Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 May 1931, p. 8

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This w e ek exert extra effort to avoid accidents. B~ut at the sanie time pre- pare yourself to avoid the seriotis consequenees of accidents t b a t happen anyway. Replenish your homesup- ply of absorbent cotton, nteri1ized gauze and adhe- sive plaster. Moreoveri in- siston the Firstaid Brand. Phones Wlrnette and, 152 ROusit here for lIess BUTTER, I brick or rol Best, 939 Romona road. Mrs. T. L. 1D. Hall, Mrs. AI Ro- denkirk, .and Dr. Beatrice Hawkins' represented the unit at Hospital day last SundaY at Great Iakes and North Chicago hospitals. Sandwiches' and cakes. were, turnlished hy tmembe)rs and cigarets a.nd cairn.ationis ini honor, of Mothcr's day were distributed to mcin of our ward. As Mrs'. E. H. Myrlanl'd, urRéhabilitation. chairman, bas, left town for anl extelnded trip, Mrs. George L.eal and Mrs. F. J.. D[owd are, taking over thée %-ork .of this, comitiitee. until lier rtturnl. ,Mrs. A. W. Bersch gave lis the high- lîglîts on coniniuiiistic aetivities.iii RuS- sa .and here. w'hich made uis ail feel the great iîeed of an :Amiericaiiisrni)ro- grain to coteract fliese influences. \VlimBerscli asaiino(unced (the wvinle.r of the flag contest sponsored hb' to do epertwor-- dec------ - Iha stnstetsto t n giv copeestifcin M.XPreRTu to diexert and -Decoratn * 1030ha stan th teston ers7md die.d -Iast Friday at the Edward Hines Mernor ial hospital. He bad un1 der- gone an operation the previous dav. Mr. Arnswald, who was 34 years old, hiad worked at, the Kenilworth postoffice ýfifteen months. Ris health failed and lie was, forced to give up his work after the 1930 Cliristnîas mnail rush., Since then hiehad beenl at thle Edward Hines hospital. Ini Mav, 19 '17> Mr. Arnswald, witli two brothers, enlisted in Company B. lO8tlî Enginieers. Thé three brothers served with that compaîîy in France. Mr. Arnswald was honorablv dis- cîiarged ini lune, 1919. He waàs a niembher of thé Dunieresque Spencer. p)ost of jthe American Legion at Highland Park. Survivinig him arèï his widow, 'Nfr s. Flora ArnlswaId. his parents,Mrad Nf rs. ýGottfried Arnswal, 585 Glen- view,ý avenue, Highland Park, a sister. Mfargaret, anîd threé brotiiers. -Carl. Theodore aind Arthur. *The fulieral service.s vcrc 1 el Nlondav afternoon from bis parent., residence to the .Germani Lutherani chutrch iin H-ighland Park. Post- master Douglas S., Crooks of Keniil- ,worth.was one of the palibearers. and other mnembers of the Kenilworth' postoffice force attended ttue funieral. erosity ini providing this vý,ery enjoyable. prograni. Refreshnments were servcd by ýthe soci al committee.y .27e enjoy ONT lb .... ... . . ..a . .. . . .. . . . ROASTING AND STEWING CHICKENS it cornes from uPearsonla" its the beot W. Deliver to Wilmette, Kcïidlwortlh. WiUOntk84 TERMINAL BARBER SHOP' Phone WiIme.ff.3970 Mrs., Fre d Von der Lippeni, chair- mnan on, the cornnittee for the May dance at the WVoman's club May 23, aninounices that there will be cards and prizes for those who do :not* dance. Reserv'ations, for card tables must be nmade in advance. Xilnîette unit, wil be. represented ini an organization being f oried,to con- sider the building and mnaintenance of a Wilmette Community Houise, byDr. Beatrice Hamvkins. Thiis is a mnatter of great interest to'the Atixiliary and Nve are glad to bc so ablv represented. A noîninating committee wvas e lecte(l to pre 1sent' nothnînatioîls at the Julie meeting for officers who.se ternis expire thîs year. 'fTic coniîînittee isasý follows: N[rs., R. XV. NlcCitinlisli. chaîrînan. Mrn,. S. M. Püerson, Mrs. D. C. Leach, Mrs. Fred Von d1cr Lippei, and 'Mr.. 0. G. Diy Mrs. F. J. Dowvd made an miterestmng Mrs. George Stone, program nchîrý man, to whom we are ind<ebted for the initeresting progranîis ;t, our meetings. intr< duced LUICdsav y dofGlni ,a. stu(lent at New Trier., who, rea( for'ius. Hie first. prcsented a Short dramnatieé plav, vhich wvas very, well (lone, and sCver-al- humorous numbers, ail ver% nîuch appreciated by his audience. Our thanks are due Mr. Field f or bis gen.- Pinter --25e uze- Gauze * 39C s-e. CottoIn .-20e suze q tame to odd Straimed co Baby'. diet, dora't your DocEor ana eht to us. 4 4, t t. The Golden Rule AppIies -to Business PEARS.ON'7S- MARKET RIDGE AVENUE, WILME'TE 1 Phones: Wilmlett e8md8 .i-à. ..........

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