Cleveand Hleights, Ohio, couldn fot be completed and the debate will flot be held this year. The f act that the coach of the Cleve- land team bas. been ill is one reason for cailing off the-debate.- Relations hetween the two schools probably will. beresumeci next year, Mr. Mactean stated. New, Trier> bas met. Cleveland, IIeights on the debate platform for four y ears and bas won three of the four annual deates. New Trier is now negotiating with Kenosha Ligh :school of Kenosha, Wis., for a debate to replace the Cleve- land Heights affair. If'arrangementsý with Kenosha. cannot be completed, New Trier probably will meet Rock- tord or somne other large high scbooi on, the chain store question,, Coach MacLeati stated. New Trier. Grads Win ,Honors at Dartmouth The names of Charles B. Hill and Frank B. Corneil of the senior class at Dartmouth colle,. and Clarkçe J. ýMuntn and Leslie -M. Huntley of the ju nior *class at that college. have have been. reported t'O New Trier High 'scbool as having been included in th" honorary report of tbe deanl- o, the college on ".Men of Distinc- tive Schilastic Accomplishment."' These men *a1 nmade averages weil above "B" for the first semester of this year, the report stated. Hill, Munn and Huntiey are New Trier graduates,. while Corneli was for a timé a student at New Trier. John W.liff 'to'Head N. U. Student Counci1 John W. lijif, son of Mr. and Mrs..' George F Iliff, ý924 Linden avenuÜe. Wilmette, wva.s lected president of the Student. counicil1 at Nortbwestern: university Thursd ay of, last Week.. Mr. Iliff is a junior at the universitv and a member of the Sigma Chi fraternit.y. He is a graduate of Newv Trier Township. Highi school. 1 The golden text was, "If a man think hiniseif to be something, when he is nothing, he deceivetb hiioseif" (Gala- tians 6:3). *Among the citations whjch cornprised the lesson-sermon was the f ollowing f romi the Bible: "And because ye are sons, God ,hatb sent f orth the. Spirit of bis Son into your hearts, crying Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an beir 'of God through Christ" (Galatians 4 :6,7). The lesson-sermon also included the following passages f rom the' Christian Science ttitbook, "Science 'and Healtb with Key to the Scriptureis," by,, Mary Baker> Eddy:- "Through discernment of the spiritual op posite of mnateriality, even the way through, Christ, Truth, Mnan will reopen with the key of. divinie Science tbe .gateg of Paradise which buman belief s bave closed, and will find himself unfallen,, upright, pure, and free" (p. 171). Walter T. Linde of New York 'City was a recent hoüse gizest at'the home of bis brother, N. P. Linde, 1638 Central avenue, Wilmette. painting; "The Giant Stair," a serious character melodrama by Wilbur Daniel- Steele, dealÎng. witb exciting adven- tures on a lonely farm' and the psy- chology of the farm people, and Chek- hof's "'Marriage Proposai," a.. Russian burlesque. MOVÉ TO WINNETKA Mr.' and Mrs. Alvin C~ Bowe and their daughter,., Susan, of Minne- apolis bave taken the GregoryFae houseý at 1202 Cherry treWin- netka. Wbile tbey were finding a borne on the north shore, -Mr. and Mrs. Bowe were the, guests, of the latter's parents, the J. C., . Mannéruds of Evanston, formerly of Wilmette. aliýt he world lIke a chemise!. This p er t de- slgfl, created for the sllght fgure,, le of pink crepe dé chine wjth uplift but and godet 'o' d.anty le.Supple elaSlcta0- aser tsa aug the hipe, to siendernese.. Model '4832 1ýý THE EICIIOI-l GOSSARD SIlO? 7 2 East Madison Street- CHICAGO# ILLINOIS MAY CLEARANCE o' SPRJNG DRIESSES SUITS and COATS Sports- Daytime and ormai Drese SMAIITEST iVEAL- LOOP APMUE1VT OTEL Reduced to 'I6*~ $j915 *4~ PHONE BUCKINGHAM 0620 Fe a n Natonal Gegaphic Back numibers SUpplied: North Shore, Hotel Bl.dg. Evanston, 111. ~~phaê.WHI~.haII 5620 M I