afternoon, May 5, in the auditoriurn of the Hloward school. As always, this event was much eni- joyed. There was SQ mucb variety lu color, style and material, f rom soft voiles with large, graceful collars, and peplums, to brigbt tailored phints, that% each dress aroused f resh interest. Miss- Woodley, dornestic scieà*ce teacher un- der whose direction this work is doue. aspresenited wt a base of flow- ers by the eighth grade girls in, appre- ciation of ber woôrk with them through- out :the year., A very fine prograni of piano duets was given by Mrs. Arthur Ruif and Mrs.ý Mason, and was wvell. received by teaudience. During the lection of officers, Mrs. C. B3.,Cochran, vice-président, took the. chair. Offilcers elected for- the com- ingyear are as -follows:,Mrs. J. V. Smith, president;, Mrs.D. Kinnear, first vice-president; Mrs. R. W. Mc- Candlish, second vice-president; Miss Pet ie, recording secretary;, Misýs Reese, corr esponding secretary, and MsR.B. De Vinny, treasurer. Mrs. Cochran expressged the appreciation of the_ organization. for Mrs. ýSmith's *splendid leadership and for ber accept- anceI of this responsibility for another year. M rs. Stopa, school nurse, reported that fifty-nine children have been cared for by the sixteen dental clinics- paid for by the Logan-Howard Par- ent-Teacher association. Nine pairs, of glasses' have been purchased, and two tonsillectomies perforined out of our -welfare f und. A* letter of thanks I vas read from the Sunday Evening club) for Our contribution« to their treasury, and Mrs. Donald ,awl thanked us .for aý don atinth jBabies' Friendly.. Mrs. F. J. Dowd gave a verY 'con- plete and interesting report of. the con.- ventioni of the Illinois Conigress . of Parents and Teachers held ini East ýSt.* L~ouis April 21, 22 .and 23, attenided,,by - --- -- -t-vernonujiwAlvre she nas ucen atten-Fr to attend. Reservations rnay be mnade ing school for the past two years. pl through Mrs. Ludwig S. Skog, Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Ross, with their son, th mette 3571, or your room chairman., Carleton, will go to Washington, M~ Reservations wiII be closed June 2. An D. C., to attend the graduation exer- i interesting feature of this luncheon cises and from there, the entire f arn-*h le bride in Kenilworth. Mr. and Wrs. Tittle have returneci from their Kedding trip and are making their orne in Kenilworth. 1-210 cE?~94DVANVC&D SHOP (Pajamas & No<gigeesJ THURSDAY. 21 st-PAJAMA PARTY (Ther new ovening attire) Cgurert Sondays à e 91.8 . 200-Car Garage in, tbe Hal.i is avoulable for your car LONgboec 600 ITBRMS WILL BE ARRANGED TO SUIT THE PURCHA]SER STO VER IIOWNTOWN DISPLAY ROOM: 151 N. Miehigan Ave. Tel. Randolph. 4851 Evanion - 181 ShermnanAire. Greea 4 W. 0. BeYrer-- 1191 Ventral Ave . -Wlate81 GENIEBLAL OFFICES: 219 E. North Waer St. Tel. WhlteIaR 8141 H abbard Woodo -884 Linden Ave. ý Wlauetka ibis Pub~lie Service CompAMy et Northerui ]fllmlg at ail their omeeos The nside of.yoUr FRIGIDAIRE,. seamless, staintess without a corner, crack or crevice! -As easy to-keep..cean as the crystal of your watch- hswee of a damp cloth-zand the ,whole interior is as brilliantly white as a field. of freshly fallen snow sparkling in the Sun! Not sol much as a smudge can hide in the rounded corners or on the seamless sides of the Porcelain-on- steel interior of the.Frigidaire! A haif-lemon can lie