Mor-ning worship.. . .I an suinday schoûl 9:30 a.rn. Jutiiior t-hur-h ...........Il a.yii. v.i.S.. ........ F.5:30 >111. Ireimeeting Wednesday ..S p.m. We îridilîy welt-ome strangers and vstsi aIl the- services o! the ehurcli.1 M loriliing, wo)I*-;iip as itl at il o<Thk 'le 5-icswill belie î<ndted ând the- sermnii.l preaciiet by the R1ev, ,.tfden I. Haynesm. D1., central repre- -entativ-e (i!the Briard -o! Pensions tof ht -e lîyti -)<'htieh lit the United States, ,whui bas r-Vii supplyigoi pniîîit anîd wil cnutinue..tri driý so for a ewimekit. Sermoi(n tril, "A -oes, i, i' Ii 'rinhiats1 :7 .1 ni 'r<-iur-hwilluitet Siîday-moiti- ing withl the- (<1(er cringre-gatioui. - Tht- y. iîigl~-<l)t-ave lo<îkhilîg forw'ardtr îi ocainwitlî iitrest, and wiant tri set' hlt-r palt.s pt'est'nt. Tht-y also * have a1 pleastt îî-rst'f<oî.theinothere. S'îiida vsr'hool , a) a Il Illeî i l t s, niett a t li:30 a.i.Next S'tiday, reîigniti<ît anti sli,<w vout' chiltiren, vour intêùte itt tht-m sitnday s-îiî.Tht- offering w-tii lié- foir ii-Pe,-iii OId l'erilîleÉ' * V J: ~ t.F-r.:t 330p. at OIle huoileo f n'IL . < %.(Il H1ir IIff', : t2 Lia k C il<-ie. * M i<l-wt-<'kpiayeri'and irl>a ise ttI-. NVi-due"tiayySpi. * lteg niavt'metetinug îidt hé-. B ariil i f Tîstt-' nI<da y, May il, 's î.tn. at;tthe- 'luitch office.' Thle NÇîît' o--vWill ii-ctTues- da",M1, laegintiitig ivitlu st-'ing aiý Ili a. Sp<ik. 4 wiî havu tc-lT t g cof thu4 udel' thé- dr 1ti>ý f Ms.Wil- *-ft'ed iG: iillies. 1Im1pot'tatit eui" meeting at Il oelotk-I. Lumcheon at 1»-' o t(-.xkksevtilv poke 11, Mt's. IR. Te--:,luncheon <-lairman. IPrî)iîain alit]i business imivtiiig' beginning at 1 p»tn .M . 'Frank <'iîuich illliave- oire<f the- devotirinais. Mrs,. t ;eg- * I. B.. -u'ke Nl-ll lie th-speaker '«f the. *a ftetarin, liert-to<ph' beitig"Tt Mîîx-uau Ar-a." i wiîen orit' h""17n ýgI'ega i<<m iti tiêîiart it vitt'd t' i t lus alI-dtivy meeing. iE-servationis tmale with'ht<teWiliette 18S~71 31hi *"u Dit oy in". " Tl ur10 t ffe-'r 't 'î' ile Soîng" Ur.tltim4 Pot -e March in E-fiat" U1ogeI's * * EdWm'd tis, sololat. cantata, "The- Chineise Empero.r andi-the Nightingale," dfrected by 'Mrs. Asnmy Leslie Toskey. As, a recognitionl of the- work of tht- church school, ail the ofll-. ,et, and tehchers have bten Linvlted t6i the dinne,- as guests of the - Wo)nân's Gulid, andi-a statem-ent wiIl bé. made as to tht- work being done in tht- ac-hool. This will be the fin al parish1 dinner of. the- year, and, s large reseirvation lit _At the. annuaI meeting of the Young Married l'eopîe's club held iast -Friday evening, the- followi ng officers. wem'e eiee'te-l foi' the- coing yea': HoiwardS'. I)avidson, Iite>.sident ; Warren T. Fifer, secretary-trea.sure,; Nlrs.. Albert B Tuek >es-, menîheî'ship chairnian, Mrg~. Fort-st M. Donelsonû, social, chairinan: ,Edwa mi C. I-I ildreth, progrm'mchai 'nîan. The- Young Married 1'eoffle's clubis an organization oft you ng ia rried couples o! the chutî. t.s finîal meeting o! the year wilIl be helti Friday, June 5. Thle « Ontse lHundredth Antiiversary of Con)lgregationialisfniiililliniois ivas ctle-. 4rated Midy Tuesday and Wednesdayý- of tîiis *weel< id the- çighty-eight-h-an- nuai neetini of tht- Congregational Chistian i(komnfeen-e. The- meeting was; hield in t ht Pirt ('ingregational Chut-ch <f .LaGflrangt-, M., and iiinisters and directors jjs %-cII a.s iaynmen froin the- variouschurce ' the state îee"s 'eut to litar lectures, takie part in sei- flans,, andi plan the prograni o'f thet i'.,)iiing year. Baptist Chut-ch Wimteand *Eort;ý.t aveýnues GereD. Alison, mîniiistur Cl<'urt-h that('arcs" Our Sutîdlay progr-alilbtgins >Nwi.ti tl e session o!ftt- eClurch.sehoLat 19-30 ani. A graded piogramn for ail tiges beèiuniing -vith the Nrtr group nîakes< it Ixtitibît- for every niember of the f;niîy te) partiîîpate in thiis tinie <of w'o)rshlip, i nstructioni anîd- îxpressi<îna I work. - T Jhe c'ight classes li thi, t- Juio-Itter-. mtdkut (epartment aie uytuIlrýg Tre-asurie Chesuts tri lie seftt to 'tle- îiî-, dren iin Portçe RiceKndmisellingtickets1 for bot lunchles for- thet-t' ndernouri-sheti tic Priniary depal-&tinînt ii tui'es-tilig îroiects in liature * avrae1 being <evloped. "Plhe 1îeuoiuing Nw'oiihip of t1le 4uliu 1-0 'tld s ch<ol 1cones 1id il <ltlo - k. 1A .s 1te)! Wednesday, May' 13, at 7 :45 theve %vwW bc held the Executive vouncil session. Addresses by Dr. Howard A. Vernon and Dr. A. M. MeDqflald of Chicago. The mid-week meetings during- the mionth of y art, being led by 'the, pastor-. and, the series of toies is en- titled -The <'hurel and. current. Queà- Today., May S, the Woniuan s , suciety will hold their annual Sprlng Luncheoni at at 1 :30 Reservation: .are to be nmade through the Link Lead- ers. Thiis is thé time when the year's work is -summred up. jinterspersed with the reports ofthe year's activities and the elect Ion of oficers foi- tc new year will be-,a musieàl prograrn by, Mr. Ed- gar A. Fellers, t(.cotipanied by Mrs. F. G. Guthridge. Alreporits ;for- the annual churuh te- port are tri be in the liAnds qf the chuich Secretary by 'May 10. Mehdist hut-ch The Aokiya cl1ass >of young 'w onen is entertaining the Yojung MNenÏ's class at .a "Golf Party" this evening at the home of Crace 8oe, S.15 Lindenane The pastors sermon topic ýfOr the il o'clock worshiîp service next Sinday momning ivili be "His Parents" 1Thé chiriili sing "'Cones, at Tine.s, a Stillness- by Woodwara and,"Beaitiful, Saviour- by ('hristianseni." The boys and girls in the Junior and Interiedlate cbhurch rneinbership classes Wil have ai joinit meeting wvth Dr. Smith at 9 :30 in the Sanc-tuary next Sunday ,iorning. boyýs and girls Nvill lie, taken into the fellowship) and mieniber- 4iip of. the chiurch during the- Il oek(>(1 service. There will aiso be ai baptistia:l service for those 'w-ho have it yet )e(i baptlzed. The. Yotng larried Peopfle's'group will mieet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the church. The WuînsForeign M issiolmary iV.5- v-iety wili meet Thui-sday after noon et 1 two o'clock at tlie,- ehrchl., I)tevctions: Mrs.ý A. .1. Nystroîn"TeJierWdeî îig-Streiam"..: Mrs. .I'h.listse 2Mesdamies W. %V. Baldwin':W'. E. Liîid-4 blad. andi Mrs. F. -P. Proctor. Thle Wilmette mand i Wiinetki _%V. C.T U. - ,till it-et ith Nirs,. Ilîe 1ewi * _407 IViliiiette avenue, Monday, may Yi at 2 o'lc.( wr til illetet those, wh ( wishi at the- North Shresation. \h's. B1ra d1iier Smitl i vilil -. tlhe speaker. A (21-uw, ill be vhc çiven bv he- f O <-j for th, Cathedral fnd.,anay b btained from Miss Irma Robinson, 1724 l4igh-; land avenue (telephone Wllmftte 1134). Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wood and Mr, and -Mrs. E. M. Antrlrn are awnong the patrons eÉnd patrofflsss The Annual Church club dinner for te men and wonien of -the diocese wiI be held a ât the - Hotel Sherman Wednesday. May 13. Reservations may be made with the rector. Henry Fowler, junior warden of S.* Ajugustine's,'has recenitly been clected Director of the Church club of the Diocese of Chicago. A committet- of women under the- leadership of Mrs. R. N. Wade ai-ecall-* ing on the women of the parlh fortheir saving toward the- Women's LUnited Thank Offering o! the.Episc.opal chui-ch In the United States.. *R. W. McCandlishi and J. J. Wal- worth are taking reservationis f or Campl Houghteling, an Episcopal camp for boys, Dloéeee of 'Chicago, held eaeh yerin Mhigan4. S.John's Lutheran' Wliette and Park, avenues; Wilttte Hermnan< W. Meyer, M, A. pastor 406 Prairie, avenue Telephonit i: Church Telephone 3111 SERVICES 'Fifth Sunday After Easte.r 9:5A. M. Ffrt .service anidsro .9:30 A. M. Suniday schoo and Bii.' 10 A. M.%. Advanced Bi3ble ciass il A. M\. Second service and sermon Sernion: !'The Goodness of Our Hleavetll- Father Illustrà.ted hyv l 'hat oif Our Earthly. Parents" ASCENSION 0F CHRIST Thursday evelning, May 14, at S 'loi - Sernion: -The Consolation of- Chîist's- Ascen-ion" - *MEE TIN G S !. M\onda y at 7 :45-Cholr reheartsil Tue.sdayý at 7:45-Meeting oif the t<on- gregat ion Thur-day aIl day: Rumnniàge Sale rt. Evononîy Shop. - -Tht-rt is no) more sl-acîiiglv khown in our eartlily experiene than that of fathe'rs and mothers: foi- t el v cildreiî. Thatnatural love.of pare-nts forthirhidn cain reach its, highte4 - and nriblest iman only undet' the power- fui inifluencesq of th(- Word o! Gotd. Our Lord oft.en. uses the- exanîpfle rif our' earthiy- pa'ients in omit-r t4) set forthi the til greater love of our Il- el Prlmary (grades 1, 2-, and 3): 9 :30 . -tht- 'word's harveats. - - to 12 m. Chicago Baptist week i being o - -- Junior (grades 4, 5, a nd 6) -930 tri served May' il, 12, and 13 at tht- Second Thursday, May 14, will lie Ascension 10 :45 a. m. Baptist churcli. Monday, Mlay 11, wlll Day, ont- o! tht- ciurch's great - hol%7 'Intermediate (gradeýs 7 and S ) : 9 ::0 to bt- the- Minister's Conference at in- davs oîemrtu Oi od' se- 10 :45 a. m. - manuel church. Thle Chicago Baptist- s ion into Ht-aven fort>' day s after Beginners , (p'te-sc-hi«l>.) 10:~4j-)to 12 4SQtcsbélation Setsson is Monday at 7 :4- aster. There wil l e celebration of a. fi., p.nm., at the Second Baptist chut-ch. Ftoly 'Coiimuiinioni at 7 a.ii:., 8 a.n. and- Hlgh school (ail four yýears): 12 to 1* 10 a.m. .- M P chue-Tuesdayi May 12, tht- Woman's Mis- T4ht- eo! C'hui'eh itchoelMWeek- sion Union ses;,sions wil be li-d at il Tht- last meeting of thet-season o! the- d4ya.tlitles lm 'as foliows: a. ni. ith addresses by Mr's. :Huward Womnen's Associatêd guiltis wiIi be held Tuesday-3 :?45 'p. m.- Welteavaflla Waynoe' Srtimll of tht- Wotnafil's For'eign Friday. %,j , CharlesS. lhinsn A special service w tht- comning week on Maty 14, at 8,o'clock, o! tht- Ascens-ion of evening services at ai-t unusual ont- la1 unît-as ont- makes a Please. mark , this da: cordligly. Wt- look dance. iill lie ht-Id duîing -Thursday evt-nix'tt in commemoVlt ion - Four Lord. Sintve this tinte.o f year likely to forget. it speclal note of- It 3,y and service ac- for a fine atten- Tht- fifth .0! tht- Bble Tmavelogs w-Il!