"Few taxpayers have a* clear un- derstandingas to wbere their nioney goes," savs a letter which bas gone out from the board of trustees of the Village of Keniiworth to prop- ertv owners in th at village. The let- ter discusses in detail .the increase in 1928 and 1929 tax bis. over the 1927 tax bis. "Every oie hundred dllars you paid iii general taxes for these years," it says,. "was distributed 'as, folloWs,"ý the figures 'for the years: 1927, 1928 and,1929 appearing in that order re-. spectively: State--$4.97, $5.99 -and $7.80;,counity _ ,$7.45, $9.18, and e.»; fo.rest pre- *serve- $1.32,. $1.99 -and $1.80; sani- tary district-$6.63, $9.18 and $11.40; Mosquito abatement-$ .83, $ .9Q and $ .60; township road 'and *bride-, $1.32, $1..60 anid,$1.60; township higli schoolý-$2.85,, $16.38 and _$1 7.00; Kenilworth Public school-$33.1il, $31.93 and $28.00, Kenilworth village -$17.55, $19.16 and $19.20; Kenilwôrtli' Park district-$3ý.97, *$3.79 and S3.60. The. letter discusses the reasons for increased taxes as follows: "iThis tabulation shows that the tate, Couinty. Forest Preserve; and Sanitary district, combinèd, reËeived 2OAof vour taxes in 1927,. 26%,I in v.1928, and 30% in .1929. Althoughi the highi school, grade school, Village and Park board rates have been re- * duced since 1927, the State and Sani- * tary district rates have been ini- creasect since 1927 so that now you are paving more than half as rnuch tô the-Sanitary district for dispo sinig of sewaze as you do to the Village for ail Village service combine& in- * cludingmaintenance of Village sew- ers, street ighting, street cleaning, street repairing, snow plowing, police protection, fire protection, health protection, bathing 'beach main.tenance, and many other general, * Village services. *'Alt hough the Kenilworth Citizens' Tax commhittee succeeded in getting r' the Couinty Board of Assessors to feels tat umuch r. fopety K oei- assessments, the Village board still adjs that nuclier o outtaing oeri- worth is 'still assessed too high ini o f New Trier Higb school, will re- cei ve bier degree in music fromn North- western this June. She was recently elected to ..Pi, Kappa Lambda, bonor- ary musical.-sorority. -Tuesday even- ing, May 12, she w;ÎlI plaây at the Ev-, Unston; Woman's club. Mrs. harles. V.Howe Kenilworth avenue, has had guest, her sister, Mrs. C. A. bury of Waterloo, Iowa for' visit. of 240 as ber Water- a short FRST MORTGAGE LOANS,' -on ho'uses, apartments and business properties for 5, 7 or 10 yea r termns. CODY TRU.STCOMPANY 105 South La Salle Street Randolph 6600 CHICAGO MAY 10, 1931 Subject: "Adam and Fallen Man" READING ROOM-i1 48 Central ,Avenuet Open Daily, (exceprn ededy)gA M. to 9 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:4 5 ]P. M. Opin Sundag afternoona 3 ýP. M. to 6 P. M. -a The Bible and Works of Mary -Baker Eddy. and al other-authorized C hr'iiau Science Literature .,may' be read. borrowed or ptirchased ai the Reading Robin. THEPUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTnD IËI! CHURCH SERVIC]ESý AND' VISIT TUHE- READINQ ROOM PATRONIZE ýOUR ADVERTISERS COALIHEAT COSTS'LE88 Dustiesa Chicago.ý Solvay -Coke at the, Lowest Price in 14 Years.- Place Your Ave. phone FOR MORE TRIAN 40TEAIRS E I BUY ATý THE LOW ilisiffiiiiiiiiiii ni iiiiiiiii "Il illi MOI i illiquili iiiiiiiiiii