Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1931, p. 12

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the north shore villages in presenting evidence to the Illinois Commerce commission in order to effect a de- cision for grade séparation. Wilford W. DeBerard, Wilniette- Village trustée, chairman of its grade separa- M r. of 207 guest& Curtis inent vocal1 EvergwereWamsena t J. thé wil Mt Mr& and Mrs. Pecy W Faiman A week ago Miss Darling attencled Golf terrace had as their house apro tteUiest fIlni slast week, Mr. and Mrs. Ro,, and staved at lte Sigma Chi. bouse urtis of S t. Louis, Mo. Mrs. on the campus. This last week-end (Angelina Curtis) is a proni. she bas been the guest of frierids in concert pianist an(l has studied West Virginia at a bouse party. She for several years ini Paris. will return to her home'in about teri days. On >May 30, Mi'ss Darling will go to Annapolis to be there-for -Junie week and for the prom. given by the AIM Tadiumid midshipmen. She will be there1 until the1 navy men leave for their anniual Ab u Iesummer cruise which ivili Ilast for LODEN ~O FEEthreexnontbs. returning to the Uiited MEASURE HrLseMiss Jane Darling, %who ur cffetéxpeb ofer, oubas been at Ogonitz, will, return to emissn 11nk i exefiit fer yu.Kenilworth to spend the -sumnier with lssln n te d cfeeinie re-er.parents, Shew~ill arrive. on Mav th the new Modem Coffé 27. Miss Jane isý verv well known.oiu tésure, k ItacturtteIy mus-the north .shore for lier .splendid theiL amo.mnt of I uýe . a horsemanlship. miakes a delicious cup of cols.e evéry Urne. Ym will 8180 te- clve a GookIton ""The-Art col Colof Mklg. Ob liLNTINAL v&coeb39orAHEEtEICANND'aiie'27c & ~ ~ ~ U B.1FS lKTUEO" ~ Ouoib-EN21c er 3 %t LENDCOF*E gren bsi Wits-Silverieau - Pure Render4d- P Lard.. carton or tub 2l.. 19C NO. 2/45 taches 3 con50c Pabstuet i:It dLt 2 .t li3c White Hous. Rice Flakes £ pkp.2c Quaker Oats 2 ' £C17c. Maaya.naise C As .. lc John Leach, jack Riley Make Deru at N. U. Two Wilmette, boys -Wbo have been attending Northwestern uniiversit, have been 'hortored with electiorn to Demi senior bonorary society at the university. They ýare John leachi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbhert J. Leach of 630 Washington avenue. and Jack Rilev, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. ýRiley> of 730 Lake ave nue John, Nwho is the president-elect of Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour- nalisni fraternity, nigbit editor of the Daily Nortliwestern, and one of the managers of the W. A. A'. Union show this year. is a graduate of the 1928 class -of New Trier High school as is also jack, Riley, who is the foot- ball and wrestling star of the coliege.. Both boys are inembers of the Junior class. Mrs. Paul H-. Davis of 256 Wooel- stock avenue, Kenilworth, will retutni this week fromi Washinggton,1.C, where she bas spent -a sbort timne visiting her brother, Morton'i Milton, and a niiece, Mrs. Frank Setzler. Mrs. Davis accompanied ber mother, Mrs Harriet Milford, back, to Washinîg- ton after she bad. been ber guest at ber bomne in Kenilworth. Names of the honor roll and honor- able mention studerits at New. Trier Higb school for the second nionthi of the second semester were an- nounced recently. To receive honorable mention a student munst have an average of "B." To be on the bonor rol be must have" an. av- .erage.above "]B."< *Twelve boys and eleven girls bad straight "A" averages for the second month of -the semester. Thèse sti- dents are: Girls-Amy Clagett, Ruth Jackson, Frantces Lutz, Claire Simons ani Dorotby Winzenburg, seniors: Jacin- ta Kampmeier, Elsieý Wade and Caroline Yerkes, juniors;, Barbara Wile-sopooe and Alice Ebel- ing and Alice Holloway, fresbrnen. Boys-Paul Gilbert, senior ;.George Colé and John Dernehil, juniors;, Charles Kna pp and Stanton ;Schu- man, s ophomores, and, William Bowen, Burrage Farwell, Peter Cil- bert, Richard Hall, John Mathiiesoi,, George Maxwell and Cy ',\acKinioti, freshmen. Following ià a com plete list of the honor students: SipNIOR GIRLS Ronor Roll Amny Clagett, Ruth .ackson, France.s Lutz, Claire Simnons, I>orothy Winzen- buirg, Ethel Ande'rson, Pat.qy'Boylston, Fannie >Brown, Alice Conhal-m,, Mary Ferrarini, Jean Mteck, Ma,,,ry Jane Mess, Ruth Tay,"Phyllis Brown, Ethel Piere.. Jane Orr,. Theda Chlld. Virginla Pre.s- t"n, Polly- Apooner, MYartha Wilen, Ruth Offner, Betty Buckett. Katherine Mnx- well, Meta Miler, Margel Smnall, Vir- ginia Sprague, Alie Hillinger, Lucille Lutter, MaryMelvin, Elizabeth Potter. Honorable Mentioni Lora Baughnian, Margaret Bickham. Mary Ellen Boozer, Martha Forman, Mary Katherine Gleason , Lois CldM stein, Jayne Hardwirk, Thelmà Bay- skar, Helen Hodgklns, Margery Hume, Lihi. Johnson, Agnes Jones, Sally Krie- bel, Christine Lind, Janle Ludwig, Winl- fred Lundqil§t,, Virginia N4elson,4 Ruth Phelps, Marion Popper, Airdis Rteld. Vir- ginla Riethelmer, Charlotteý Speigel, Pauline Splegel, L.oulse Wagner, Fran- ces Whitman. ZUNVIOR GIRLS Honor Roll Jacinta Kampmeler, Eflsie Wnde, Caroline Yerkes, Ma'ry Jane Thomlas, Ellen Sager, Elizabeth Balhatchet, Grace Bartllng, Jane Dement, Bettyp flostal, Margaret Ebellng, Jane L.un-- National Food Stores lUE~~~~o eAI SCS0FTut MUBSLE Ws? SUCI 189 Aie sCars wMwY, 66Church Si.,: Gr# 311 *0 t

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