%vi portray the role of a singer. The fete has as its basis mythical Greek f olk lore. The Carleton May pageant is rapidly ýattracting national attention. Miss Lu- cille' Biorn, a senijor studenti, bas cli- miaxed four years of study in dramatics by adapting the 1931 fete f rom the Flomenic epic. the "Odyssey." The p re- sentation1 will be beld on ait island in the centèr of' Lymnan Memorial lakes at Carleton, a natural theater. The theme of the f ete will closely. follow the version of, Homner, portray- ing the wandenings of Odysseus.' ship- v vrecked as he returned bomfeward af ter *thie'sieg-e and f ail of- Troy. Trhe pro- log ' '41 depict, thé traveler washed ashore on an island ruled by King Alcinous. Nausicaa, béauti ful dauighter of the -king, -finds Odysseus and Ieads hihi to:her f ather. Four episàdes, telling of the jouirn 'ey.'s of Odysseus, as.related. by him iii the«« court ýof 'Alcinous, will be f ollotwed at sundown by a drarnatic epilog as '-The Seafarèr"v once more sets sail for lis home, leaviing Nausicaa. who bas f allen. ini love with him. *Prýofessor Thomas Job, head of the Carleton .drarnatics departmient, wilI di- ý:rect the action of the pageant. while miss Lena M. Niles of the girls' physi- cal education department will arrange for the dances for the fete. Thene %vil ýbe ten tableaux and dlances, amiong them- a Greek py7rrhic dance, the love dance of Nausicaa,- the "Dance of the Wind niithe Flo\%ers," and the '*Dance of. CCcoIp&" I Yo-u ,must try te[ir'creamed Cottage n~e ese,. PACICINo Wepapk, Wedding 'China, Bric-a-Brac, Silverware, Books, Gifts and Household Gooda. HORIZON upe 2 Trouser Suits, at HENRY Watr Wavtig HAIRCIJTTINGv êbMen t td Chitdrer.* d V91m ia UN6202 CHAIRSý AND TABLES, POUKENT FOR1 ALL OCCASIONS S21 MAIN, ST. WILMETTE 32 MOSTFO.R YOUR' MON EY AT THIE HUB GRAY C rrington and -Churic-EVANSTON Evanston Shof O pen Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Rvenings No Toil Charge Phone Winnetka 188 ___ FIREPROOF WAREHUSE The Ne w-:Smart -Gr 1ay is oChicagoans &SONS,