tw enty-fifth anniversary of the Na- tional Recreation association, WVil- mnette's Playgrouind and Recreation I)oard also liad an anniversary on April 30. The date marked the official close of the 1930-31 fiscal vear, and the fifth year: of mactiVity since the - ceptjon, of the. orgaiziation. M ile stones ini the road of progresb' during the five ýyears are1 recounted. hydirector of recreatiotn, Daniel 'M. Diavis, in- his aniual report. covering the, last fiscal year.. 'The rep)ort is i .iot yet ready for publication but ill bl i ailed to anvonie requesting a copy as soon as it is ready., lipportan t milestones listed are, 1. L'The beginniiing of. tle hoard,ýhow it was proposed by Superintendent of Public Schiools J. R. Harper; the appointinent of a conmmittee by Vil- lage President Earl E«. Orner; ini- vestigation of other commiunity rec- reation centers; the vot ing of thé 23 mills: tax to carry on, the programn; the emplbymcnt of a director; forin- nga Playgrou nd and Recreatiolt board. 2., The first playgrouids-,op)ei only Part time. 3. UEducating the aduits -to. play. 4. Full timne playgrounds. 5. Growth of aàduit activities. 6. Addition of a' woeén's :depart- ment. 7Special Activities. Tfhe- personnel of- the recreation staff includes the director, who aiso serves as director of plîysical eduica-. tion ini the puiblic scitools, and tlîrce staff assistants, two meun and one. %voman. The enti're aduilt' programn is carried on by this staff, Wich also assists with thîe after-school Hli- tramnural programn andl the sumniiier playground programi. T.wo iwomen employed by the school board are ii i charge of, the girls' after- school pro- gram schools, and two ad-' ditional playgrouîxd instructors. are employed to assist %vith-1the summner play-giounid prograîn. .Acting in an advisory capacity to the director are the mnembers of the recreation board who are:- Henry C. Fowler, representativç f romn the park> board, R. M. Jlhnston, represent- " 'prograni in the: village. S e ein g Sthat the sclio! gymnasiums were iying idie after school hours, hie advanced the ide.a that a program of athletics could be carried on during the vacant pe - sggestion a coin- mittee was, ap- J.. R. H aepeýr poiiited by.Village. President. Orner to investigate tlhe recreation systems of other conîmnunities and* after- the. committee presented .ils :report: the present svstei' ,wlierel)v. the dîrector of recreation acts as supervisor of I)hysical e(lucatioi ini the public scliools,* was adopted. Golf Instruction for You»g Women to Commence Soon A young woinen's golf class to nieet on Fridav evei nings at, Vatt- mani park lias hbeen .s.ubstituted for the ping pong. tournament originiallv atnoun'eed. The ping pong tournament lias been poýstponied until winter becauise .of the inadvisability of playing ont- of-doors. .However, inembers of the womeni's departmient of the *Recrea- tion,.board annouince that the' tourna- ment will be started, in the early fafl, T. D.,Harvey vill conduct the golf classes, since the morning ciass for wvomeni will be continued as i prev-1 ious years.: Mr. Hàrvey is profes- sional iiîstructor at. tlie Coimuiiity Golf. course in Evanstoh. and Wil- mette and lias been the instructor in' the Recreation board classes for theý past tivo years. The niorning class will be held Friday morning this year instead of ' Tuesday, unless. it is changedby popular request. The first, class lessons for both rnornitîg and evefing^ 'lasses . will lié May 22. The morniflE class will Daniel M. Davis, weas the choice of the original recreation commit- tee, af fer consultation zcith the V/illage Boâard, apd Board of Edu- rcationi,,forý thé position of director of recreation direct or aiid super- visor of physical educationi Mflhc Wvilmctte public schools. Mr. Davis bIe.qaxi his frograis n i mly, 1926, witla th rec sum mer plavgfrounids. His ennual report for 1931,'z(,hcn i 't is published laler tliis moit h, zvill show that . ,earlI' fiftit oct ivi- t ies for 'adults alone uere spon- sored last year. This is .the sixtliz year of hîs supervision over the co illintit3i'recreatiouial pro grani., which furnrished actiVities for more than 210,000 participants fromg Mai, l, 1930 t0 May 1, 1931. Con fer on. Rules in, Playgroand Basebal Captaips of t ' ams entered in the Recreation Board playground bal lpf1crItfor r un. nd ,i,1rPc Çn fr the. wide movemnent which involves 1,000J communities. What we are doing here to provide play facilities for. children and adults, 999 other com- munitiesare also doing. Our aims. and ideals are the ýaims and ideals of 999 other places, scattered throughot every state in. the Union. What"the: 1,000' communities of . us are trying to do is: To furnish, sonie f oýr" of recreation Ito care for the leisure' time of every man, wôman and.wchild iii th.ecommunity. . How we do this,. how we apply these ainis -and, ideals, how we inake ourprograms comprélhensive and in- clusive of every person, within. the. confinies o f -the comnmunity is the par- ticular problem of each individualý ,recreat ion-board, its director, and his staff., The- social. signi'ficance. of such ia movement. cannot lieover-estimnated. Social leaders of international proni- inence, includinig- Chicago's înost tfamous leader, Jane Addams, . on- Ceived the ideà~ of a coniniunit0s *responsibility for the ise eînploy* Ment of leisure time of. its -citizens,. several years before Theodore. Roose- vyelt Iaunched the mnovement ini 1006. The idea is, publicly recognized now and it -remnains for the 22,920 recrea- tion leaders in the United States. Rt the pre sent timie to expand their ,pro-. grams to, meet the evcr-increasing demands for activities to take c are of. leisure time of the citizeils %e serve The Wilmette Playground and Recreation board aims to have a comprehensive program suited to' the needs of the village. In fulfilling its aitns, the board flnds it constantly necessary to expand, it -s scope .of ac- tivity. Last year we hadfottw diffeVent' activities.. This, ye ar our annual report. shows more than that numbher. Next year it mnaylie fa r more than that.ý .Tbrough, the . courtesy. of Wîî.- METTE LrrE; we are endeavoring to, placed-'t the public the high esteexu plcdon the recreation movemnent hv our nation's leaders. The excerpts of the speeches printed are the steno-; . nnrfe, nf. the ',AAri'aez 2q, responsîble adult manager. The saine rule applies to women 's leagues with *the added provision that girls may either work or live in. \Wilmette be- *fore they are ailowe-d to play. .Application I)Ianks .ma y be had at the Recreation -office, 914 Central iari c . iUI &LU IIvv 1ins Aero Club Higli Honor2 The \ViImette Aero cilb ended its' season last week. . Glen W. Gathier- coal Agro club instructor, announced that thîe season has been most success- fui., The longest flight mfade by a planej expecting 18 in the league. Last month, on the date of the 25th anniversary- of the White Flouse conferepce, the Board of the National constructed in the club *was a plane. Recreation association, to which) flown by Harrison Stormi for 115, came the original Playground and seconds. The plane hôolds the club Recreation board had.been changed, record for the year and has received met in the C.abinet roomh of the the honor title of the: Lone Eagle White Hpuse to give an acc ounting' of. the Aero. club. of the developm È ofthe' movemnent 1~