ETION" us to offer this iendous' cut in Yr. ceptionally mwell WILMETTE OPEN S9UNDAY 2-6 P. M. Unusual 6 rm. brick bungalow, price reduced $3,000 for quiik sale., 335 OAK CIRCLE. GLENCOE. CH-itilNO BED BRICK, COLONIAL White trimi, almost new.44- master bedrms,.,,2 tile. baths. Beautifully wooded and landscalied laWn. Nr. Transp. and ,view of Skokie club grounds.. Priced at unusual -Value. for quick sale,:owner rnoving to Milwaukee.., 134 S.' LaSalle Street Chicago, IllinoisW Please send, me without coat or obliga- tion at volume from your. "Library-of Fine Homies- describlng a home with thle following particulars, No. Rms......Price range.... Name........................... Address.............. ............. 72LTN562-1te FINE UNUSUALLY LIVA BLE 8 R M. resid. with deep private yard uir. grar.n- mar school Central Wiliiiette. Two large living porches. 011 bul-iei-, double garage,. carpets. Owner trans- ferred to New York wilI. scarifice at $20,000. 1 INC. 513 Davi. street Evanston Greenlvaf 1617 .930 Spanfish Court Wilmnette M'il. 2920 72LT52-ltc NEW 6 RoOM%î BRICK .VENEER, 2 Cair brick gar., green tule roof, 2nd fi..'* tMe bath, lst. 11. lav., hot water heat,, birch trini, insulated. Lot 50xl33, street paved. Btworkmnanship, throughout. Price $14,00. Loc.ý 907 Indian Rd. Glenview, 2 1A. Skokie Vale Glen- ayre sta. Ph. Wilmètte 1266. 72L52-ltp 86L52-te FOR SALE MAHOGANY UPRIGHT Piano ln good condition. Very reason- able. Call Wilmette 1056. 86LTN52-ltc UNUSUAL DINETTE FURNI TURE, 7 .pieces. Nelson. Ph. Winnetka il179. 86L52-lp s7 wANtwED oTuUY-HUEHLD. GOODU. WANTED )TO. BUY-'SECOND 14AND furniture and other household goode. Highest prices forrsaine. Crost Furtif- ture Store,- 1004-6, Emerson St., Evans= ton, Ill.. Ph. Uni. 0189. 87LTN42-tfc WANTED GAS STOVE RIGHT HANqD oven perfe'rabiy with regulator. Tel.. Wlnnetka 1179. 87LTN52-ltp FOR SALE 2 HOOKED. RUGS, SEV- eral Orientaie,. 6 Pair of hand tied Fishnet filet curtains with pattern anld fringe at -bottom, like new. and verv, reasonable. One garde» seat, chair and table, excellent value. Cali Winnetka 3046. .88LTN52-ltc FOR'SALE CHILI3g CRIB LIRE NEW, nursery chair and- bath table, ahso eletric victrola and bridge lànmp. Plh. *Wilmette 83. 88LTN52-ltc FOR SALE BABY BUGGY IN GO011 condition 1509 Asbury Ave., Hubbard Wood. . 88LTN52-lte> GIRL'S. BICYCLE, UTSED SHORT TEIME, perfect condition. Reasonabie. Phon,, Winnetka 2058. 8SLTN52-ltc 89 ýWANTEQ TO BUY-MIUC. CHILýD'S SLIDEi AND LAWN SIG Winnetka 2410. 89LTNCi)2-2ti> XVANTED TO BUY CHEAP-PLAY- bouse for yard. Winnetka 1193. Unless called f, r withiui 3,0 cays,- Huds(loii coach, isconý,in license D- 102,571, motor nuimbër 2,36846, sai;ie -will be sold' for' Charges. Wliete1olw(e Dept. Phi. Milrnette 2700. Sora no, Baritone. Delight Hearers at Vistâi del Lago that Illinois is very backward in 'edu- cation. -Do you know that there are more than 10,000 one-roomn schools in oui' state ? Mrs. Ickes, our representative in the legisiature, explained. the Civil Service bills, which she introduced to the legislature, and urged our sup port. NEW, PUBLICATIONS Mrs. Fred ,Rye, who is in charge of. publications bas just received sonie very. interesting new, bulletins f rom the national, headquarters. "An Intodutio toa Study of the Tariff," "The Case for Federal Suffrage in the. District of Columbia" and. "An Explanation of the -Program oéf the Committee on Social Hygiene" are the. interesting tities. If you desire to read. any of the bulletins, cali Mrs. Rye, Wilmette 1459, and she vvill see that you get theni. ANNUAL LUNCHEON Monday,> May 25, is the date; the Club Vista .del Lago, the place; A ThirilIling Secret, the programi; 50 save this day and plan to bring al your friends. It will be a Io-velyway, to entertain. A CENTURY AGO. "A liundred years ago, '-whena a n i and woman married, they became one, And he was the one-," says Mr.Cath- armne Waùgh 'McCullnch of the Illinois League. of Women Voters in ber con-t sid êration of the Legal Status of Wom- en in Illinois' esp)ecially,,as related to nirriage and divorce. * )fr. McCuIloch is partlcipating in a1 study course whieh the League of Woni-'1 e» Voiters bas .organized, and. which *i of his song s with bis ovn personality. He sings with spirit and us es b lus voice in a thoroughly miusicianlv mianner. In "Sigh.No More, Ladies," b)y Stevens, *and "She Neyer 'Told Her *Lo-ve,"' by, Haydi, lie'had the sustained tone and the long phrases 5o necessary in such songs.. His "NimerstteLieb)e" and "Gesang Weylass," by Hugo Wolf, and the "Staendcheiî" by Brahms were a de- light to hiear, for they were sung so iÛtelligently and so gracefully. Mr. %Owner' bau property at order te sel This beaut built. 9 Ém. district near VISIT IN WISCONSIN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Steijjer,. j.r. of Winnctka; LeRoyý Steiner. of 212 Sixteett street, aâd. Miss Loretta Steiner of. 1451 Xilmette avenue spetit several (lays last wcek ini Wis- consin.- Rajjids, .Wis.,' as the güests of their* brother-in-law ad sister, Mr. and M rs*. Fred H. Siegel. *Mrs. Carl J. Nylund of 1634 Forest avenue entertained at dinner Sundav pRl'ICED my 9 ROmý . OM vergne folk songs concluded the Vinnetka. to meet with market group. , These slxowed. the sanie dcli- ItIons., & Bedrms., 3 baths, 'sun cac ftetetadll nvie kand sleeping porch,. haîf acre ayo ramn n u nvie round., WiIl take Vacant, smali fier second, group was conuposed Of , two or thb*ee aRpartfment. In the "Sketches of Paris," by Manning.1ý on North Shore or Chicago. M. acbhas mastered the arti e B-35 Box 40, Wilmette.MrMt 8<N52-1tc, projecting mood and of injectingi __o-- Mr. and.Mrs. Kingsley Loring Rice of E vanston1 are the parents of 'an eight pound son, Kingsley Loring, Jr., born last Sunday at the 'Evans-. ton hospital. Mr. Rice is. the son ofI Mr. and Mrs. Artîxir L. -Rice of 518 Central avenue, Wilmette. 'Mr. and Mrs; -Samuel' Comly of Greenwch, Conn., announce the birth of a daughter Cynthia on April 26th. Mrs. Comly is 'the 'former Helen Cresap of Winnetka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Cresapi Miss !Edith Re> Young, 1133CentraI. avenue, is: spénding tlis week-end with friends at LaPorte, Imd. nions *111 desdiibe,- 'Whlle the Constitution of 1872 changed wornen's status ln Illinois, and gave lier many rights previously witliheld there still remain a number of strange discre- pancles ln the law. For Instance, as 'Mrs. ZMcCulloch also points out, husbands own wives' clothes, jewelry and.personal. belong1ings If these: things have been pald for out.of money the husband qup-, plied but bas iot designiated as a gift. The control of the famnilyr home and exp)end.itu'res Is Ln the hands of the buS- band,, according to law, thougli imme- morfal custom Places, responsibility for home-making Wit'h the wife. ON BALLOT REFORM.. Supporting the'recommenidation of tie legislat Ive sub-commi ttee to the Senate' for arranging of candidates oný officiaI ballots according. to offices to be filled rather than according to party columfn, cornes a letter received by.the Illinois League, of Women Voters from.former State Senator Nathaniel A. Elsberg of New York. Mr. Elsberg says: "In 1901, when I was a mnember, of the New York State Senate and while we stili had the old form of party column ballot. In this state. I introduced a bill fo'r the adoption of theMssc- seUts forni of ballot 1 do not think an'y- one would now advocate going back to the old systeni ln this state. "I weil remember the objections whieli were advanced aga i:nst' making the change similar to those the League of Wom-en Voters now cites as being mide lin Illinois. Timne and. experience, .bow- ever, have show» that those objections were without force and that the party st'rength h." not beeri weakened by the grouping of. candida.tes according to the offIce voted for, In the main, each can-. didate receives the fuIlIparty vote, but of course a strong candidate for a par- ticular office will run ahead of hi-, tic- ket and a weak caindidate will run be- hind bis tlcket,-whichlsa as it sbould