Dé. s 15 centsa e I. n one paper, 25 cents a Une ln any two papera 5~&P30 centsa Une ln ail tWr. papers. 191INUM CHANGE 01. Average of tOve wordu tu, the line. No' black face type ued. 10% discount on ail cash with order advertisements when brought to our ornce. t 1232 Central Ave., Wllmette, 661 UÀncoin Ave., Winnetka, or 841 Park Ave., Glenco.. Contraot rates mgy ho bad'upon request.. Claumgified aidvrtioementu wllbe Deadine for. Insertion$s--accepted up to Tuesday 9 o'clock for the -WILMETTELWEic or aIl three papera; Wednsday 9 o'clock for the Wieiq»TxA. TALK and Thursday 5 o'cbock for the GLicsCOzN Nws. Tele- phones: Wllmette 4300, Wilnetka 2000, Winnetka. 500, Glencoe 1484, Greenleaf 4300 or ShiIdrake 5687, a LOST AND POUND BRtOWN OVERNIGHT DM1, I NITIALS L. J. F.,> bat betweenIm ast., -Wln- ntka, and Hubbard'Woods. Rewardà. Phone Wnnetka 1458. 2-LTNI-lt a UsILDlINGAND coNiTRCTING CARL BENGSTON, CARPENTER AND BUILDER REMODELING -AND REPAIRING PHONE WINNETKA. 2480 SLT?444-fc 9 BUSINESS SERVICE Ail Kinds of Carpenter Work Done, JOHN BOESCH Ph. Wllmette 2165 9LTN36-ýtfê, CONTRACTOR, STORM SEWER> *downsapouta, and other general job- bing. 377 Provident. Phono Winnetka 1 288 Rfiter 5 p. m». 9LTN48-f CHILDRENS FROCKS SOgDOR fagoted. Your material, $3.00. .Our finst. broadcloth, $3.95. 2 to 4; years. Mrs. Lucas, Sunnyside 9718. . llTN49-ltc Dressmiaking - Remodeling COLLETTE SOEUPUS-Winnetka 101 1 11LTN1-ltpý GARDENER, 'HMDeltAROUND RE *hotise. Cail F. Kares, Winnetlça 3622. 14LTN52-3tp GREAT REDUCTION IN :NU RSERYý stock. John Oètrowsky, 2343 West Park Ave. Hilghland Park. Phono Highland *Park 49. 14LTN50-tfu FOR SALE HARDY.WOOD FERINS.' A. Stacehel, 390 Jefferson St., (;lencoe. Pli. 37INETET LIVE GOING MANUF ACTURTNG concern wants $25000 first nmortgage (Renewal) on' their property. Have appraisal certlficate ýof $82b000 valua- tion. Was orlginally a $50,00Ô0 mort- gage. Fror Informtation Ph. Wlnnetka 2498. 37L-ltp 3s LOANé LOANS Te PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy lat and 2nd mortgages. EVANSTON BOND & MTG. CO. 618 Grve St. Otomleafl Ï - SSLTN3O-tfi di SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE COMPETENT HELP *, for general housework Smwedi4h girl, 30 yrs. old, very, seat. *$21)n., ref. fronm fornier employer., Germnan girl,. 28 yrs. old, four yrs. with Iast employer. Norwvegian girl, 32 yrs. nid, 16 yrs. with 1last employer. 14ungarian girl, 25 yrs. oid, 21/2, yr. ref. first class. levinîan girl , 23 yrs. nid. 18 n. Wil- mette ref.* Iri!i girl, 30 yrs. oldý 1 yr. local *tef. Viinish il 21 yrs. <ld. 16 no. Win- netka ref. O S Norwegian girl, 40 yrs. nId, first class WVinnetka ref. German girl, 35 yrs. nid, 2 yr. local ref. Irish girl, Protestant, 40 yrs. nid,. 3 yrs. Glencoe ref. SECOND or CHAMBER Cermian girl 15 yrs. nid, best of ref. (,ermasi girl, 22 yrs. nid, gond Winnetka ref. S 1NURSE-GOVERN ES$ Several girls, with excellent mrai iref. PAITLINES M P. A (I F.'Xy 7 48, Elm St. WVinnetka 2662 EXPERTENCED BOOKKEEPER WILL > 1, jnnle small set of ,books and nmake 2520 NURSE UNDERGRADIATE - HOS- pit al'trainlng any cas3e, assist house- keeping. Ph. I4ongbeach 1537. 41LTN1-1tp REFINED, RESPONSIBLE WOMAN wishes position> as practical nurse - Comn .ion tio eIdt.rly lady. Ph. Long- beach 5 7231 Rm. 61 0.1 41LTN1-ltp SITUATION WANTED BY. SEAM- stress, day, week or monith. Excellent references. 1515 Wabansla ave,, Ch!- cago."41tNl-lte EXPER. WHITE MAIDW'ISHES F 0- sistiok. tn private home. General housework or second work. N. s. ref., Ph. Winnetka 1468 41LTN1-lnc TRAINED NURSE WILL TAXE ANY kind of case. 15 years -exper.ý Phone Winnetica 3669. 41L1.-Ip. 42 SIT. W^NTEgm--eMALE SITUATION W.ANTED-NEAT, REý- flned -colored mnan w6Üud give services .in e,echange for board and ronm and other empiýoymteht. Ph. Atlantic ±2013.' 42LTNI-îtp EXPERZIENCED MAN WITH- BEST north shore references desires house work and. gardenlng. Ph. Wllmette 3073. 42LTN1-lnc EXPERIENCED ALL AROUND MAN -gardener, houseman, general repairs, drive. Best references. Write Wilmette Life, B-41. - 421,TN1-ltp EýXPliRIFNCED G'ERMAN CHAU F- feur, gardener and hiouseman. Gond ref. Juniper 0188, 42LTN11ltp GARIýDENER-ýGERMAN. HOUSEMAN, also driving. 1st class ref. Tel.. Key- stone 7831. 42LTN-ltlp EXPERIENCE» MAN, WASH ýWIN- dows, care of lawns, garden work, etc. Winnetka 1552. 42L-tp CHAUFF., GÂRDENEn AND -HOUSE- mas. 12 years' N. S. ref. Catil Wll- mette 34, <lencoe 951- after 6 p. m. Glenceoe 770. 42T 2-p TRUC.K GARDE NER OR. CHAIIF- feur, 'or any odd jobs. Cali Winnetka .334. .42LTNI-ltp EXP. MAN, GARDENI-NG, CLA driving by day or hour. Call 34, Glencoe 951, after 6 p.' coe 770. » 421 WHITE GIRL F er, go home nug LMOTHIERS HELP;-, 44LTl1tc EXPËRIENCED WHIrE GItLý FOR genéral .husework. (ood -home, small family. Ph. Wilmette 3645. 44LTN1-lte COOK, WHITE, UTNDER>40 YRS. OLD, esmali famill, $20. Paullne.'s,,Winnetka, 2662. 44LTN1-ltc SECOND MAID MUST HAVE £xp. iref. req. .$18. Pauline's, Winnet1ka 2662.44LTN1-ltc, de IELP WTDýi-MALxE AND FEMALE CoUPLES WANTED 10 .postionls open-for experienced only -$125$200per- mn. PAULINE'S AGEN(cY 748 Elm St. Winnetka .2662 8 CYL. DODGE SEDAN, CURRENT model factory »eno. 2;,00 il. $700 terms. Ph Glenc,-oe 984. 48LTINîtc si FOR RENT-ROOUS 80 Sq. Ft. Accommo«ating Bachelor..S1'q 106 Sq Ft. Accommodatiflg Spinster $15 219 Sq. Ft. Accommodathlg Couple .2 115 Sq. Ft. Accommodatlng Couple . $35 Electricity, Gas free. George Ligare 750 GI 'ncoe Rd., Ph. Glencoerl70 51L1-ltp LARGE CLEAN ROO MS SUITABLE for 2, bot a.nd cold water, hotel qerv- ice, $5, $6 and $7 per wlc. Central Hotel, 629 Main St. Willette 1080. *51LTt450-tfc FOR 1LENT TTUREE PLEASAN'E UN- furni.shed rooms, two on third floor one on flrst floor. Central location. Wilmette 5056. 5LLTI-ite PLEASANT ROOM, SIMMONS TWIN bedsi nice for 2 gentlemien, 2 ladies, or couple. Near trans. 'Phone Wlnnetka 763, S1LTN-ltc UNUSUJALLY ATTRACTIVE"F ROOM IN private home, excellent neighborhood,- near transp. Use, of piano.: Phonle- Winnetka 31.19. 5LN-t 1 OR 2 NICEROOMS IN PRIVATE residence, pleasant location, ail con- venlences. Ph. Wilmette. 4216. r.à TNP1 .1 h abrosO lin 4 -countiea, only $259. 'ronîng or care of ewidren ny the uay Deluxe travel, ail expenses up to, or hour. Best references. Ph. Wil- 81,75.mette 4934. . 41LTI-1ne. ALL TRAVEL WAYS _______ ______J ORTHYK.- RO$SS EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK to take homje, eall and deliver. Expert 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe »5. or 986. work, -clothes 'dried1 out, doora. Ph. 31IA-LTNI-ltip Wiltmette.,2623.. 4lI4TN1-4tc owardS-t. 12 root» apartment unfurn. and single furnished rooms. for H kII1() 1& Je tk ý2- 930 Spanish Court. Wil., Ph, WIl. 292e. 5QLTNI1tcý I MIj 14 4iARDEINiNO 1, m