ISIX TELEPHONESI WIL. 424-1-2-3-4-5I EVRYDAY VRIDAY & SATURDAT SPECIALS Dautter (ou.ntry Roil lu2-b.roils Lb. 290 Eggs trfrtly tresti, doz.29 5ug C. &H. l l otilbags,5 0 10 lbig. for aies Large sidz, 10 To atosLarge No. 3<,:lze;rai k per ral.19 Bu , tter uý( (eecl-Nut Brand) 1 Pea uLa'rge szeé,r jar SPB0I!I OPXao3roal ç;sr 250 CaViar (Rmaioffi Red Tin, 3 cans $1000 Dlaek uuag Cer« Lairg e au 39e King Oear Srdines INLar ge 9 Shwafftu Jumubo Peppermints Per Box45 Chan« KookS (.Asorted fiavoart.) Per case 98 MEAT SPECIALS Leg of Lamnb 35e'aueatSragLt Detf R e ast. I :,I4rtlIlug390. Shoulder Pot Roast 240 Brolers 3-1b. Average' Lb. 45, *party and helped with the serving were Harold Mohr, commander Mr. and Mrs. George Leal, Mr. an'd Mrs. Herbert Gould, Mr. ar'd Mrs. Ern'est Gould, Mr.' and Mrs. W. J Benner, Mr. and Mrs.. B., F. Mc- Naugh ton, Mr. and Mrs. S. Van In- wagen, Dr. W. W. and Dr. Beatrice Hawkins, F.. Von der Lippeit and Mrs. F. . Dowd. Mrs. F., J. Dowvd, Mrs. T. I,.* D. Hall and Mrs. A. L. Garniss went to Great Lakes on Tuesday afternoon to visit our Ward. Members of the Auxiliary are urged, to attend the Serving meeting. at the homne of Mrs., S. M. Peterson, .231 Seventeenith street., Thursday'even- ing, May 7. ,We have had several requests for layettes 'recer'tly, whiich have been supplieci, so .mus't have one ready, for the next call.. The Serv- ing committee lias a reputation for1 responding immediately when called Upon. Mrs. Edwin P. Phelps, 260 Wood court, -with lier daughters, Ora, -Ruth, and -Giadys Irene, is leaving bv nxo- tor today for Bl(-oi 'nington, Ill., to. see the Passion Play. On the way home she will stop ini Peoria to visit hier daughter, Lois, at Bradley col- 1927, on the triangle of grouna oppo- site the North Shore station at Wil- mette avenue, the market bas been growîng in' size an~d scope. When the Evenir'g Garden' club was formed, the two clubs joined forces for the, market and gave it togeëther. Mrs. John F. Weedon ýof the Wil- mette Garden' club and Hermar' T. Reiling of' the 'Evening Garden' club) of. Wilmette are in charge.ý Mrs. . F. Wee don and Miss J .ean Munro are chairmen. of, plant sales while members, of their com.mjittee, are: Mrs. John Clark Baker,- Miss Annie Beach, Mrs.. C. R. Bixby, Mrs. C. M. Burlingame, Mrs. W., U. Clark, Mrs. G. F. llijf,* Mrs. W. G. Mitchell, Mrs. H. J.: Naper,. Mrs.ý J. A. Pancoast, Mrs. A. W. Pe;ard,,Mrs. J. Benton Schaub, Mrs. Charles'Van Deursen, -Mrs. George, B. Williams, Mrs.. James T. Wray. M rs. C. P. Berg and. Mrs. Paul C. Long are chairmen of the food- sales. Mrs. C. D. E-wer is'chairman of the commercial growers. Mrs. W. A. IKendrick of the collection of plants; and Mrs. J. P. Young of the collection of food and, candy. Among the florists taking part are -,Paul. Grolis, Jacob Kramer, J. R. Foote, (ferns), Dundee nurseries, Franken Brothers, Hroover (wild flowers). John Millen will have, garder' impie- ments, fertilizers and roses. Hall Schaub will have bird houses and feedir'g stations. F1L1 417 LINPENAVt Ilhone,1911-1133 III We WeoomeCharge 'Looouats FREE ELER TO WILMETTE - NEEILWORTJI - INDIAN HILL k W IXNETEA . HTBBARD WOODS - LEIiCOE I»VE6RYSOIW1 PRESCRtIPTION PI4ARMACY 1911 GOES Pe»uket for 600d Dnte 3 3 11-Linden Mvé.,,Wilmette, li11. +