Save 30% to 50% Our after inventory offerings -Will Save you 300/o to 50%fl. This affords you an unusual opportuni ty for, buying for, your home many beautiful furniture and'art creations by the master craftsmen. of -Europe, tavr ubstantial saving.. Included are, fine im- ported .furniture, mirrors, tapestries, Ilamps, broinzes, garden pieces and fireplece fur- nisbings. Each is marked with a readjust- nment price tag. Fornig* FirtIee .Tapestrioes -Bro»zt $29-331 South Wabash Avenue .2.e>koe u. Haon OS$5 EXCLUSIVE ART CREATIONS FROM OVER THESHAS FOR AMERICAN 1101485 able lead throughout the game. 'ThIe Bears p ut on a flashy performance ~and were reniarkable ioes. They areC the boys who entertained Wilmiette spectators several years ago wheun thev played the famous old Pioneer team. Last Sunday the pitcing was. ta- en care of, in very classv fofm .bv Frank Roemer Who had the colored boys down and swinging thr9)ughout- the Whole. battle and allowed but fdur hits. Both of the pitchers, I-arry2 Schleuter'.and Frank'Roemer, have pitched, severtal full games and, have exhibited "fine formf.. Tliev hope to keep the Pioneers ùO high this year. Most of the hitting was, done byý Fritz* Kraýuse, B ud Schuett, and George Estes,.these three accounting, for most of the scoring. The rest of the boys are also ini c lass shape and the lineup will. remain intact for uèxt Sunda* -wheh-the Poeesen- gage, the Wilmette C. C. at the Pio- neer diamond, except that jackt Bre wer, star infielder, mil he a-%Nav( on a vacation. The Pioneers have a verv liighly improved téam over Iast vear's out- fit a nd entertain hiigli hopes for the comning fracas: Thev.hope to e.xte.nd their winning streak- although they face tough opposition.' The Cham-1 )e'r of Commerce will undoubtedls, face excellent -pitching if either4 Harrv' Schlueter- or Frank Roemner (10 the flinigiiig. -The n"ew bovs on quer roomn of the Palmier. House. Mrs. B. F. Langworthy of Winnetka is one of 'the vice-presidential nominees, Hor- ace Bridges, Robert F. Carr, and Fred.: erick T. West being the others. Donald P. Welles is nominated. for secretary and C. R. Whiiworth for treaiurer.L Mrs. Andrew-,MàcLeish of Glencoe is one of the'directors nomin- ated to hold, office f rom 1931 -1934., Dinner, to. which members will be, allowed. to bring guests. will be served at 7 o'clock -and ýfollowed by a sliort business Meeting. DOr. Charles W.. Gilkey, the guest of honor, will speak ýon "India." The hour set for the termînation of the evening, is 9:30, for thé cconi.venience of the numerous s uburban mnembers of, the, union. CON VALF-SCING Helen Lind, daughter of Mr- and, MNrs, Frederick- A. Lind. 1336 Wash- ington ave nue,, is, convalescing at her home f romn an appendicitis operation that she unidervvent at the Swedish. Covenant hospital. She .wil.prohably be returning to her third grade studies at the L~ogan school in about a week. the Pionheers have added the neces- sary punch whi'ch the teamn forniallv lacked, 'both on defense an1d offense,.. At any rate,, no'Matter what the out- corne of the hattie w111 be,. a very close, and liard-fougt tgame is antici- ipated. 1135 Central Ave. Wilmette Wilumette 308 795 EIm Street Wininetka Winnetka 518 We Deliver 922 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Winnetka 743- D 'I.W I teté