THIS PRICE WILL SURPRISE Y017! Rtugs Silvertone Tamns, 6 9c ýGirls will like these snug-fitting tams in f rosted> tones of blue, rose, gold 'and orchid. $1 values. Second Floor. Kotex and Lornap 4 for 88'c., Sanitary napkins-re.gulation size-packed 12. to box. Z Packages of Kotex' and 2 of Lornap,. 4 for 83c. First Fi-oor., GueetTowels, each 50c The finest -of imported. linen. with the cleverest appli- ques and daintiest embroidery. Lovely prizes. First Floor.: Chair Backs, 6 for $1 Hand-made chair backs of importè'd mercerized 'filet of * the Russian -ty,,pe-unýsurpassed values at-6fo$1 Fpirst: Floor. Prayer Rugs, $1.95' Beautiful prayer rugs -with a soft, siiky sheen-ideal runners, bench covers or for wall decorations. First Kiddies' Ankiets, 4 prs. for $1 Rayon and lisie, plain white or wi th bright colorèd. topS. Sizes 7 to 10Suy now for..summer. First Floor. Men's Pajanias,> $1 Tailored of quality broadcloth and madras in middy and coat styles. Not al! colors in ail sizes. Men's Store. First Floor. Beginning Thursday 'Mis, Odeli Pfin-gs.,the> COMMUNIT# .KITCHEN- to LÔRD'S .Fo6d Corner Another step forward in our programa of'e"pan- sion! And hundreds of our. patrons wil le glad to loeow that Mrs. Odeil ha$ chosen LORDS as an- other downtown Evanston, outiet. for lier deïilt- fui fresh baicing. White bread, graham breaô, ilougliauts, coffee« cakes, plain rolis, cinnamon*1Is, caramel rolis and other favortes-actually ho -emade of the finest ingredients to satisfy a igli standard oqulty. YLORD'S- Food Corner-First Floor, Center Cushion Sets, $1.75 2-piece sets-s .eat cushion and chair bavk of gay cretonne comfortably padded, for wicker furniture. First Fboor. Belgian Tapestrîes, $1. Stunning pieices in a variety of olà i Femish subjects. Yo.u'h want several at this May Drive %!4e. First Fb or., Durene Mesh Suiits,$1:",. Brother and sister suits, two cl.ever st yles, short. sleeved mode in Spring pastels. Sizes 2 to 6 years., $econd Floor. Lundieon Sets, $3.65 Electriclie Presse rs, 50c Makes ies like new.' Presssining and face of tie at the same time. An- outstanding May Drive offer.- First Fb or. Garbage Pails,98c,, Green garbage pails with galvanized iron inset pail. Stepping on foot treadie. raises the cover. Only 98C. First Floor. 3-Qte Sauce Pans, $1019 Miirro extra thick alumùinum sauce panà-handy 3, quart size with cover. Complete for $1.19. While 100'lastý. First Floor. Covered Kétties, $1.29 M'Nirro,,extra thick, aluminum 4 quart covered. kttie- ideal for small1 pot roasts. May D.rive specçial t First Fb or. Angel Cake- Pans, $1 Mfirro quality, bakes delicate fluffy cakes,> heats elVenly, browns perfectly. Scamless, no stieking. First Fia or. Rice Boilers, $1.98, Mirro extra thiek aluminum boilers, 1½V quart size., A new-. piece just introduced by Nfirro. First Fboor. Laundry Cases,-$1.39 For mailing! Brown canvas with crdbardflr, ie 12x19x41/Z inches. Students wilI snap up this value.' As First Ftoor. Percales, 3 Yds. 50c $ Iow May1 eprice. LORD'S 'Rugi Section Secoud Floor, East Roomn D.Prive Speciail NVotion Sec tion-LO RD'S-First Floor Il j-pc. Mixung BwI Sets 9-in. Mixing Bowls il-lu. Mizing BoiwIs In white with gay tulip decoration. W4eat..Proof. $ Glaswi.e Section-LORD'S-Pt', Ploor, East Room -1 elastie inserts and six bose sup- ~t porters. AlIso side-hook girdies ' and step-in girdies. ,Corset Sec tion-LO RD'S-Secofld Floor tels in Junior sizes 13, 15 and1 In the Junior Miss Section LORD'S-Second Floor ot Elevotor 095