PRIVATE PARKING SPAGE O LD PRINTS We have some faseinating old prints for f rarning,,or to use in maki ng, screens, and Iampshades. They are prieed, for a quick, clearance, f rom $1.00 to $3.00 eaeh. A large assortmnent of various.types, includ- int sonie quaint scenes in Ne w Eng1and and New York State. AI4TQ!LS. Winnetka 3470 Il. (on the igner -court) LOBSTERS ad SCALLOPS. FRESH PROM THE MAINE FISHERIES make deliejois salads for your 1bideluncheon No extra charge for bridge <uncheon 10 Club Tea. ..0 Dinner....15 for Réservations> C al1 Winnetka 1617 Smudays and Holidays Isscuded I ________________ The Churchhll 152 Center Street Winnetka Il. Miss Cor 156 Cewter Street %innetka 446'j 4 4 4 0 ý4