Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1931, p. 65

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eaa, ce r P. Lve. 6 ROOMS IN. MODERtN BRICK building overlooking Park;. elec. refrig. $90. Fred'k B. Thomas & Co., Winn. 2850 56LTN1-lte lstFLOOR APT. LARGE LIVING BM., bdrii., kitchen &. bath. Light sunny. rooms, private entrance porch,ý aleo yard. 011 heatt. Near transp. 'Refer- ences.. Wllmnette. 204. 56Ll-tc. APT. F OR RENT-5 LARGE ROOINS, hot water heat and big yard. $65 a tuonth. Cor. 'rower Rd. and Burr Ave. Apply,894 Býurr Ave. 6Ll.,lt, 2 ROOM AND KITCHENETTE APT.- with glazed sleeping porch. Furn. or unfurn.. Adults. Reaqonable rent. ,Ph. 'Vilmette. 794-J. 56LTN1-ltp FOR RfNT - 5 ROOM F[LAT AND shop at 1239 Central ave.e, also -2 1m. heatted apt., $37350- at 19937 WilIette ave. Ph. Wilrniette 407S.- 56LTNl-ltp 5 ROOM FLAT, WITH BATH, STOVE heat, near schools. and transportation. 171 Prairie Ave., Ph. Wilmette 4227. 56LTN1-ltp MODERN.. 4 ROOM APT., CONV. TO transp. I1.easonable.: Phone Winnetka 409. 56LTNl-Utc .5 ROOM FLAT AT 504 PARK AVE., wiIdecorate to suit.-$50. Ph. Wil-, mette 4440. 56LTNl14tp 6 ROOM, STEAM HEATED APT. ALL large sunny roms, rear porch. Only $60. Glencoe 986. 256L'1N1-ltp 916 OAKWOOD AVE., WILMF4TTE. 2nd unheated' 3 rooni apt. Modern -stove heat, coal supplie.d, garage Optional. Ph. Sunnyside 9431.56L49tfc p BOOMS AND KITCHENETTE AND glazed porch. 2nd floor heated. Pli. ýKenilworth 3219. 56LTN48-tfc 4 ROOM KITCHENETTE APT. HUM-, phrey Building. Caîl Winnetka 98 or, 3~2.56LTN46-tfcý CONVENI ENT, MODERN 4 B M. APT.- Evkart Bdg. Winnetka 843. 5f6LTN52-tfc _s7:OU URENTr-- CHARMJNG 4 R, furnished. Reasm 31-38. 4n APAI le. Ph. 'V 571 10,;ý -. ouse, 1104 Greenleaf Ave., Ig. garage can be used as shop. Cor. lot ln fine condition. $125. Flaatye, 729 Lake Ave. Ph. Wil. 1882 60L1!N4-tfc FOR RENT-TWQ 5 RM. HOUSES, 127 and.*133 Prairie Ave. Furnacte heat, 1 car g arage.. Ph. Wilmette 573. or 1334. Buyer and Seller have foun d the Want-Ads cf WILMETTE LIFE cfinestimable value,' Many ýa deal involving, hundreds' df dollars, bas been the resuit. of a Classified ad which cost bta few cents. Classified ads .will be accepted. every, evenng until 9. Plione Wilmette 4300. Tuosday before 9 P., M. for tii. Current Issu. 60 FOR REt4T-HOUSES NEW BRIICK HOME, 4 BEDROOMS, 2 tie baths, 2 car heated garage, large 1 "t fine location-$150. FREDK B. TiHOMAS & CO. 743 Elin St. Winnetka 2850 60LTN 1-lte FOR PRNT BY OWNER. ATTRAC- -e 7r.hue ast side Wilmette. Conv. to ail transp. Bot water heat. Nice yard & garden. Tel. Wilinette 1473. . 6&L-ltc 61 FORl R3NT-FUIRNiIED IfOUSZ BEAUTIFUL MODERN. HOME1KEX- quisitely furnished and with 1% acres of ground. Bouse. has large receltion hallI, liv. ni. 22x35, powder rn.,,love- ly din. rm., library, very large rec. rini., ser. porch ; att. 2 car gar. and. chauffeur's rin. & bath; 4 master bdrmns., 3 baths, linon rn., 2' maids' rins. & bath. WilI rent for the sum- mer or for 1 or 2 yr. perlod. Attrac- tice smaller hiome-s fromi $100 a mo. up. F rances J. Winscott M0 Sp)rue St. Winnetka 1267. 61LTN1-ltgc WHY NOT SUMMER ON PORCHES? SAttratgtIve. fîrnished home,. cool, spa-1 clous. lient reasoalé. Cail Gli New 13 Rm* Georgian Home IN MOST BEAU TIFUL EAST SEC- tion.of Glencoe, close to transporta- tion, and lake. Will take large old b6iosen inart trade. Cali Wilmnette 3914, . 72LTN1tc 72 FOU SAIS-HOUflb EVERYTHINGý, HAS BEEN INCORPORATED IN THIS ,splendid new residence to make it the perfect home. It le archltecturally cor- rect, artistically deedrated, and ex- tremely well constructed. It contains a. living roam, dining roomn, kitchen, wood-panelled library, and lavatory on the first floor. There are 5 bedrooms and 3 tileu baths on the 2nd floor, with 2 servants' roonis on the 3rd flour. 1Recreation rooni in basement; o11 heat; op~en porch; s-car garage Large wooded lot in secluded, yet convenlent location. Price $45,000.00 QU1ILAN & TYSON, Inc. 714 Elm St., Winnetka Winnetka 219.R 72LTN1-ltc A Real Buy A CHARMING HOME IS OFFERED: large hall wlth steps do>wn to artis- tic liv. rn., spaclous din. rm., sunt rin., with fountain, glazed summer porch, modern kitchen with frigw; 3, large bdrms.,. 2 haths, att. heattql Ka- Po SUw.uuu R ms., BRICK, 31h studio, Liv. Rn. Bi 4 Bedrms., 3 Bathç lnsulated metal, str: rage. 176 Pulle Le 2612. Country Home Division QJUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 714 Elm St., Wlnretka Wlnnetka 219le MOR SALE OR RENT BY OWNER newly built 5 room realidence ln lRa- vinia. 9 blks. from station, &Il modern conveniences, H. W. heat, fireblace, ,tile bath,, garage. 1721 Broadview Avie. S6LTN1-ltpý WILL TILADE THRE CLEAR.LOTS. on Southside of Chicago anld cash. for modern Five or Six room fllrtk home near transportation. Write B-40,* Box 40 ýWilmette Life. 85LTN1-ltp WI LL TRADE 9 RU. EVANSTON home, 2 baths, bot water heat, 2 car gar., value $20,000 for smaller home, vacant,.. or sunmm1e r cottage. ,WYite fully, owner 7534 N. Clark St.. Chicag ,o. OFOR SL-SEL.000Ds FOR, SALE - HOME FIJNisHiNas inceluding bedroom and sunroom sets: kitchen cabinet, etc. Ph. Winnetka 2016. 86L1,-tp TOBEY SOLID MAHOGANY NAPO- leon ,';tyle twin beds, with box springs; $40 each. Tel. Wilmette 4917. 86L.TN1-ltc FOR: SALE> AMERICAN WALNUT. Dinling rooum set. Ph. Wilmette 3673. 86LTN1-ltc WALNUT BUFFET W*TTH LARG'E linen draw.er. Good conditIon. Tel. Wlnnetka 3295. 86LTN1-ltp 2 LARGE UPHFOLSTERED. CHAIRS,. good condition $25. Porch bench $7. Cal! Kenilworth 1522. 86LT3N1-tc 1 THOR ELECTRIC IRONER, VERT reasonably. Phone Wlnnetka 683. 86LTN1-ltc FOR SAL-PLAIN TAUPE FRENCH Wilton Rug 12x20. Reas. Ph. Wil- mette 1566. 86LTNî-lte 97 WANTED TO DUY-HUÈEHLD. 0009M WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other houaehold goods. Highest prices for smre. Crost Fumni-, tiare Store. 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanu- ton. 111. 'Ph. Uni. 01R9. Pt7LTN42-tfe 80 FOR UALRt-MISCUU..ANKOUS e ____________restuence liviiami, r la.. Mr. aindi wrs. rR,. OLD, LGD Wigglesworfla and. their tWO small akfast Sun Rm, daughters, Helen .and Ruth Anne, lef t Lav. Bec. Bsmnt. Kenilworth about the first of Noven-_ s, -2-car Att. g la r e. iPh. Winnetka br The cbildren returned a short. 76LTm'-itp time before their parenits.

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