..................... ........Scarlatti Fropi Well Tempered Clavichord B3ook 2: Prelude and Fugue A minor Prelude andi Fugue F-sharp mnajm- Prelude and Fugue' A minor (Transcrlbed from Organ. by F. Liszt), ...........................Bach Prelude, Choral anld Fugue. rnc F romù the Prefldes: Pire Works La Terrasse. des. audiences dulair de. lune, * The Isle of Jôy Fromn the Images: Padogas ................... >......... Debussy ..e... ..t... ...... Liszt Make Plans for Field Day at Sears Sehool Robert W.. TowvnIey, athietic direc- tor at the joseph. Sears school il] kenilworth, -and Miss Gertrude Her- rick, assistant athletic director., ill be. busy this month getting -the Keil- %vorth'pupils ready, for the aimual Joseph Sears fleld.-day t-t-atter"art of this month. The date for the event hiad nfot bee~ set. early this week. Thei field day will take place on a. date which does flot conflict with that of the animal. North Shore Grammar, Schiool league track, meet. Athletic directors of 'the grammar schools iii. Keiiilw~orth, Wilmette, Evailston and Glencoe planhed. to mreet Wednesday of thiis .week to set the date' for the latter mieet and to decide on a place. for holding it. Walter Widdop, titôeo,,jin4kes 'his Arnerican debut atthé, Gin- cinnati M'ay ,festival, ,and. then- cornes to evairstou for- the Chicago- NVorth Shor festival. He will sing on Saturdai Vecvcing, 1May 23.with théeàChitago Sýyinphû>iy orchestra.. lie, ha; chosmi' the Handel- aria,. "So und an Alariii" front "'Judas. Maccabae us," ýthe- Forge seciee front Wagner's opficrâ "Sie. gfried." and lie e iIt be ' assited bv the choruis in the finale frorn '"Die Meistersiliger," bv aqerwhich closes the festival seasoii. SCHIPA'TOURS ORIENT Tito Schipa is in Italy for a sumn- nier of rest. and recreation. He. will sail for- Japanin August and will Visit the Orient for the first timne durinig Septemnber.and October, singing eigh- teen concerts before returning to Chi- cago for the winter season. in.our Secial May Seln Al Silk Printed Crepes 95C $1.69 Printed Crepes 95e $1.69 $1.95 Large and small designs îina complete range of ligbt and. dark backgrounds. Imported Damask $1.25 This is the Chinese wasb- able danmask. Ail the pastel shad es are represented. $1.95 Printed Chiffons $1.25 $1.69 Light a nd darkb a ck- grounds with ail over de- signs-for street wear and evening gowns. :Eyelet Shantung $1.29 Embroideced eyelet shan- tung in -one andtwo color. effects. AIl Silk Plain Fiat Crepes $1., 00 " $1.39ý r eleh~a CIicago s' (~eside n tal1 ct service, re- t once 4uietly 6200 Kenmore at Phone Briargat H. L. JoHNsQIE Style.Patterns in Evanston only EDcxA A. STEVENS, INC. -4i 88e Flat, Kool Sheridan Ré Phone B. B.