Thank You, North Shore! 'Me Drlive f0ér 5.000 New Customers is over. If was a complet.sess.W. are Very much gratfifed wibthe job w. did. -But affer 'ail YOU did if. and, again Wb thank youl W. continue i& May, witk daily department, promno- tionsithat offer you excep- tional values and wilI hetp us continueour increasing Volume of business. The Delightful Bakîngs of, the CQMMUINITY KXITCHEN at LORD'S Food Corner WEDNESDÀY . .. r ich tempflng "CommunitySpecial" c akeos" daintiIy ,frosted -(Y. , old by te-a or * afr)......$.. . 2 THURSDAY ..chocolt.e clairs, cdolicious pasiry'fillei witti rcb custard and covr.d l with chocolats. Eac.XVC FkIDAY . .. old fashion.d suget S Food Corner Ploor, Center I A Smart Sazlior Hiat of Rough Pineapple Close-JUttinLIstratO hats iit newtu tr ban. effects! ig and Littie Hats, Special $5.00 The two bats sketcbed are - quite typical of the bundreds of smart ýstyles we are* now showing. They are- deve 1rly designed in baku, ballibuntl or the new boucle effects.ý Ail h.adsizes and every color., In I,' .liillinerv SecIcion-ýLORD'S-Second Floor Wh ite. e O The Present Vogue hn Corsetry mer FlIo0r 'ê.ISA LORD'S OFFERS TH FROM THEIR "iss, I I In th.e Miss Junior lit the Corset Section-LORD'S -Second