VOL. 1, NO. 18 Publie Speaking BanquetWill Be on Friday Night The annual Public Speaking banquet 'wilI be beld in tbe teachers' dinin~ room at 6 p. i. on Friday of this week. Th is year the theme of the banquet is to be the Good, Shîp Public Speaking. Ail the public speakers %vill cornein formnai attire. M Iiss *Payton, their instructor,, has very cievériy worked out the scheme for tbe speeches. The main plot of these wiil necessarily bie kept a secret f rom-the generai pub- lic until next: weck's issue. Frein some seventy-five students the toastmiistress and the sixK speakers of tbe evening bave beeti selected. It is. our pleasure- at this time te disclosel their, names: Toastmnistress, Jean Hall; speakers, Ed. Dierks, Meta Miller, Margaret Bickham, Jim Enrigbt, Martba Wilen and Dorralnce Nygaiard. Entertainment plans have been made by Betty Buckett who bias stated 'that sone, very unusual talent wvil Ibe %it- nessed. Onie word to tbe .hanique'teers of to- morrow evening-come earlhfr the gang plank is -pulled tîp! New Trier's Newspaper1 Will Be Dis-eussed oon TIn the near future the juniors ulty sponsor, Rcoert . arpenter, will speak; aiso the present staff.. It is hoped that the underclassinen wil be tbinking about the desirability of' a school paper and just the kind -that they weuld like. The staff hopes _that- - the News Flashes is net> an enxd in itself but the forerunner cfq a really vital school paper, that Will- functioni in the capaeity cf news bearer and ail organ of public epinien, it is stated.î New Trier Style Show1 SCIENCE CLUB The.science cluh,' accerding te Mr. Christensen,' sponsor of, the Club, bas !men rather inactive of late. The next, meeting wiIl probably. be the iast one of, the ichool year. A nnual Senior HOP .Planned for lune 6 The ainual Senior hep is to be dis- tinctive. -Net iii the "four yea rs we c an rememfberbas there been a New "trier party like it. If tbe plans cf the decorating committee materialize te the extent they are beping- for, the cnies wbo corne will probably wish tbey. had their- umbrellas; fer the party is te be an under, sea affair, witb sea-weed, recks, strange- fisb,, every- thinig te prompte the local celer. Light doesn't .penetrate water very. far, and so the ligbting effect is tobe dlinî and vague. The juniors are in.vited. Sum- nier, format will be the costume to wcear. The date is :to bc June 6. To Reveal Winner of Tri-Shi>, A ward. Ballots have been cast for the boy. who is te get the Tri-Ship award. As yet tbe winner lias net been an- nouniced, but at the last honor assemi- biy, of the vear hie wili be made known. The candidates arc John Ba rden, George Boylston, Jack. Howe, Fred Uind, Dorrance Nygaard, George Ogan, Guy Rebbins and William Sundlef. 'The winner will have his naine engraved. on a plate eOver the mantelpiece in the Tri-Ship clubrooni, and lie will receive a cup -.whjch hle wilI keep hinseif. The award bas 1-een recognized as unique. The awardee wiil be pickedsolely by stu - dent cioié, the faculty hiaving notb- ing t<> do withi it. Officers for Girls' Club Are Elected on Tue.sday- During advisor reoi peiriod, last Tuesday, the following we.re, voted on. for oficers for thie Girls' club for next year:' JPresident - Agnes. HalIey, Mr Jane Rich; vice-president. - Betty Dostal. Esther Kriebel, secretry- 1The genenal sci ence classes under the direction of Mr. Conden and Mrs. Hudson visited the Planietariumn last Fridav. The students left at the end cf fifthperiod in a chartered bus. The excursion was- very interesting and- every oné had an. excellent, .tire. l was instructive as wel as a great, deal cf fun. IEWARE! Financiai experts are predicting that a grave ecenomic crisis is ap- proachinig New- Trier.' The stii- dents are net buLying their Echoes at the, bargain price of $2.50. Wben, june cernes,. they wil1 have te pay $3.00, -and it isý foretoid that this and the. heavyý expenses that ,accernpatiy- graduati on will cause a great many people te stay b orné ýduring .the iast..week-ends of scbool. Yo! HO! Seaworýthy, Sophs Hold Part y 'The sophomeres held a Mariners' party iii theimess hall ast-Saturday niigbt as their second, dance cf the year. They had'the mess hall dec- orated in w very original andappro- priate fashion. japanese anterns wée strung diagonally frein ene cor- ner of the room to the other, cross- ing eachi other ini the middle., Since these were the oniy' lights, the effect was, very pleasing.- Scat - tered about the reom were varie*us parts from boats, suchi as a hein (placed on the orchestra stand), sev- erai life preservers, greeni and red lights, and vanious other parts. Judg- ing f rem the arnount cf punch seme of the dancers crank, the life pre- servers were lalmest necessary. The entire d4nce fleer was roped off In the nianner of a promenade deck. WVhite captains' bats were passed out as favors. AThe miusic was exceptienafly fine. It was furni shed by the 'Meledians," a coinparatively new orchestra, buti iievertlieless tbev knew their music. Regular'Election Held by Tri-Ship Boys',-Club Thée election for the Tri-Ship Boys' club was held on Wednesday, May 13. Trhe nomninees are: -President -George_ Quinlan, AI A sephemore assembly Thursday, May 7. was entertained by Mr. Van Kirk. Tbrough his neadings about romance en a raft and a Scotch caddy he reduced the sephonore class.to a-weak state. Heé gave the excuse that the. prognairnb. a d been just-prepared for thé boys. New Trier Boy ini County Finals of Oratory Test. Dan Wacbs, senior at..New Trier, High school, will compete in the Cook. County' finals .cf the Daily, News Orat orical contest- on FPriday evening -of. this week at 8 :15 in the Civýic theater, Chicago. Eight other otstns each a wihner in his respective district, will viet with achs for the county vie- toryr whicb will carry with it. an award of $500 and a,.tnp to Europe.ý as well as -the riht te represent. the. state in- the national oratery finals at Washington, D. C.. C. W. Reiley, teacher of civics and historyr at New Trier, coached Waclis. in bis oratien, entitled, "John Mar- shall -and the Constitution." For his victory on Tuesday cf last week ini the Daily News building, Wacbs re- ceived a goid niedal designating hini as champion cf the ninth district and qualifying, hini te enter the. county- finals.. Five speec h experts, . two from Northwestern- university, two. f rom the Univetsity cf Chicago, and oee frorn Loyola university,> will be the judges on Friday. Each contestant is te give two orations, one cf which is te be prepared, and the other te be extempôraneous. Tickets for this final contesi ;nay- be obtained f rom Mr. Reiley at New Trier High school. Dan Wachs is the 'son cf Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wachs of 1144 HarnP- tondale road, Winnetka. This is'the first year the student lias entered .a major, oratoricai contest. New Trier Represen te d in Ravinia Park Parade, We noticed many New Trier sttiL dents Sunday afternoon when we were standig in the ramn watching the STAMP CLUB EXHIBIT' The cooking reom last Tuesday afternoon was the scene ef the 1931 Stamp Club exhibit. The club was especially honored at this meeting by having as its speaker and guest cf honior Mn. Roberts of Wihnette. Who has one cf the rnest exte'nsive.cotlec- tien*s in the United States. 4êt k