uit mainly to express for the new model Six Good Reasons For Buying Trhe B1etter CGrade Used Car vs.. the, Low-priced .New Car Better grade of inateriaig and bigher standard§. et precision, and *Inspection lu the factory whieh produeed It. 2. esigned and bulit witb greater thongbt..regrdlikg the Ideai reqirmetsof sise, eomfort and aippearanco. 3 rater original investmnent usually insures the best of care by' 3. thelrst owner, botb ln drlvIng and maintenane. 4 'The really good things of this world are bulit with an enduring *style and are net so generallyaffeeted ýby rapidly changing modes. 5 There ls, the saine pride etf possession for: the second or even, third ownei of a quallty product that exIsted for Its original putehamer. 6 Qluaiity- produrts are nsually bought, by the Maau ibîancilly able te eujoy new tbings of the better sort' who seidoin exhansts their, uef mincsi, and ýthe second. buyer profîIts - greatly at hbis expense., *Liberal Terma-'Tradès Cali the sd Car DefartMent and A rrange for a Dem onzE ration PAC1KARD MOTOR. CAR COMPANY OF CHICAGO 925 LINDEN,,AVENUE, HUBBARD -WOODS Winnetka 3070 L/P t. - rI&' A L T I.I~ Greenleaf 6030 *Irureta.reported that the Argentine Republic is fast emerging from its business depréssion,,and declared thàt 1931. will see a great iniprovement, in business, The conversation o ver a line 5,000. mniles long camé through clearly. It lasted five minutes, as an intérpreter was needed. Grahamý.Paige cars, are sold locally byteHanson. Motor- company, 555 Chestnut street, Winnetka. 4,200 Men. at Work on State. Road Jobs A summary of the road work that is now-underway ini Illinois that 4,200 men, were direc-tly employed at road work, during- the, wee k that ended April 23. Theyv moved 98,050 ruibie, yards of dirt - n grading operations and poured 1,654 cubic y-ards of' con-. crete into forrns for culverts and bridges. Grading completed this sea- son totals 42.5 miles. The state has finished 39 bridges. Actual paving, following the preparatory grading, as reported for thë week included 9.09 miles of state aid routes and 4.22 miles of state aid roads. T/je Real DRINK for Growing Chijidren Ra y Photo, C harles N. Se'npresideyit of the c Gi Nationial ban k,. vansIon, ayain heads the North Shore Fes- tival association u'-hose annua.i zveek of emî,sic will bc held in, NQrthuestern 1(Ti'ersi .t V gV 1 as1-U i ion te u'ek of L.Mav18io 3 Only a f ew changes have been nmade in the officers. ard executive committee on festival affairs this year.- The, present officers are the president, Mr. Stevens; vice presidents, Ir-win Rew and William H.. Dunham; secretary,. Walter B. Smith; treasurer, Parke E.. Sininons; historiati, Charles H. Rey- nolds. Succeeding Peter C. Lutkin, founder and director of the festival for 22 years, is Frederi.ck Stock, conductor of tlhe Chicago Symphony orchestra. Henry E. Voegeli, manager of the orchestra. is manager of the festival again this year. On the1 festival executive icômiiiittee* are a number' of prominent north shore business men. The comnitteeý includes Paul Aldrich, Horace M. Capron, Percy B. Eckhart, William H. Barnes, Carl M. Beecher, Peter C. Lutkin, Henry W. Pricé, John Hale Hilton, Robert L. Scott, Edward- M.- Skinner, Pasteurized Milk and Creai-Butter andi Eggs PHONES Glencoe 606, Highland Park 1581 611 'Wl'. PHONE Wl L4414 general tours of anthropological. botanical, geological and zoological' exhibits; and Friday, "Birds of thie Chic~ago Area" andl "Ma.dagascar.". Those tours of muséum exhibits, con-, ducted by.staff lecturers, are open to. ail museumn visitors. Parties assemn- ble insidie the nlcrth entrance.