Nature Provides I Own Refrigerator nau'hyin Eastern Town When cone speaks of an Ice mine, Oee natuallythlnks that it Is manufactured Ice, hbut one of nature's wa-.ter wonderr is the !ce mine just outside of the smal town of Cudersport, Penn. Mxany years ago, an old prospecter wvho wats considered slightiy crazy, while seeking goli dug 'a hole about 12 feet deep. As it wvnS getting quite dark, lie, wax. obliged ao(luit for that day. -On uemlng baek 'the next morning lie was surpised te find the hole -filled, with ice. It *as :In the iniiddie of JuIy and uùnusualiy Warrn weat'her. He Imme- diatelY called others to, see this un- usual siefht. Soe m nen realizing this was an unusual .flnd bought the' prop- erty frein the prosPector. They dug the liole te the deptli of 40 feet wvhere they str uck a. cold drauglit, but were unable to find the cause of this freezing. Icieles as thick as .a, man's arm and from e te 10 feet long hung dow'n imtatis hele. The wa«.e the weatlher the thicker the ice. I*te In the Fait wlien the weather begins to get coid, the icé disappears and the oniy tliing to b)e'seen is a deep dry hole in the grou'nd' Last year the owner iowered a bse of potatoes and on taking them up. in the Spring Just befote the ice started te' form. they were found to be In perfect, condition. There ore only two other' known Ice mines In the worid, a large* one I Switzeriand' and the ethler ln Germany.-Mary Jane Donahue, lB Stolp. Lucille Admires Fine House Buili kv Pupil Junior Nieliûiq in oureom lias niade a house of Holland. Tt is quite a hig T e~e t lia- very na.ny nice things' in It., There is a' table miade out of. paper the 'ePlor of yeilow, purpie and brown. Tt lias a plate anid cul) on it. 'Plie hous1e had a bunk where peeple' sl'eep aind' a brooM. The bunk is drange, black ,and red. TPhe b)rooin Is, brown.. He'lie a,-two big, brown Iiposts heside the table. Then ie ,han two' green chairs, à. firepiace with two ket- tIes and a candle on top. .Then hée la-, another brovn: table. H1e bas a lttile lanteru lianging fron t he top of, the w.111. The lantern is purpie, yeilow and brown. Then he. las apfhe aie on the Nvall. Then lie lias another cal)- inet which is gray,. red.bMue and green. Then he has another littie green table. Thlen' thier-es a' dock and. poker for the. firepace.-Luville Hees, iWFrank's Gives Biographical Sketch of Marie Curie Marie Splodonska Curie was bora la 1859. She and.lierliusband were French :3cientists -w-'o *made thé dlsCovery 'of thé wonderful properties of 'adium. Pro- fÈessor Curié w~as bora in Paris and w.t.s;eduvated at the Sorbonne and laterý beca me professor of piysiocs there. ln* '189l3, after several years ef investiga- tion, Curie and lis wife announced the existence of radium. In 1903they're awarded thei)avey medal of the Royal Society. One-haî f e, the Nobel prize weat to Madame Curie in 1905* after the death of lier liusband. Madame.Curie, a Polish womian, succeeded him ,as pro- fesser of plihysics Ut the Sorbonne and in 1911lier furtlier researdlies wvon lier, the Nobel tprize In 'chemistry. In 1921 site visited the United States and Was receive d in scientific circles and was pre- seated with $ 100,000 wortli of radium. ý-l1eanor-Speredes, 7B3 Howard., Social Science Study Turns to World War Sxciial Scienve is getting war-iike, or rather the printing of the fourteenth a'nd fl'!teemnth chapters are. It Io the 'world war, lncluding nearly every na- tion in the world. Most were the Triple Alliances.. Triple Alliances were thle three nations that have agreed te help each other ln tme' o! war. Itaiy did not keep lier agreement anid t is good she didn't because n<>w there would- 'net le one if she had interfered. Mucli mioney was used during this wair, t wvas $186,000,000. Also miahy tliousands of lives wvere lest. However, both of tliese thiags a're needed in war so we do net feel as'if *we had lost. t is a very interesting subjeet, se everyone thlnks.-M'. ,-ry Louuse Schiaeffer, 7B3 Howard. Howard Eighth Graders Rehearse for Festival 'Ple eightli grades fron Howard scliool have been and will bec.practiciîîg the first period and ail otlier vacant perlods on the M.Nay Festival .songs. Amnong these scIngs are, "'Plie May. Song," "Old King Cole,...". 'lTie Walrus., and 'the ,Carpenter," and a few others Miss cKay has been driiling us in tlî'., vacant. perieds andi Mrs. Clar':' Is lprao-, ticing iitîlius in aur nmusic ii.riods'. There are esome boy)1s. with chang'-d voicels Who -do not have to sing with Ù-' but ail other children muc;t corneý.T'Pie. Glee clubs are -aise practicing sne timies at rnnrn'inig and at no)(nn.TIh- ar- <hestra aiso help.s the Glke 'a.-I man Meyer, 8SB flowaid. Recites Verse A bout "'A Piece of Work"' Monday,- April 26, when Howard SB had manmual training, Mr. Bail)read the SE, class a poemn called, "A Piece of Work.' Lt 'read as follows:: 1 amn onlv a piece of'work. After ti. eave your han ds I may ne ver se 1 you tgain. People, looking at nie, however, will see you a .nd se far as. they, are 'con- ,cerned É'li be yOU. Put jnto me your best se that 1 nîay speak to ali wlo see mie and tell them of. the master who wrouglit nie. Sa y to themn, through me, 'I- kno w what good wo'rk is." If 1Iiar done well I will get into good If company and keep. Up the standard. f1,arni shabbily done and poorly, made I wili get fito. bad company. Then sho.w through. me yrour jey in what, you do s3o that 1. may go the way, of ail goodwork, Announcing wherever.I go that I stand for a werkman that needeth flot to be asharned. -Williamý Chandiar Smith and Charles Kleinofen, Howard SB. Seventh Graders Meet in Basebail Contest Monday, April 27, 7B1- and 7B11 met in an exciting garne of basebaiklt.- didn't prove to be so exciting at tirst,ý because in the third 'inning the score was 14 to' 3 in the second team's favor. Then when 7B1- was up they *kept. 'bringing runs in and at the end of the, fifth truiing the score was 18 to 2 in, 7B-II's favor. 7B-1 ivas'so su rprised. * when they heard the score. WVlhen' the scorekeeper counted agamn lhe found the score was 18 to 18. Tied score. The 'sev- ond team was up. They made tweo ots at first, right in a rw then tliey mnade a run. First team i-vas 'up. Tliey made one out anId then a hit, then an out, then anothe'r hit sending the first run- ner home. Another out followed, Tli(, game wais over and the score was. 19 ta 20, 7B3-I's favor.-Eiiene \Weaikly, 7B3 Howard. Howard Basebail Team Defeats Stolp 17. to 0 The Htoward 7A boys I)layed Stolpiin basebaill ast-Thursd.y.' 'We îilayed only five innings because it, was dr1iszling, ail tlir<>ugh the gamne. 'rThe 7A pitchers were 'l3ob speclit, BillMcMrra, nd Da.vid .Haa.-i laI the first inning 7A scored six runs and Stolp nothinig, Il- the second inning, 7A scored eight ruats. The thir-d, fourtli, and fiftlh îinnig.s were all vry cosau inda gt tho end iof You Won't Want to Overlook This Burgiar Thriller "Bih,";' called the chief, "Yeu'd liciter hurry over te' yeu'r brotler's lieuse right týaay., They just called' up and ,aie that a burgIdr was la their bouse :and lie hajd phonied- f rom the lieuse next door. ý 1 "Mil righît, ("ief," lie called te the capitala of ,the 7detective squad, "'ai on mny way." -Good kid that. Riglit up and cern- ing. Make a regular 'Slierlock Holmes some da y," observed an ôld veterait of the squad. Mea nwhîile Bill was on lis way ta bif; w ealthy hlaf-bt'otler's mansien. Soon hie arrived at the street upon which the lieuse was located and par'king bis car,ý lie autiously made bis wty to the lieuse.. He fouad a window open. oMs f cerne in here,"lieenîused, A terrifie crash teverberated. wit hin the walls of the room.' Jumping through the window, lie tu'rned on bhisý fla.-hlighit> and ,gripping ,bis revol ver flrmly .' le looked la' the direction that theý no;ise. la'd'conte frein. Nothing was visible except a .quaatity o! broken china, furniture, and what net. A scream came !romn the second floor of the building and whiie lie stood Ilis- tening something brushed past lits legs. He tu'maned bis, iglt that wvay and there was-do yeu really waat te kiîùmiW-wel, it' tas a big cole. 'Hy'Bud,". he called, "its. Ônly a. dog. Conie on down."1 At lemgth Bud arrivcd on the s;eiie. -Why, it'S Laddie, our neighbor'sý* colit,' ffirmed the brother. "'V1,I guess thts your burglar, Bud." '"ebut liow did lie get- l! "okat that window." -Themi I guess.lny' wife's at 1ault." Haeyou cauglitlitai?"-deuitiýitd a Voice froni' ulpstalrs. i l'Il1 be right up) to 'exfflaini, <ear." "G oodB ill111." 'Bye, Bu d, sec you somie timie." -John Adains, 2C StojP. Dan ny, thie Terrier, Has a Busy Career Danny.i.s nîy littie wire-haired ter-, rier, wlio ives1 up te bi -s name "terrýier-." Ha is White. and aIse piayful.' Tliulsday 1 washed birn and lie was running about the 'kitchen. 'I walked. 'into the kitchen and a bail of fluffy white met Mv(v ý t ca,a rouind the cornelr BASEBALL SPELLING Every Thursday m-e have a basebrl gamne' in 'bpelllag. We àreý divided .into tw Ô parts, team oneanafd teaùi two. We flnd it very* lnterestlng.-Sarah Jeanj Mise Frank's rooni. In our Music Appreciat'ion Nve i studylng Italy. It is very wonderfuil. * WORK ON SHIORT, STOIRIES We learned of Vesuvius, 'the great vol- Miss Perring is glving us work ix' c-inic meuintain near Naples, Itail. hort stot'ies. -We have te cheose frorrn Thea we went on te' Venice. There -we five subjeets:'"In a Storm at Sea,". leamned about gondolas and gondoliers "Neyer Again," "A Narrow Escape," who row the beat. We have, been study- "A Dlsappoiatmeîit" and"Net a B[urg- Ing soing foraris tope.. MNfüic Apprleciait.ian lar After Ail." I think that short stery is very hiteresting.-Fred 'Baker, 6C writlng is a lot. o! fun.aliarii Burké. Howard. ' B Sto. This. is 1hetimefth erthtci' dren play 'In the streets. 'In schoel wc- have safety posters Which say, Aw " Play in Safe Places." Sanie childremmI think It 18. safe te' play In streets as long as they get out 'o! the street li- fore the car comes.. "Tlis Is inet trtie. Every-ené should plaà in ernty lotIS ând parks.-June Sorsen, 7A Hwr.