Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1931, p. 44

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Speaker Says Work of Artists Today Is Patb of Roses ini Comparison to Renaissance By ELIZABE 'TH NEIDLINGER The artists, comp)rising the North Shore Art league. learned. Monday nighit of last week that the work- of painters today is a path of rosescom- pared with the difficulties met by the Renaissance paîinters. MissElizabeth Wilder of Ravinia, datighter of one of the league's outstanding artists, Tom Vilder, ias.the teacher. SArmied .With a distinctive a nd end- less supplv. of inforrnàtion garniered flot ô1113 duirinig ber past year and a« haîf of study in Florence, but also during.ber mnaiv, years ini her father's studio, and armed also witlh a charim, i ng. voice and manner,, and a fine. col- lection of slides of paintings by.such artists as Raphael, della. Francesc1a, Veyonese, Botticelli, Correggio, Filip- Po. Lippli. and Leoniardo da Vinci, Miss WVilder gave one of the fiest *pro>gramis' ever offered die league. * The occasion. of 'Miss Wilder's talk was the banquet opiening the animal * spring exhibit of the leigue. The paint- lngs compriging this exhtbit now hang in Matz hall and mnay be viewed at atiy timie wlien the hall la flot in use. * IlIfh Scbool Girls Serve Glarbed In gay smnocks and berets. a group .of New Trier High sehool glfrls served dinner. They were Jean Has- kins, Elizabeth P,1oldenweck, Loulsqe Var- ney, Mary Jane Stevenson, Betty Stan-. ton, Virginla 1,ang, Mary Jane ildelr. 1argaret C.v4ley, Mroi Wood, and kinder, bMrs. Helen 1%ason,, Mrs; .Kate Baron Bond, M.Nrs. Grae Hasklns, Mrs. May S. Casselîs, Mrq. Felux Boldenwec,k. Mrs. Frank Peyraud, Mis athryn Flinn, and Miss MAary Williams. %Trs, Cha'rles Southward Was the> din- * ner chairman. Asqlsting her ..were the 'Mesdames John Venniema, Edward Bri- on, Kate Bacon Bond,J. W. . F ,Datvies,. Felix 1Bolden'wec-k, PFlnoWArk, George Htskins. Gordon Wilson, Eldred Bent- ley, .Taspar King, Frank Pleyraud, E. G. Trowbridge, and Miss aroline Eck- storm. Johni Veulema iToastmanster The n~resIdnt Joni',M. Fi-«tnk. bhdn, Choice Plants, Food Tables, Garden Accessories tô Be Arrayed for Sale The Wîimette Garden market will he openi fromi 8 in.. the morning until dark Saturday, May> 16, in> the tri- angle 'of groundopst the M,1I- M .ette Avenue station of the North Shore .E lectric railroad.- Here,, in, the spring of 1927ý. the Minmette Gar- den club hield its flrst garden i narke .t, with Mrs.. Edward Moore as chairman of the sale.. In 1928 Mrs. -Moore wvas again in charge of thie. garden. mar- ket in:.the sarne triangle. ",In.1929 anid 1930 the Wilmette Garden club and the Evening Garden club of Xil- mette gave the nmarket together. This year the fifth animal gardeni market i s again given under theaw.1ices (f. the two garden clubs with M rs. John' F. Weecdon and, Hernian Reiling. as, clairmien. The menbers of both club)s are sending ini choic~e p1ai1ts to the sale. Besides plants, tlieylre sending iii home. nade cakes, and canidies. for thie food tables. Ferns, roses, wiid flowers, annuals, Plants for the flower bo.xes,,,,perenj- niaIs, and sh-rubberv ar1.e 1bei'tg- fea- tured by the prof essîinal growvers whýlo take part in the ma rket each i Yar. There ivili be bird hotises and feedi,îg stations for sale, an.d garden impie- ments and fer tilizers. ,"W\ait tuntil Satturday, May 10, to buy new plants and. other.thiings f.or towvard civic ibea nittee requests.: Plicturcd above -is a corner of the mîusic room j» int/e home of Mes. J'Valtt'r Strong; 13î7 Towver road, Winnetka, zohere. t/e Vocal jonal Society for S.tit-Iiis will hold a sale Friday,. Mav 8, from 10 lit the. >nornting lntil 5:30 lei t/he afternomi. The sale cach year. brings /'rocceds tb bed-ridde& and crip/'led meni and wo»zen fr-ont ihe largie and colorf i. vrncI- of arti.cles lheY have muade and whicl, thevýý market. througy h I/m nlocsts of a groul' of Ci, icago and 7 rlh shovre zcouen w/jo hv formmed themselves into this Phhlauthro pic association. Welf are Meet ph>'. Another problein whlch Intrigued hImnglng in <Chantilly, picturIng -"The the Italians, she said, was the repre- INjarri.ige of St. Francis to Iloi>' Po>- sentation of lighting effects. Ont- of erty,"' which she considered very reral. ber slides showed "The lreani of Con- though the rtt' contemporaries did stantine,' the first nlght effect iainted. not. She cannot see that an>' art is flot SNo "Pure" Landsape realisnî. Landscape was used primaril>' for "A&fter ail," MIss Wilder concluded, deoaîeeffect at fIrst, she msai'd. There "histury j.is an encouragement, in its was n ro "pure" 1- andse- lind-qcape dimeculties as' in Its triumphs."1 Church Cirdle ±uuiîuav ut i "awnee Cc were Mrs. Chester H. Mrs. Thornas L. Grisamore Burlinganie, Mrs. J. P. ý M'rs. C. E. Jarchow uf W ,MrsiFrederick White of, ~c dthe dge on y club xrence,. S. C.M. Ji, a nd :te and netka. * the Wili Open Homeî for Tea for Netv Juniotr Leaguers On Fridav May 8 'Mrs.}er Haven Winisor, jr., is openin e homùe at 4-19.Sheridatn rôad, Win. n'etkaL,, for a: tea for those 'whom the Eva.nstonl Junior Leagu'e just' bas inivited into mernbership. Thosè who will be enitertained are Mrs. Stanton Arnold, Miss Elizabeth iflig ia MJ.L>iaay at lme nome ot, ivrs. W. Dean Keefer, 220 Myrtlestreet, WVinneitka. Miss Mildred Hebel of Wilmette was elected president; Mrs. Lewis B. Ermeling of Wilmette,,vice-. president; Mrs. Grant Feidma'n of Evanston, secretary-treaser d Mrs Wilar L.Wheeler of. Glencoe. iii charge'of publicity.,

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