1144o*46048 Central Avenue IX TELEPHONESI WI>L.42-1-2-3-45I FOUR DELIVERIIES EVRYDAY THURSDA Y-9FRIDAY &SAT. SPECIALS Canada.Dryr of 12 $11v39, ROUl Butter -bro>29 Eggs Al l te-StrlCtly Freeh27 Chese(Yellow Alb. 270 Coefe Casl~Jfb~l 7 calon.(sa in tas 7 SPiclkles Oliv01 (Blread anid 'flater) 3 Jars Anto»nin ,Quart -Tin 59, $1.45 Ivory Flalkes Lt~gIO210 (-Maem Mur Gold Medal. pkcg. Vrenoh Dressig <~~~;. 59e fl~.4m Lrge SizO 5 Whole ef lu.. iClssieu or Rice Flakes25 Palm Olive Soap. 3 ar~ 210 MEAT SPECIALS B..! Teildev1@Ià Douelesu Veal Whole .lb. 690 311]k. Fedl lit, 39 were proposedI for electioli as ocr of the association for the next scbool year, 1931-32: President-Walter Bottbof, Kenil- wvorth. Vice President-Mrs. E. P. Far- welli Winnetka. Senior chairmnan-George B. Ev- eritt, Winnetka. Junior chairnian-T. E. Thonipsoni, Minmette. Sopliomore chairman-Mrs. J, A. Armistrong, Glencoe...:ý1 1. The constitution, provides for the election of officers at the aîinual gen- eral meeting, near the end of the school year. The officers of the as-, sociation, are in charge 'of supervising the. activities' of the association and con,ferring ,witb tbe, principal and school, authorities with the auni of securing the best possible prograni of nmeietings with a maximum value both to the comtmunity and to tbe scliool The constitution of tbe association provides -tbat the> officers, shail be a president, a,.vice president, .and a .ciarauiftr eacb one of the. four igh school classes. The cbairrnan for each, class is seiected from among the parents. whose chiildren' are .in that class at the highi school dtiring the current year. Due to. the :fact' thiat the freshmnan class does îîot ýexist unti 11the .beginniing ý,of thé ,school. year, it is. necessary to defer the elc-- tion of the freshinan cha 'iman until the first meeting of the association in the faîl. The present officers of the New Trier Parènt-Teacher association are - E. H. Cassels, Glencoe, president; Mrs. G. H. Webster, Wilinette, vice- president'; M rs. C. 'B. KetchamiKenil- m-ortb, senior chairmian; Mrs. A. J. Boynton, Winnetka, junior chairmian; Mrs. H. C. 1ýallenger, Winnetka, sophonore chairmian; David F. Hall, Wilmiette, freshmlan chairmnan. MrT. and Mrs. -Bernard Schildgen., Hibbard road,- are* noîv residing, at 1318 Wasbhington. ave nue, Wbere the LeRoy Armstrongs lia d been living. For Mother ciation of his more than a quarter of a cenitury of 'public service. He served continuou.siy as Village cierk f rom 1905 to 1925, .wben he was elected. president of the Village -of' Wilniette. He Wvas re-elected -ior second and third ternis. According-,to the officiais. of the Wiimette Civic league,' wbich, is ar- ranging. the dinner: "Al* friends of Mr. Orner and ail citizens %vlio-apl)rë- ciate faithful, public serv ice are ill- vited.. Ladies are welcomeé. Early reservations are urged, as the Shaw- nee clubs facilitiescannot a ccornino- date.ail wbo will want.to corne at the Iast m inute. Phone'your reservations to J.- E. Wortbien, Minette .2313,. or to George' Iiiff, Wilmette 1882." Olier guests of honor will -be the outgoin.g trustees, Ernest C. Cazel and Stanton Van Inwagen, wbo have .given mrruchi of their tirne to village publiw~ork. The Xilniette Civic league bas also invited to be its gt]ests and to dIo honor to Mr..'Ornier,; the incorning- 1yillage officials, Presk! 'ent Carbon P. Dubbs, and Triustecs Stacy C. Bennett, A. W. Froclhd(c anid Arthur Lee. The. toastinaster -wiIl be tu.e otf- going president of the Civic league, Dr.* Donald M. Gallie, who , will ilii stail bis sucçcessor lit the presid.ency of the league, Hector Dodds, togethier'. With the otlher -new league officers : Vice- President George F. Iliff, Sec- rétar.y Ralph .H. Durhanm, Treasuirer E'dwvin B'. Ki nudtson, and the inew directors, William D. Leary, Joliii1. Balmini,.Mller 1D. Becker anid J~ ert Stoddard. The old directors, who are 'carry - ing on, are those w~ho biave one more year to serve-C. 'Miles M.\cDLonaidl, Hayes McKinney, Hoyt Kin gand' Herbert Mulford-ýand those having tWo years to serve-l.noci Steeni,. ' E, \Vorthien anid Arthur Seib'old. Publîec Schools to Hold Commencement June 12. Commencement exercises for'.the, Wiirnette Public schiooi graduiates this year will bebeld on Fridày, Julie 12. About 184 eightb grade pupils -will l)C graduated it was stated at .the S4iool office this wveek. The animual ail- school field day \vill be lheld onTu- Potaten New Sxooth Rode s We Wel.onue Charge Accouants FREE DE41VER~Y TO WILMETTE - ICENILWORTH - INIIIAN HILL WINNETKA HUBBARD WOOflS - LENCOE PAG LIARU 10 Jeweler and Optician 1166 Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wîiniette 1061 MOTHERS DAY IS MAY 10 Sho. Repair Service 1195 W1llmetta Ave. 403 Llinden Ave., Wil. 4854 1 I