Lord Hampton. Scout commissioner for the British Isies, will be one of thé guests of honor at the Mother's Day services to lie held Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10, at 3 o'clocký at Ravinia park, .according to Henry. Fowler of Wilmette, president of the, North Shore Area council of 'the Boy Scouts. Other noted, visitors will include James E..'West, Chief Scout execu- tive, of the Boy Scouts of" America;- Howard P. Gillette,. nationial comn- mnodore of Sea* Scouts; Phulip L. Reed, chairman of Region Sevçn:of the Boy Scouts and vice-president and treasirer of Arniour and coin- pany,- and Walter M. Kiplinger, Re- gional Scout executiveý of Region Seven.. Donates Use of Park Louis Eckstein, in extending the privilege of- the use of the park to the Scout organization inidicated that it was because of his great interest lin the Scout. movement and what it is accomplish.irg in the lives of the youth of the north shore that lie was *making àvailable'facilities of the park, for this 'tribute to Motberhood.on the part of the boys and girls organiza- *The various girls organizàtions in-, * cluding'the Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls and Girl Reserves are -lso tak- ing part.- A meeting of the leaders of these various organizations hias been arranged in order that 'plans miglit be completely disciussed and agreed upon and full information given to the troop leaders in each organization. Arrange Details At a meeting of the' district and deputy commissioners of the North Shore Area counicil of the Boy Scouts Tuesday evening in Highland Park attended by about twenity-flve men,, détails were worked out, for the handling of the parade by, the coni- inimissioner's organization. James R. Goetz of Winnetkaý is the chef coin- missioner of the co)ùncil'. Kenilworth Church to Concerning the poppies which are dis- tributed each year at this season, Mrs. R. W. McCandlish, Poppy chairmnan of the Legion Auciliary, niakes the fol- Iowing comment: lI wonder how many people in:Wil- mette Who will*wear.poppies thif, year realize, the story that' is behind ecd littie. fidwer. Each poippy lias been maàde individually by somne. disabled vteran Who through this -work has been'able to help hitnseif or bis famÈily' in the long struggle against the handi- caps of war disability,.. <'Often there is a tragic, and pathetîc story wrapped up in> these flowers. "Eacb poppy miade means one-haif cent earned by som needy iabe vt eran f or the support of his famuily or to aid bu Wben lie attempts to re- establish himself inthe world.. «Tbf c hundred:flowers a day 'is he limit usually placed on the workers to prevent them f ro m overtaxing their strength.. But even that small, amouit> a day is a - God-send to men wbo have eurned nothing1 or months and years." Dance Next Friday W1'11 Benefit Tubercular Nurses. On Friday evening, May 8, at 'the Bal Taberin of the Hotel Sherman, the nurses of the Chicago Tuber- culosis institute are sponsoring a dance and card party for the benefit of tie members of the Illinois State Nurses association. The proceeds will go towardsý the endowment fund to provide a free lied in the Nurses' cottage, Edward sanitorium, Naperville, 1I1L, for nurses Who have contracted tuberculosis througb overwork and strain. The Chicago Tuberculosis institute1 is affiliated with the Wilmette Health1 Center, and has a nurse there. Anye one Who is interested in, obtainingi tickets or donating to the fun d mayi telephone Mrs. Inez Bliss, Wilmlette 2402, betwèen 1 gud,2 o'clock i the1 af ternoon-. Officers nommnated f or the coming year are the following: Mrs. J. V. Smitli, for presîdent; Mrs. J. D. Kinnear, for first vice-president; Mrs. R. W.Mc *Candlish, for second vice-président; Mrs. R. B. DeVinniey,, for treasurer; Miss Peirie, for recording secretary;ý and Miss Reese, for corresponding sec- retary.* A style show will be*,given'by the eightb grade girls under the. direction of Miss' Woodley, domestic scienc e teacher. Trheoprogram willealso include, piano duets by Mrs. Betty 'Mason. nusic teacher, and Mrs. Arthur Ruif. The Logan-Howard Pre-School cir- le *W»ill hold the last me'ieeting of the year in the, auditorium of the Howard school, Wednesday evening, May 13, at 8 o'clock. This wvill bc an open meeting, and a* cordial invitation is'exten ded to ail who are interested to attend. Dr. Viggo Bovbj erg, professor at the National College of Education, will speak on "Mental 'Hygiene of' the Child." Those wbo bave heard Dr. Bovbjerg assure us this wilI be à talk we should ail hear.. The subject will bc covered to apply, to older chljdren as well, s0 that ah ýparents will lie in- terested; The Babies' Friendly wiltneet at thé home of Mrs. Carruthers, 1 535 W alnut avenue, on Thursday, May 14,, at'l1:30 p. Mi. M. E. Church Division Plans Plunkett Luneheon A plunkett luncfheon on Thursday, May 7, at 12 'clock, will bc given by sonie of America's foremost f ood mian- ufacturers under the auspices of the First division of the Wilmette Parishi Methodist churcli. "A real dinner, served piping bot and pleaity to eat," iswhat the cormmittee announces.. An interestirLg prograi. of .picçture,,lasting1 about fifteen minutes,* will, be given. foilowing the dinner. For information1 or tickets those wishing to attend are asked to cali Mrs. Carl J. Nylund of 1634 Forest avenue not later than Tuesday, May 5'. The North Shore Circuit theatre, looking ahead to the corning season, has, recently voted to move forward by several months the annual meeting of the active members of the or- gnaization for the pùrpos'e of the election of officers and.* directors. Announcement is now. being9 made, therefore, by John Allen Stewart, manager of those who have just been elected to fili the. several posts of im- portance and w'ho will take office June i. Samuel S. Otis of, Winnetka* has been-reelected to the presidency of the Circuit theatre for his second *;termi Mr. Otis is a "showman" 'of consider- able àbility, .a director and scene de- signer as well as one of the organiza- tion's, bes 't character actors.- The past season under bis presidencÇy has been far, more successful: than the pessimistic economic conditions foreétold,. and the 'future, under h is direction, should: be prosperous for the Circuit theatre. Morre, Vice-President Frank J. Morre of Glencoe has l)een elected vice- pre sident to succeed J.' Willians, Macy of Hulibard Woods Mr. Morre is well knowni in, Circuit theatre circles and in those of the 'Plhreshold Players of Glencoe, whoum he bas served as president this past season. Mr. Morre played the role of Major Swindon ini the Circuit theatre production, "The Devil's Disciple," and more recently. appeared as the villain in "Nellie the Beautiful Cloak Model.Y Francis G. Fabian. of Evanston suc- ceeds Mrs. Frederick Dickinson of Hubliard Woods as secretary. Mr. Fabian is another who bas long been active in Circuit theatre work. HMe lias taken part lu .nlany of the plays, among theni being "The Dummy. Henry IV," and "Nellie:." John Allen ,Stewart of Evanston basbeenlelected to the treasuréship to succeeri Gordon Wilson cf Wilniette. Mr. ýstewart has served the Circuit theatre as. business manager for the past five seasons,, and has resigned that 1)osi - tion, effective September 1., His train- *side. R. V. Murison of Kenilworth will talk on the «Craftsmanship of the Use of Stone, .Brick and Tile." Mr. Muri- *son is well knowNn as an architect on the north shore. M rs. W. G. Glover o f 1240 Foresi avenue will entertain the meirbers of the, Manuka club. at'luncheon Monday. Iof 2707 Euciid Park place, Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Douglas of that the orgaiz~atiôm? will prosper and SThe evening wilI be given over to a 20 Indian Hill road, Winnetka, with that its maüy friends wil enjoy an- composer-member prograni. Tic' solo- their cauglter, Dixie, and their son. other unusual -season of amateur eists« wîil be Pauline Schrani, Frances Richard, who are making a si plays produced to the best ability of, Anderson, Dorothy Rae, Norma Bos- ionths' Mediteranean cruise, are trained production helpers. worth, Ernau Akely, Madeleinç Vaugli- now touring rne i at s "ait ate'," the 1atpayo h tan,-Genevieve Horween, and Winfred expected backion the nortli shore tic decennial anniversary season, wil Townsend, Cree. Fraýnces Copthorne and latterpr fJn rfrtpr fplay inGlencoeMay 8 inta Evelyn LaSalle.are the composers. July.may 9, aànd in Wilmettte, May 16.