Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 May 1931, p. 1

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NEW BOARD DONS ITS WORK TOGS B ri elf Ceremonial Precedes Business. Session. on InagualNigbt "lie ne%% \Vilunîette Village hoa rd. r met. for thie flrst t, ie as-the officiai governing body of Wiimette Tuesdav nliglît of this ýweek and ]ost n1t 0 iii getting down to serions business Important matters such, as. the ap- pointînen of standin conîmiiittee.;. tie appomitment of. the village col- r lector, the appointment of the vil-. lage attorney, the -estab)lisilîing'.o' the new board of local improvemien ts and the- adoption of. a resolution pro- viding for going abead imnmediatelS' ith- the comppletion of' Wilmnettes liortion. 'of the. new through hliglhwNa3 on the north shiore of wlîich M aini. strecet is. a part, were take~n'u. Menibers, of the- new' Village hoard pare: Carbon P. Dubbs, president. and Stacv C. B3ennett, Arthur Iee, A. V Froehide, Ruth H. Snyder.- Carl C Renneckar and WV. W. ' Dellerard, trustees. Dubbe ln California Mr. Dubbs, was -tiniable to attend the meeting of the board 'ruesdaYý. lie as called',to Califoriiia because of the serious. illness of bis niother Both Presiclent Dubbs and Truste.e Bennett were sworn ilu last week. The other two new truistees, .Arthuir. L4ee and A. W. -Froelide, were sworni ini at the formai inauguration Tues- dlay' niiglit by Village Clerk l.ea j Orr. The .inauguration ceremion les 'e re attended b'y a rtnimber of former pre,-ý idents . of Wilmette and wives, of former presjdents,ý as. vell as forniet village trustees,; and a capacity audi-f enice of interested, citizens. M aYor Chales11.Bartleëtt of 14vansfonî 'wàa another dig-itary j)resent. uce gave a: short talk after the new. bourd ,ha<l finisled its business. 1-1Old Board Closes Out on I>Vl.ii omte commnunilty to Eari E. Orner, the retiring- village presi- dent, and~ to E. C.' Cazel and StantonI Van Inwagen, retiring trustees, in rec- ognition of their services. Following the adjournmnent of the otd board and the swearing ift of Trustees Froehde atid Lee, the- new Garden Expert Al f red CarlIlottesý, associate edtrof Botter Homnes aied Gard- cils magaz~ine, fallmcd zwritcr and lecturer, Prii&cipally oit garde» silb- jct,'iil be heard in Wilmnette, Ifridav. eeing. May 15 in allecture sponsored bythe ic1ýveuing Garden club of Wiliiette. The lecture wili be pii'e>r in 'the auditorium of thte [Filinette iiioaii's.clil> building, Tentiz stircet antdGenJ« avenue. Community Center Idea to Be Pondered May 18 Invitations areclieing issuied to local rganizaionis 'tc) articipt iia mieeting to hé* lielcl on I navîiglît. ay18, i.nItle Village. hall to forîii a lerniafleût organization whosepur- poseC %Vill lie tf) deterînine thie proper procedure: for building and maintaini- ii-g a conmnlity house in Wilniette. The Chamber of Commerce IwiIl be Girl Scouts ..... ' 42 Hlgh SchooI News . ...30-31 Junior Life ............. 52 Music Pagea ......... 38-39 Recreation....0-61 Societ y>Pages......-41 Buying of Poppies Is Tribute to Ail Heroes (Conitributed) 'The women, of 'the American. *legion auxiliary. Who will, be on the streets with, tue poppies oit Poppy.Da%., Friday,. Müy 22. iii realiy d ntsel! the .flowers. They off er,,the poppies. to ever%- one .wlîo wishes to honor the dead in eXcha nge. for a 'contributio.n to help the:living. No .re .s ie for these flowers shaped by patient hands of disabled veter- atis., : Te child wvho drops a pennty.inito the 'coin box- of the ,poppy seller, the financier: who tucks ini a texi dollar bu!l,.and the- pennîless uneml)loyed who can.give nothing--all will be given the saine. briglit red poppy. And every pennyv of the mionéey Which goes'inito thiese coin boxes will conte out ini service to needy disabled' meni and their famnilies ~during thle comning vear. Paying hionor to the nien who have died for their couintrv should. be a natural impulse 'with ievery, patriotic Americani. Helping bet- ter the lot of the war's living vie- tiînS isaw obligation upon ail of us. We cani do both bw wearing the Légion and Auxiliary poppy on Poppy Day. Hold Commencement at Sears School June 12 Comnmencemenit exerci,"es at' the Jù.sephi Sears scliool in Kenilwortlî this" year wilI bc held Friday, Julie 12., A class of about forty-.three will bc grad- uated. The annutal- exhibit ai. the school will be held onie Week prior to commencement, on Friday, june S. This exhibit is a suinimary of dt year's work- in the KettilWort h school, and al rooins anîd dePartinents are represented. Parents attend iii large numbers each year. Helpful suggestions as to what to give may be found in the Mother's Day ad- vertisenents appear-ing in Village Board Takes De.finite' Steps, to improve- and Ex- pand Wilmette Slystem Wilmette 'voters, on April 21 au- thorized the prc'posed $100,000 bond ,issue to finance muùch needed improv;e- nients ini the village watef' system. and the Village board is going ahead imimediately, wi th. steps to prevent a ,water shortage such> as bas occurred ini Wilmnette in . the past fe'w sum- miers. *The board beld a late session at an ladjourned ,meeting Wednesday night of last iveek and spent-most of the time discussing, the water problem. Village Trustee-W-, DeBerard, who is. chairnian of the sewer and water comrnittee of the board, in- rcduced Paul Hansen of- the firm of Pearse, Greeley and Hansen, en- gineers, who have been retained by the village to draw updetailed plans for improvements in ,the water sys- tem. Later Mr. DeBerartd presentéd three resolutions which *provide for sta rting the improvements immiedi- ately. Approvýe Comuittee Plan The reports, and recommendations of the sewer and water comimittee were received and concurred in by the board. In bis first report Mr. DeBerard stated that plans have been- prepared for' the building of a newý ineter pit anid the installation of a new mneter on the water supply main ini Sheri- dan road near. Roslyn street at the. Evanstoun city limits. Evanston, lhe said, proposes to furnish and instal the pipe fittings,.anid .new Meter and to move the existing meter :on, th'is. )Water niainx into the new -ineter pih; Oirecomniienidatioiof Tru'stee D[e - Berard, Village Manager C. 'M. ýOs- orn was autlio.rizied to have E~vans- ton'i furnish and -set the pipe 'and mleters and to jet bids 'on the build- the booster pump station té be 10- cated on an abutting lot -provided a fair rentai1 for the use of the lot can be agreed on. The engineers' estimates show the cost qf this work to be approxi- mately $2,OOO,. Trustee, DeBerard stat.ed. [t is proposed to, move the (Continued on page 7)

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