Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1931, p. 30

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Award Assembly Will Take, Place Monday, May 18 The ~ iniiial award assembly will take place on Ma%- 18. At tis tine the. nuinerous. individual awards of the entire school veàr %ill'be niade.ý Otto Barinett'awardls twivo prizes of_ fiveý and ten 'dollars eéacb, for the best essays on observ'ations, of birds>. He is giving similar prizes for essavs. on anY~ civic or eco pomic subjects. The AVilliami K. Te,îcher Award for Effort is givenl to the stildent or students who have shown tbe great- est effort and acbieved. signal prog- r.ess in the stud1% of United Staties historv. The Harvard Book pntize is award- ed to the junior bdclv who bas main- tained thle highest scholastic average throughoutthe scçhool .,,ear. The book s5 given by the Harvard club of Chi- cago. l'lie \Vihptte State Bank pnîzes are awý,ardled to students vý'ho lhave showvn great abýhtv iii the commier- cial courses 'of New Trier. Everv menîber of the. band wbo. bas flot been abse.nt fromx more than three gam1,es or .tardi more than once receives a pin in. recognition and ap- preciation of lis services to the Serv ice chlb pins are ':given ýto the' ituiiior andl senior girls Nvho have as- sistcd i n the nntrse's office and 1îavle passed the. Red Cross first aid exai- The debatiîig orgaîlizations offt.er numiierous i-wards. For ail stuldents who have participated ini at least oneé itntersclicdasti.c. debate a felt étmblem' is given. The miembers of.. tbe for- ensi.c board,wh are giving iunitiruiýtg labr n mkigthe Spriuiz irolic a sucs.and in maniaging thé débat- inz" affairs. receive a pin. At this timie those %wýo bhave participte1i 'Ilng dehates are a a rded the pins of the. National Foretnsic leaguie. The Solon R *Il--y Debatiing trophy wll be awarded to the stiident whio !has done the nmost effective cebating. during the vear. The Eliiper Baker mnitorial New Trier Symphony Orchestra in Concert hast Wednesday the New Trier Svymphony orchestra gave a concert at the Elrn Street school in Highland Park.,.The. grouo, playe -i for tiîeir program the follo%.ing in un b er s: ."Overiture, to the. Pirates of Pei- zance" by Gilbert, and Sullivani. 'Adagio"ý by Riis, and "Stradilla Overture" byr Flotow. The enthusias- tic reception they receivýed. acclaimied the true mieit, of their playing. The orchestra wvas assisted ini their perforinalice by Miss .Vi r gilnia Sprague and, George I3ersch., Miss Virginia. Sprague sang lier aria frotm tbe. opera,: "Poor Walidering One." She was, accompanied, by the orches-, tra. George Bersch sang two niumbe rs besides bis "Song of the M.ýajor-Geii- eral." which was alSo taken from the opera. .Many compliments were re- ceived as to the ex-cellenice of the students' work. It is interesting to note thiat N ew Trier's orchestra was asked to play in place of k1r. Dascli's Little syrn- phony. New Trier Basebal Niné Wins Duel at. Oak P arïk New 'rineç s ,basebaîl tearn energed victonious ini a duel with Oak Park, at the latter's field last Saturdav. The g aine wvas in the bands of the pitchers at ail tinies, with Dick Hi -ck of New Triîf having a slighit edge 'ovïr' his opponent. The Oak Park sluggers were lheld to ônly four bits. %vhile the Treverians, led by Frank, Churchi, garnered five. Cliurchi accotunted for two of the five. Practicallv errorless bail %vasý exhibited by our boys, the, oinlv error being eomrinitted hy Ber- iiardi,,tble second" baseman. However, Adani miade up for his& error 1w scor- ing the x wining- ruii. This -was the first leigue victory for NeW Trier., 1)efeats v ere siffered at theliands of Déerfield and Morton ini the. two previotis leaguie gaines. The teani has settled on to business an.d shiowvs. iniuch prom-iise. IMother's Day May again! Anothe r daiv again! This'week is clinaxed with Mother's Day., Every litie studenit at. Ne w' Trier is savirige the pennies to bu y the usual flowers or caridy, accordinig to the amount accumulated. Even thotigh this day is one that hias been. extravagantly ýcommer- cialized, it 'should be one cherished by al. voung people as _a way to, pay especial. bornage to their mothers. May we suggest that even tlough your. pennies. miav be fevv, voti c an arrange to make Sunday one of the, happiest dayg ini the' year for your rnot'her, by just doing> the littie. tbings that she likes and.wants.- This nîeans being unselfish, bN, udt' wanting, the car if she had- plann'ied- to go riding, or selecting this weekç-end to buy a new dress for the girl's or bov's. corn- ing home ýand by not dernanding extra cash to take the girl. friend on a big date. In other words, let's do our best to show our inothers a good tinie this week-end!, to Feature Senior Drama on May 23 Judging by rehearsalsi the forth- corning Senior play w.ill Lbe "'a Honiey." imagine.an orphan girl start.- inig ont to find a position, and .eniding np at a doctor's office where .he lat- ter i s More interè'sted in golf than bis patients. Ask SalIy Krieble or Marion Nettiernan about ýtheir 4ifficulties along this lune.> The doctor himself, none other thani Dorrance Nygaard and Phil Voni Amnon,' respectively, is a Most pecu- liar and jolly feIlow with only a care for bis score from the,18 holes ani incidentally that hie has no lpatients and can't seem to get any.. And.that's not ail. The doctors bave a Mnost charming, Frenclh valet wvbo endeavors toassîst in their-difficul- ties. He *is iMpe rsonated by the fa- mous* Dave Lott and the clever'Oliîî If von are iiterested in the triails, that concern a mother who is enideav- oring to get medical attention for beyounig son, you must corne to "Best Peo ple" Cast, M1ary jearne Ïanî1if and. John Par- Score New Success, de, hae t 0-l. you elnonglbof the I.ast Fridla., the cast of -The Best .play. ..so yon. must corne and sceit. *People" 'again repeated thec success for vourself on May 23. As thec bul- of their first performance. The audi - letin- wonld phirase it - "Save 111e ence were appreciative anid enjoved date." thecinselves inmnieuîselv. Haîf the fin lay iii the fact that the cast wver*. Fine"rosgram Enjoyed teachers acting on the stage.1 Miss 'Shiort\-" Frazer as the 'chorus b uirM scCu girl played hber. part to perfection.j The Junior Mutsic club miet at tle Mr. Shearer. was excellent as the i bone of Jolin Mathison, 84 bt- Voung manri in love witli the chorus i tord road, Wjnnetka, on. April 27. gzirl against bis family's wishés. It The fine'rga vs oioe.o is nseless to go on and iention I tefolIoý ing' umbrs i thie others. becanse evervonle '..mhoMreFieine saw the pla .prciates hom- goodTrm<n o- thev w~ere.Sogf ni' ink-Kxs1~w The plav vas given .by the MNeris ~ Peter dilbert: club of New% Trier and is an animual 1 MrhGoeqe......idn aifair. The làst play \vas "Tlree Gr, ce Ellis Wise Fools," wvhicb was also very riipt~'o conîical and very well acted. EverYv-- <1IIaPlk'R Ii'n one s lokin fomrd t net yer'Jaliet wrighit ofieis ookng orwrd o nxtyars Robert Sanidv, i seventh grade. performance even thougli it is s0 .far 'vas the gnest. epae h olaway. f ., eptvdhef7l~- At ther- vg u aAr1meeting "v -ofot**stenvircs.I d Ino e-smyofte senior class is planned At th reglar neetng o theLenssembe a ircu pariculrily butasmfrr\inda duninnin du dng avisâ club \\ednesday, Apnil 29) several a .commnunity fair it was quite a suc- period. At this Meeting speakers will bits f rom the movie were shown. cess. M anii of our illstriosrsntheifretiesorits Some of the members taking parts *'alums," were seen' cavorting around These suggestions 'Ill then be yoted are: N1argaret 3and Betty Lindsirorn. ini vanious stages of attire. 1 l'us we on in the varions senior advisor Betty Ketchani,,and the two Gleasonsý. are giving the desired pnblîcity. tle groups somnetimé in the following 'Vlwplo reainsa depdarksecet.front page. of the News Flashes. *ek rlEALTH WEEK Last weekwas International Health WVeck.>Tbe Health departnient at. New Trier* prepared bulletinis 'for eath adý,isor roomi to be read on Mfonday, Tuesday and Wednesdav of last week. Also, the sophornore girls atteuded an assemnbly on. Fniday in whicb Mrs. Abboit spoke about. posture.

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