arranged. The children of the ele- uaentary school., which iis a part ot the college presented an original1 Dutch play with costumes and set- tings of their own making. Several members of, the faculty were to ex- fené a - .e-uvhg pN FR0^y à SATUUDAY ONLY New P@tat@.s l. 1 Nu4L.ttuge". I-g Bananes.3 au. i NimuIy 2 94i il Cucuunb.u'. . 23 Mrs. Thomas Coyne, of _Nelrose~ ning, May 11, ai 8 O'Clock. A speak- at the piano by Hadasseh McGrimtn. avenue, Kenilworth, entertained '-he er will be provided by the Rehahlilta- The patrons and patronesses for Friday'sewing club at luncheon last tion cotnmittee. thé recital include Mrs. Edward week. Th~e ext meeting, Friday. Blake Blair, Miss Anna Burmeister. May 15, wilhe at the honme of Mrs.i Mrs. J. AlMberi Cook,. Mrs. D. 3Mark Ed wiin Hedrick. 304 Mývelrose avenue.î Mrs. C. W. Edrnoiidon and 1Uï* Çumnmings. Mrs. Robert NI. Curtis. _____________________________, M. H. Flaglore visited cour iadatMs. oseph Fisendrath,l MNiss Grace Great Lakes one 'day. last'iveek. Fer. Ms Hj. rswl. r, James .0. Heyworth, Mrs. . W. 1Wýednesday, Apr> 9. the Sevenith Hiner, Mrs. Charles Lyon Krum. JO ~district -dèlegates were guests of the' Mr. and P. D. Middlekauff iPeter Sesterhenn, unit in Glenve (Palo Alto,: Cal.)~. Mrs. Alhert J. * ~The state president, -%rs. Aý. B. NMid-,chnrMsHrhert F, Perkins, 1 .dieton of Pontiac,. spoke and each tRev. and Mrs. Herbert W. Prince, unit president gave 'a' three-îùiinute Arthur Ranouxs. Rudolph Reuter, Ma- - tlk o gve hestae pe-Ientandame Sonia Sliarnova, M-\rs. Gilbert j , lideof.w-hati en oek the iii- Sih Mrs. .B pc.M.. Wil- 1 divîdlual uis Nine members ofý liam, J. Stenson. Mins M ary Peck . W1lýilmette unit attended this lunicheon ThmolardM FeeikW. !SMa-and meeting includirig M~ . Upham.__ Cochran, Mrs. F.- J. Dowd. Mrs.,. George' Leal, Mrs. A. :\W.. Berschi.;ty coticil nieeting, in Ciicag "last IMrs. A. G. Jefferson. Mrs. T. L. 1. ridav.. Hall, Mrs.. Russell Johnson, Mrs. 'Ai ___ ________________ Rodenkirk. and 'Dr. Reatrice Haw~- Stra vnn.\a 3 h k,.L[Ie e in . -fa-- 3 t e -Mrs. C. B. Co.)craii. unit rîet and MNr's. F. j. Dowd, secretarv.- rep- resetedtheunit at the Cook côun- oc Pluedi granatid - in clath bbap Sugar . * * *4 Pet, BSdn.'s or Carnati on h4ilk *** *. Heinz Pwe. omato Ketchup CORN.aPEAS TOM ATOES CIO" qmâW caS.ed v.gaibhs49 m .cqoeioeIw ow pdce 3~25c Auxiliary ill give. a danice at the WVilniette Wýonia-i's clubh. \Vatch int further annou ncernents oPi this in- teresting event, and 1wýal neansý save the date! MOTHERS DAYI iFMAY lOth'l IObs48é 1 4ýi-x cane. 21C * ~1 Sc BA RTLETI I PE ARS I Ravc-Freh Origon cans woc * ve . -. 8tlý-;* LU<lE-N AVENUTE '4RIDlGE 419 iILN STREET 1105-0; CENTRI 11,49-9 WILIIETTE AVENUE S ervis g National "' Food Stores MU &*UTT « RS, or THE fMID618 WEST tSiNCI ISgg 26 'ears, Wilmette and Central. Aves. Phones: Wil. 400-401 O*pevi Sundays Until, 10, P. Ai. A~ VE N FE