A placard 'which accompanies the letter stresses three methods of fighting flies: (1) See that no gar- bage is spilled on the ground; -(2 ') Keep ail containers covered ail the ,time; and (3)Us your fly spray The following is the, letter: ~'To Ail Food Stores: "Fly time is here., May we have your cooperatio*n' for a fly-less vil-. lage this,%year? The house-lly-trav- els only a short distance, and if we destroy his breeding place our'troub- les are largely done away with. "we offer these suggestions:: "(1) Cover ail waste and see* that none is spilled or scattered on ihe ground.. Your ýgarbage is * collected daily, which makes this easier. '«(2) Sprinkle. a 'small amounit of *chioride of lime ini and about the garbage cans. f requently. (3) Cet a good fl-v spray now anid -use' it daîly. Onie fly killed now is worth a thouisand later. "(4) Have ail screen doors in good Lrepair and keep themi closed. "I(5) UHang the enclosed card where kitchen employes cati see IL. WVil 1 you help keép, down the f6v- population ? ",,R-ufust Dawes Speaker at N. U. Commencement Northwestern. university's 73rd an- nual commencement speaker will he Rufus C. Dawes, president of the higoCentury of Progress exposi- tior ini 1933, according to annoUtnce-~ ment~ this week by Pres. Walter ýDiii Scott. The-exercises wili take place Monday, June 15, in the university g3,mnasiumi. ,The baccalaureate sermon the pre- ceding, day- wiiI be preached by Bishop Edwin H.-Hughes> of the Chi- cag o>area of the Methlodist ciiurch. James1 M. Beèk, regarded as one- of *the foremnost constitutio.nal., lawyers in the country and representative in congress from Pennsylvania, will de- Aiver the Coif, address on class day in Helen S' ' McGratli. Corresponding .Secretary. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jordan of 320 Cumiberland road,. have ýreturned to their home in Kenilworth following a very delight fui sojoùrnat French Lick Springs., CHAIRS ANDI TABLES FOR RENT FOR ALL OCCASIONS 521, MAIN ST. Do MESTI1C HOT WATER SUP-PýLY A N D COSI Let us explain* to you ho w to heat water for a family of 4 total cont of $2.00 to* $3.00. per month. Larger demands in Portion. SILE *Show If... 900 Linden Avenue Hubbard WoodIs Winn. 650 or Greenleaf 0700 At aa pro.. LTOMý'ATIC,, THE NOJILESS OIlt SUR.NII Show k.... 386 Central Avenue Highland -Park H. P. 4141 Drakewood Show R.... 900 Lînden Avenue Hubbard Woods Winn. 650 or Greenleaf 0700 Farm we specialize exclusive- ly in the Three- and. Five-Gaited Saddle Typical Three-GaitedHorse Frank A. Savage of Philadelphia spent several days as the guest of George W. Springer, 724 Forest ave- nue.this week. Mr. Savage ig one of' the officer s of the -Provident Mutual Lif e ins urance; compan y. DEERFFLDILL. Couny Lne andl Sanders Road, Phone-D)eerfield 386 W LUETTE-É,32 lu a 4 Typical Five-Gaited Saddle Hors.