Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1931, p. 1

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r Former Village President to Be Honor Gest at Civie Banquet' Monday' Tlanis. haveî been tornpleted for the dinner to be held in honior of Earl E.Orner, retiring Village president,. at the Sha Wnee Country club Mo.nday' evening, May 18, at 6 :30 o'clock, an( a large attendance of Wi 'limette citi-. zens is expected. m Reservations for thèý dinner cos Saturday, May j6. Residents wýho have -not already madle, reservations and Who wisli to do, so may get ini tonchl wi'th J. E. -Wortheri, Wilmette 2313, or George Iliff., Wilmette .1882,. ini thc evening. Serves 26 Years The dinner is heing arraniged by the Wihnette Civic leagne in appre-' I ciation of Mr. Orner's extended pub- licservice., Mr. Ornier served as Vil- lage clerk fron .1905 to 1925 and as Village president fromn 1925 to 1931. Guests of honor, in addition to Mr. Orner, w.ill, in clude Stanton' Van ;In- wagen and Ernest C. Cazel, retiring mienl)ers of -the Village board, and jth e neéw Village officiais, President Carbon P., Dn)bbs andý Trustees A. X.Froehde, Stacy C. Benniett anid * Arthuir Lee., Install New President Dr, Donald .. GallBe, retiniing *presidenit of the Civic leagnle, ivill 'he toastmnaster, an.d wvill instaîl bis sic - - cess or,. Hector Dodds, as. presidenti of the lçague. Other: new leagn.e officers. to lbe iii - stallecI at th: meeting iniclcîne: George F. Iliff. vice-presidet; Ralph .H. I)ànnlni secretary': ,Eý'dwini 13 Knudtson, treasurer, and Elmer D. Beck-er, RIolbert Sto(dard, William D. Leý'Týary, and John P. Baîlman, direc- tors., * Directors; w~ho still hav'. one or more years to serve 'are.: H.dyes Mc- * Kînniey, C. -Miles McDonald, Herbert Mufilford, H'oyt King, J. E. Wortheln .Arthtir Se'ibold,. and 'noch Sfeen. Guest of Honor Earl E. Orner, ret'ired Village, president, 7vill bc the gutest o f honor 'ta dimnereetingf of the J-il- mette Civic league to bc held at the Slzawnee Countrv club Mlonda y crnigMay 18. 'Mr. Orner Iast ,(,col,,terminrated twe nt y-sir con- secutive 'arç of,'public service., He w<as fô 'e;Ycyars IWilmieft's Village clerk. New Village Attorney FAssumes Duties Here Willis' D.- Nance, 66 Indian Hill. road, whose appointrnent as Village, attorneév of Xil ette 'xvas annoutice(l last wveek, i's a me Mber of the Iawi firmn of Kirkland, Flem-,inig, Green ami Martin, 33 N. La Salle street, Chicago. He lias been with this firmn about ten' vears and bias lived in Wilnmette for the Iast two vears. He is a 'menuber of Meet Monday to Ponder Wilmette Community. House Residents, of Wilmette, as Weil as noit-resident taxpayers, have béen in- vited to attend the' meeting1 to be held Mon'day night, Mav, 18, at ý 2 o'clock at the !Village hall when a permanent organizaition> will be formed to consider ways and mea ne of building and maintaining a- com- munitv bIouse in Wilmette., The meeting. is to be held tinder the auspices' of the *Wilmette Cbam- .ber of Commerce, anid'B. T. Clark. secretarv of that organization, stated this %week that the meeting will 'start *prônmptly and will.be of, short ýdura-. tion. J. E.:Xorthen', president -of thé 'Chamb)er of-Commefrce, will presi-de. Represéiitatives f rom every civic, relig-ions, business, social and fra- ternai organization in. the Village have 'been invited to attend the mneet- ing. and the Chamnber of Commierce is hoping for a full representation. lTe Chamber is also desirous that every resident who can sparel the limie will attend the meeting. Albany Park WiIl Join Wilmnette in Memorial Albany Park Post No. 124, Ameni- ca!i Legioi, will1 join Wilmette~ Post. No. 46 ini tî Memorial Day services and also in thie parade dur'ing the' afternoon in: Wilmiette. it is 'an- nýinùce[ Full details of the program are. to be given 'in iiext week's issue Of MWIL MFETTELIFE. MAKES CRIME STUDY. 'Chief of Police Henry Brautigani has .just completed a four weekse coufrse at the Northwestern ,Univer- sitv scienitific laboratory for the, de- tection of crimie. The 'chief is readyý, to- drive any, prospective criminals ont of Wilinette. Many Residents Plan, to Hear Alfred .C lHottes. on Friday, May 15, Mlanvýl north. shore residents are awaiting Friday evening, 'May 15, when Alfred, Carl Hottes, natiônally known, garden expert, will give a lecture in. the Wilmnette Womnan's- club building, Tenth street and Green- leaf. avenue,'ý Wilmette. . The Evening Garden club of Wilmette is. sponsor- ing this évent. M r.. Hottes,* associate editor of Better. Homes and Garden magazine, comes to the north shore through the instrumentality of Howard, S. -David-, son of Wilmette, a member> of the Evening Gard 'en club, -who bas co- operated with Earle D. Lyon, presi- dent o<f the, club, and Mrs., C. D. Ewer, chairman of the organization*s prograrm committee, in bringing this lecture to the north shore. Gardens and Happiness. "The Gardenîs Answer to- Our Quest for Happiness" will be. the theme of the lecture which will be presented in the large auditorium of the Woman's club, seating more than 600 persons. A very nominal admis- sion' charge will be made to defray the expense of securing the audi-' torium. Invitations have been.sent to other garden clubs of the north' shore, and the, response indicates à large at- tendance. Anyone, wbether or not a lieember of an organized garden club, is invitedto attend, it is explained. Gardening as an adventure for al ages with a 'Cultural appeal flot con- 1 'fined toô riches, region or season, is the refreshing' emphasis. made by Mr. Hottes in his garden talks which are delighting large. audiences through- ont the nation. *Wide ly Known as Wrter An author of wide reputation, Mr. be ýi nuIsaay. For this reason ail deadlines for aclvertising and news copy are ad- vanced onle day. News items must be received not' later than Tuesday noon to insure Publication. 1Classifi'ed ads .will be, accepted' up to 9'p. mi. Tuesday. j1un~ir Laii . ................. Mlusic Pages..........36-37 Society. Pages ... .....383. fuel advértisenlents issue are your best to satisfactory servic dependable quality. nai mhe in this guides ice and, - I. PARK BOARD ELECTS The following officers were elected hy the members of the Kenilworth Park board at their recent meeting: Edward Hamm, president; Harry .Weese, treasurer, and Benjamin-P.IJ. Odell, secretary, and park board, at- torney.

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