-Before a gathiermn« of i125 relativevs and close friends Miss Carolyni Gro- marnn hecane the bride of Iclis F. t Miltiier of Evanstofl at 4 o'clock~ Saturday afterfloon. May 2, with the Rev. D octor, Herbert L. Willett of the: Kenilworth Union churéh offi- ciating. Both the, ceremony and the reception took place 'at the -home of the bride's parents, Mfr. and M rs. Ralph S. Gromanu, 901 Central 'ave- nue, Xilmnette. Preceding the ceremonly Prof. Marvinl Schmidt 'of Oak Park sang "At Dawniug" ,aild "I Love Von Truly;" accjrnpanied. by Ms Schmidt , a cousin of thle bride. Mrs. Schmidt, also, playedthe -Mendelssohnl 6.wédding.March." Thie color note of the wecdding was pîik, shadilig to-rose, aild these tories werc carricil ont in thle. gowins of. ilhe'bridai, party ail( the decoratiops pf.tlie honme. 'l'lie bride was gowiaed iii pil.k Chanci lace and carrivd an id(-fashi-. ioiied bouquet of spring flowers. Miss Roberta MNutiier, sisteri of the bridegrooti, was niaid of hurani W ore a lac e gow1ln i irose 1 ~Dor-7 otby Trotter of Ottutnawa, as brjdespxaid, was gowvned, !il asiies oi . rosesý lace. 'Miss Trotter 'was Mrs. Muthr'sroomniate while attending, * Rockford coliege.. Littie" MIary Jane Curkeet -of Madison, Wis., was flower * girl, while Betty Jane Cooke of Kýet- ilworth and Jessie Curkeet of Madi- soli, Wis., were rilibon bearers, as- sisted by Dcwothy Deacon, Vlimgiia Howve, John Deacon and Russell Cooke of Kenilwortli. Jackson BRurgess, Of, Cicatgo. a 'former iclassniate of Mlýr. Muthcr, ýh;lId planied to act as best plan, but the serions illniess o f Mrs.ý Burges- pre- Vented bis attendance' and Russell :Cooke of 'Kenilworth substitulted. tr, .%Muther is .the.oniy soli of Mr s. * Ellis F. Muitier *of,.,.Evau sto i and isý a graduate of the University of V- coulsin. Aniong the out-of-town 11gliets In attendance were Miss Dorotiv 'Trot- ter, a bou.se guest o.f thie bride; Mrs. iJessie Noè, Mr. and Mrs. William *Curkeet and cbildren, Mary. Jane, home,; and on Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Grornann gave a. dinner and dance at the, Edgewater Beach hotel for the bridaI party and a few friends. Immediately follôwiàg* the recep- tion Mr. ,and M s. Muther left on a mator trip thrbugbl Wisconsiin and. M;nnesota. Photo by DuBois Olt Ijojdaly, .4pril 27, jinflhc ÉirstIlietliddist EPis' pl chuîrch in fivan«pston, iss Nanécv .hfae Ste ffy, <ll.itfer of MWr. and ,Irps. Williami C.13de St'ffy Offle Sov1creign ia fr1,. bcaethe bride of Corpielius Peter Va chaark, Jr., son o f Cornelius p Vait Schaack af 611 Linden av- inije', :îvjhntet. The wcdding re- Ception was.held ut flie' Soveciyn. .11r. Van- Sclîaack and, las . bride h1' sail'd froin New ork, foi-, the I>anana Canal Zolli. Cosi( I<ica0, qnd LHazana. and .rill returu bv, tý,av o ôf N\e z oOrleans.. Sorority WiIl G ie Fashion Show May 91 The plans are nowv comipîcte.,for the_ aunual spring party ta lic giveti for the benefit of the house .f und. of the Alpha Phi sororitv, Nortli\vestcrni uni- vorit aiorïi-ýto Mrs. \V. H. nanan, mu >~utai vne o ':c L days last week was Mrs. Saidee Rath- boue of Los Angeles, Cal., wbo was also visiting ber sister-in-law, Mrs. John Rathbone. 523 Abbottsford road,' Kenilwortb. Mrs. Carnahan gave .a, tea for a small groupý of ber guest's friends. last Sunday eve-. nng. ;rîe z eddiing of Mis$ Curln Parker G$onann and Ellis fraik Atiifher, -,(as an ezentuf o aira affern)oon;, .May 2; at the liome of thte bridc's parents, 11r and _Mrs. R. S. Groînann of 901 Centrai avnUIC11, Wiliet te. M u1t her- is the son aOf .lrs. 1Ellis F.' lin tuer of Ez-anstan. To Entertain Ravinia Workers at Shawnee With the animual lunicheon at the Mloraine hotel iast Friday as the signal to' inaugurate the anpual. drive foir Raviia Opera club niembers. Ms Lester. E.' Mec of 1227 Cbestnut ave- nue,, chairman, is actively . prepariiig frthe work. of 'the \Wilmiette coni- mittee, %vhicb wiil be directed *by lier and b4' rs Edwamrd O. Lilienfield, Vîice-chairmnan, In order to f oranulate their plans Donahue, 907 Elmwood avenue, NNiI mette, a junior at the University of Illinois, bas recently been eiected to Mortarboard, women's hionor society at the university. She is also a menm- ber of Torch, thie Cosniopolitan club, and Alpha Si»gma Nu, honorary, pby- sical training Society. bers of thé Raviinia Opera club to work enthmsiastically ini selling coupon' books for. gate admissions to the opera, vlîen le entertained members of the club and their cominittees .at the Mor- ainie hotel for luncheon iast Friday. Mrs. Ralph H. Poole, president of the club, presided at the luncheoi meet- ing, which was attended by more than a hudred; wanen. She spoke of the club's preation ta Mr. Eckstein for Raviia pr, vhich hée bas made pos'. sible during the past twcu ty years. Mr. Eckstein bas'.gone heedlesiy into the comhing season artist.ically and finaucial- ly, and it promises not only to reachi the .higjl standards of the past, but to surpass theni, as eachi seasonhas always surpassed the precediiug anc sinice Ra- vînia's inception. ,Mr.. Eckstein. talked 'inf orially about bis plans for the corng season, menc-, tianing the three novelties ad revivals which lie contemplates. "Peter Ibbet- son"ý willbe seen probabiy in August, William TeIl'iil be heard, for the frst tuie at Ravinia this sunter, ad a new French comnedy is under cou- sideration, "La Basoche." Two inew stars, have been added to the roster, Frederick Jaýgéi, a tenor f rom thée Metrppolitan Opera compay, and A17 f redo Gandoifi, ',a bamfitone -vho Wvill takè the raie Lawrence Tibbett bias, beemi singing in. Peter Ibbetson.", It was good .iews ta e veryone that ail of the old stars will returu, and that no retrenclîments wiil be noticeable anywhere in lhue during the coming season. -Nr. Ecksteih expects, nattiral- lv. the sanie loyal support this yéar that he bas.alwàys received f rom. menibers o f the Râvinia Opera .club in seliing. coupon boôks to patrons. Gate admis- sions are cheaper if,.coupon books are purchased and by takingcoupon books.ý 1Ravinia patrons'have the opportunity of. sho' ing Mr. Eckstein that, they are% tiat indiff erent, to the great artist ic project which lie sponsors. Officers .Of the Ravinia Opera club) Sar 'e M rs. Poole, président-, Mrs. \Vil- -liani Sutherland, first. vice-presideut: Mrs. Arthur Byfield of Highland Park. Mrs. John W. Gary of Giencoe, . Mfrs.. Donald F.' McPhcrson of Wininetkai, Mrs. George* A. Mason of Highland Recent hoise guests of Mrs. J. P. Derum, 801 Central avenue, were Miss Virginia Miller f Highland Park and Detroit and Frederick Collins of Chi- ago. Miss Mary O'Conner, who was on ber way to ber borne in Detroit f rom. El Paso, Texas, also spent several days at the Derum bol ae.