Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1931, p. 7

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ment' in Milwaukee. The -sympathy of. the Post was expressed by flowers and a delegation headed by Comrade j ack Walther. At the April meeting the appoint- ment of a Commnunitv Hlouse .com- mlittee vag a mou nced by Commander Ml.ohr, .The personnel of titis coin- mnittee consists, of Fred -M. Coxon, chairman, and Comrades 'Flentye, james,. Leach,, Leal, Mohr, W. M. OCoîinell, Orr and Peterson. Com- rade Coxon will, represent; the Post at thé meeting called l)y the, Cham- lier of Comnierce for Mopday, May 18, for theé )trpose of organizing the Wilinette Commnunity House' associa-* Coinrade*F.. H. Mvrland. former chairman of the entertainmpent cer-« mittee, to whiomtie lpost is indebted for the excellent en-tertaiinment.ar- ranged for meetings so far tiis ar is no 11o.1an extensive automobile trip).. His place as chiairmnan is iiow, being *ahlv filled 1w Albion D. Albright, %vhose comîittiee conissts of the fol- lowing: B. enner,' C. A. Petersoni, Drewes, Scherzer and IM-ack. An ii- terestipg prograîrn las been aàrranged *for the Max' meeting, whichi wiIl be held. on Tulesday, Mav 12, at St. Anigustîne's Club house. Meeting 'is called. for 8 o'clock. -John B. Stantou. The' third report and recomnrenda'- tion of the sewer and water commit- tee is printed in full, as, it was pre- sented tothe Village board: "'Your commlttee on sewer and wqter which bas had the mattèr of an addi- tional water supply from Evanston unÏder consideration desires. to . report that the Engineers, Pearseý, Greeley And Hansen, have concluded, their, pre- liminary Investigations as to the best and most economnical procedures In Pro- cuéinga new *ater suppiy from Ev- anston. The engineer's report, with mapsanad studies is presented herewith,- "Briefly it recommends-(1) A,20 Inch main be laid, In the Sanitary dis tric& right-of-Way, east of the North Shore channel from.Lincoln street, Evanston, to the p'resent pum pIng station undei the Sheridan road bridge.. 11(2) A 20 Inch main from the station aeross town via Linden and Wilmnette avenues toý Ridge road. ýwIth. à main of same size north to the 400,000 gallon elevated tank at Ridge and Lake ave- pues. "(3) Remnoval of the existing pumps in the Sanitary district station to a new station a cross the driveway north and west ýunder the bridge, and aIso the addition of one ýmore booster unit, "Net alilof this work is needed Iin- mnediately, nor can it ail be flnanieed in *1931. For 1931 there is budgeted the main pipeline from Lincoln. street, Evanston, te the pumiping station and a section of the cross town Une in Wiinîiette ave- nue estimated te cost $67,500. The cost of the remajning work which the engineers recomrnended be done in 1932 or as soon tliereafter as finances -wîll permit is $74,- 7500. it is predicted that these impro've- mients will provide the Village with an amnple supply for at least 10 yar.Hom- ever, a strengthening of this systein may, be needed by additional force mnains and elevated storage at an earlier date depending entirelyý on the rapidity. character and location of population growth. Tentative plans h~ave been Made Mother',sDay, is May.loth. .Gi ve Her*-a. Permanient, Wave Our Skilled Artists and spec1ications be drawfl by Pearse. Greeley and Hansen for these mains as soon as .practicable so that the Vil - lage may place the work under contract within -the .1931 working season." This' report and :the recommùenda- tions contained therein were conelur- red in by the Village board. viteci. Viggo Bovbj erg, who is on the faculty at the National College of Education, will speak on the "Principles of Mental Hygiene." IIôw to help bis child have' a bealthy mind is the concern of "the miodern parent. Dr. Bovbjerg is well, qualified -to give his listeners an-informative talk on this subject, There- is an Art to: PERMANENT YuwiII want to Save money on ~ ~ N/ yorPermanient Wave, of course., but did you know that it, costs nio more t0 have the services of:an - expert? Cail Mr. Albrigbl and ask hm to explain. ALBRIGHT 'BEAIJTY SHOf I167 WiIrntte Avenue Wilmelte 4517. *Wilmette Shop 1187 IVilmette A ve. Evanston Shot, Orria g.. and Davis Lake Forest Si.> 284 E. Deerfrath Ave. LES! Ave. Uv L~JII Shops.Ail Over Chica..go' I MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY., MAY 10 GIVE HER ~DUT.CH MILL, CANDIES s URELY, your mother wiil be delighted with abox of pure, f resb Dutch Mili candies. She 'kosgood things and wiii more than appre- ciate the suiperb quaiity that goes into eaçh piece of our 101 varleties. of deliclous sweets.

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