss numbers, Cl>opinS "Berceuse"' and Liszt's "Tar- auftlla" His sucecess with the orchestra made his name widely known, and . within a year he was f orced teo devote al of bis' time to concert engagements. Since then bis appearances have been a series of triumphs in America and Europe. To- dfLy he is. recognize& as one. cf the. greatcs t tenors th at 'this country b as produced. evenngMay21,and atudayai- Magnet and the Chitrn,", from "P'ati- troadevening, May 21 n S .rayaf ence"; "Carefully on Tip Tee Steal- te.roonandevenngMay23.ing,"' from "Pinafore"; "Tit Willow," -from "Irhe Mikado"; and "Whe' the Dr. Stock succeeds Peter Christian Feeman Bares His Steel,7 f rom "'Pir-, Lutkin as musical director o~f the-festî- ates of PenzanceY" The chorus will val. In order to take up this position aise, sing "Afton'Water," a1 Scottisb he resigned as musical director cf the l og TeAge' og"b grea Cicinnti ay fstial.Izaak Walton; "St. Patrick Was ýa 'q