Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 May 1931, p. 83

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and growthn of rnis project Wnîcn holds mucb of the interest of resid- ents of the nortli shore. "The Arden Shore encampment located one and one baif miles north of Lake Bluff, wàs, started in 1900 through, the. efforts of Mrs. Leila *Môss Martin, wh%,lo re alized the need for. some place where mothers and their young chidren might go for fresh. air and recreation. Williami Dunnpey and William Alexander agreed with -lier suggestion and, loaned a few ýacres.ini Glencoe to the cause. Crude accomlmodations weére, bujît and' tlirty mothers. and 'chljdren were given two week.s' outing in the country.. Resuit Gratifies The ýresult of this camp w~as s0 gratifying that an appeal was made to nortb shore fainijlies to raise f unds to enlarge the camp in order to take care of its. growing needs, These efforts in 1905 poue a Gads Hill, pprchase4 which became knowii as the Arden Slhore encampueint. t financhnganan iong the(eadi.î iuther- siasts, were Frank McMullin. hillip Post, ýGranit Ridgwav, E., D.ý Par- Melee, Andrew M\acl.eish, J., J. Sid-ý daîl, Williani Hutbbard-, Johin Mc- Gregor Adanis, Five years later sufficient funds were raised to permîit tie, Arden. Shore encamipnient to mun inclepend- ently. It was not, however, until 1921, that cottages were erected and now the camp cani adequately ta ke care 'of five-hutidr:ed. mothiers, and *children ini the sixty-five permiatent buildings. Fo Jruded One summer 2000 -mothers and. cbildren were cared for besides thec three-bundred younig girls wilio acted as waitregses. The purpose of Arden Shore is to promote a summiier vacation for tired mothers and to build up under- nourished and convalescent children The purpose hias been enlarged at the suageestion of Mrs. Ira. Coucli Wood ~ago Miss' Sinkier, wio lbas a vivid personality, hias won for berself wide popularity witb bher numerouis prograrus at clubs in andà around- Chi- cago., Her repertoirei, from which she-will give a few se-_ l1ections Tuesday, includes dra- matic and musical numbers, numnbersý that are onFl' dra- maic, numbers tbat are only musical, and lecture recitals. Hem programs are. inva riably well1 balanced, and especially remarkable are ber, interpre- tations of famous women of literatume and history. It bas been said,..of her: ,"Valborg Sinkler is a ewbole- some and, charming, Norwe- gian 'songbimd' and vibrant dramatic reader of exquisite. ability, wbo so entirely pleases and -enraptures ber audiences tha.t the memnory of bier eni- tertainmient lingers in the minds of lier auditors." After a recent club pro- gram in Wilmette a critic wrote of bier: "Valborg Sink- er completely captivated bier audience with bier chýtrning personality and stunniflg ap- pearance in seventeenth and .eighteentb centurY costumles;. Shie makes a picture neyer to be forgotten, and shie Gwynne, recreating that Irish Iady's fiery spirit to the delighit of everYone. Then sbe gavre a dramatic interpretation af Amy Lowell's 'Patterns,' to the soft musical background-of Beethoven's 'Moonligbt Sonata.' Botb episodes were very effective and pictur- esque. She gave several short sketches as encores proving herself a unique and expert dramatc artist.". chai rman of the sick commnittee, and, Mrs. .Frank A. Meter was elected chairmian of the arrangement coin- After the. meeting coffee and cfeli-~ cacies were served by the arrange- ment commînttee¶ :A beautiful large.1 basket filled with various colored Shawnee Musicale, Board Can.vasses- Merits High Praise. Election Ballot By Critic Tuesday Night Alvene Resseguie and Annabel. An official ca.nvass of the votes Robbins gave one of the most out- cast in the annual Wilniette Village standing ecitals of the season at the election on April, 21 was muade at an cerso0f. tbe year were elected: Mrs. lowsbip in the American Institute of Tïnn.........taz the proposition and 2,388 against it. John Fischier, president, fourth term;ý Architects, in recognition of bis out- sIs Resseguie' A total of 5,277 votes was cast ithre Mrs. John M. Weber, vice-president, standing achievements. Thre award was Etude, opus 25 ............... Chopin ae poet first term; Mrs. H. C. Ledig, secre- nade at tbe national convention of the Vaple Ego................... hbpw atr1 rjet t.ry, second terni; Mirs. Alan, Mc- iflstitute, held early in April ini Texças. iss Rbb - Daniels, treasurer, first ter'm. MsM.Brbmi ietro ok fWe oAoe...uz Peccia Mrs. L. M. Smith, of Wilmette, is, J. M. McDaniels and, Mrs.,William the etuyo Porss expoisition, the Moon Marketing ......... ... Weaver enjoying a deligbtful vacation of rest cutoias.psiio bldh bs aheA Memory ...... ......... Farchild Barron, utdas'Psto:fil yhsffe,- Daniel Serenade.........Crpentr and recreation, on thre Mississippi Mrm G. W. Murphy was elected Burnbam, in the World's Pair of 1893. mrs. Resseguie gulf Coast.

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