WANT GIRL FE0R GENI farnulY, no laundry, ref. patiiine's. Winnetka 266 44L'LN52-ltc -RIE MAID ý GENERAL. bUSE-. work sty nghts. No washing. Must Ilke chilkiref. $7 te $8. Winnetka 1202. 44L52-ltp GI1RL FOR COOK lst, UNDER 40 YRS. .),In family. $22 week. Pauline's, Wini netka 2662. 44LTN52-ltC 4s 46 HLP wTD.-MALE AN D ýFÉMAI.E COUPLES, WANTED White with A-i referencees, 10 positions open. $125 to $200 a ilonth. Experi- enced only. PAULINE'S AGENCIES 74S'Eln St. Winnetka 2à62 46LTN52-lte 49 FOR SALE-AUTrOS F01. SALEý MODEL A-1930 FORDI ùoadstet', 6 thousand miles, rufiibi seat. Perfect 1conditîil. .$325. Câli Kenilworth M2.2. 48LTN52-lte 1BLIlCK 1928 MASTER DELUXE SE- (Iai. Drivefl bY onle famiiy. Phi. Uni- \ersity 0275. 4LN2ll * FOR SALE-NASH VICTO RIA LATE 27 gbod station 'Car. Winn. 3,470 9 to a.I 150 Center St. 48LTIN52-lte 50 AUTO SERVICE SI3ONIZIG$,$5 ANI) $6, CA RS ca.11ed, for atnd delivered. Cali Keni- * wo rth 1156..., 5LTN52-lte 51 FOR RENT-ROOMU 3 LARGE BOOMS FOR RENT SUIT, able for.light housceepiflg furinished or ulIfurnished. Very reasonable. 894 Burr Ave., Ph. Winnetka 2848. 5lL52-ltp) LARGE CLEAN ROOAMS SUITABLE for 2, hot. and cold water, hotel serv-, ice, $5, $6 and" $7 per wk. Central Hôtel, 629 Mlain St. Wilmo.t 'te. 1080. &iLTN5O-tfe 2 FRONT ROOMIS FACING SOUTH, for a couple or single. Furniâhedor unifurnished. Phone Winnetka 2359. s 51LTN152-ltC, 2 NICE BROOMS FOR BUSINLESS AA or lady. Newly decorated. Nea r, Win- netka station, Phone Winnetka 415. 5ILTN52-ltc NICE LIGHT 1100.11,PLENTY HOT FOR RENT-WILMETTE,--7 ROOM, 2 Ibath, brick residence, oil, burner, 2 I blocks lake and transportationl. $l".0, I per month. Phone Wilmette 4000. I 6(>L2-ltc 61 FOR IWENT-FURNI*HED HOUUEý gQU(ý/ Bu yer-and .Sier have found. the Want-Ads of WILMETTE LIFE'of inestimfable value. Many a'deal involving hundredsý of. dollars, has been the resul1 of a.Classified ad which 'cosi but a few cents. Classified'adswill. be accepld every. evening el~: .81P. 1pcs., magnificent view over Skokie. Only 1250 a month. WVe have other homes, large estates, 8 and 8 bdrns. on the laake andin the .country, smali cottages, $66 up, and apgrtmeflts for summer rentai. DOROTHY K. ROSS 663 Vernon Avé. Glencoe 305 6ILT X6-ltp FOR RENT FURNISIIED HOUSE FOR j ni 7. summer cor .longer, uestrabl, oato on .olf:ourse. 6 Bed roomns, 3 bath., plioie W *,lnette43002 car garage. Chiîdrens play room. j h neN ulete4 00.Reasonable 'ent. ph. Wnek 41 >Tuesday before 9 P. ýM. for ihe Current Issue I -FURISHEI)HOUSE FOR IRENT- June 12th to September l2th.- Two ________________________________________________________ blocks froni Wilniette Beach, and threé .to. transportation. Müst have gkood 56FOR RENT-APAITMENTS 5 FOR RENTi-FuRNISHED ApTUs. references. $225 a mnonth. Call Wtt- ____________mette n573. 61LTN52-ltc TULIPS NOW IN BLOOM AT "LIDENMANO" 1095-1101 Merril St. HUBBARD WOODS 3-445 rooni apartfleflts BEST ON NORTH SIDE Reasonable rent -exclusive tenants. Renting offie 'in bl dg., open 7 days a week- _ 1W. H. -CLARIS 1180 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Winetk 33()56LTN52-lte 1 Roomf pullman kitchenette ...$50 2 ron kitchenette .............. $50 i3 room dinette, kitchenette. .$60-$70 4roomn, bedr.ooif, din. rn. and kit. .Wili furnisla. any apt. extra. 3 bulild- inîgs HuI'bbaid4 W.oocls and Gieùcoée. HI. A., ThOIomi, Ph.,Winnetka 3138' 56LTN51-6tc Bautiful Wnek 2 AND3.BOM APARTMENTS. ALL have lage* bedroorxis, living rmn. and kitchen, 'refrig.i'5tiôn, wlth beautiful view. close te hlgh school, grammar school and ail uines Of transp. Decor- ate to Suit. Boas. rent. Agent on p remises. 460 Winetka ae Ph. apartrnlents for rent. Reasonably pricd. Winnetka 690 or 1948. 15 57LTN2-tfe ,Y 4 RM, APT. FURNISHÊD WITHý antiques and oriental rugs.. Posses- sion from May lst to Oct. lst. Mrs Kaltenbach, Wnnetka 3138. 57L52-ltp FOR RENT-FURNISHED APT. 4ý rms. and bath., Near traflsp. Adults. Ph. Wi1nitte. 2399. 57LTN51-tfc. 60 FOR *ENT-IIOISEU EAST OR WEST EIGH-T BOO MS AND TWO BATHS, garage, very large woodedlot, South ,front on one of Willmette's, fine Eazt aide streets. Easy wallk to the beacn, "L", terminal or stearniand electrlc stations. f$150. 13n4 batbsAvsue.nd sleeing orches. gie arage, wel wod e bt. Hoe#r, caa ently ompleed nlpt. i fine con- diton. Nearlteamand pûtien.tfinon-. $125o. ersemadEe.saîv. EVANSHORE REALTY FINANCE CO. State Bank ,Bldg., Evanston. Uni. 83 ÉOLTN51-1te months, 4 bedrooms,à 2 baths, 3 extra, Lav.,: attached garage, lovely garden, *studio 'or playhouse. Ref. Ph. Kenil- worth 1009. 61LTN52-IlP 5 eEDR O4MS, 2 BATIS, LAVATORY, 3 car gaiCrage, large landscapect grounds, Wel furn. Short or long term lease. $175. Ph. Glencoe 1225. 61LTN52-ltc 6 RM. bOUTSE GOOD) EAST LOCA- tion,' June t o Sept. Elec, refrig. screened porch, 2 car garage. Ph. Wil- mette 1938. 61LTN52-ltc FOR BRENT FURNISHED 'FOR 1 year. 7 bedrooi, 4 baths. Tennis coufrt. Caîl Winnetka 2456.. 62 wANTED TO RENT-HOUSES WANTED TO RENT IN GLENCOE small modern house with garage., 5 to 7 roornis, wil lease with option to buy. M:ay consider furnlshed. B-36, Box 40 Wilmette. 6LN5-t 63 TD.70 zrFO-R SUMMEs 6 or 7 room furnished house. Must have, porch. Cati Wilmette 3914. W l m t e 5 ,J.- - - - - - - - - - - L T N 4 8 - t f c 3 R O e M S A N D P h . w i n ne4k 5 6 C n e wîlmett.gtazed porch. 2nd floor he Paé OLTS2-t. 53OR M ONKenilworth 3219. 56LTN48-tfc hn ink 6 MOTHER AND DAUGHT$R WILL 1 BOOM KITCHEINETTE APT. HUM- .shate home wit~h congeniil business phrey Building. Cati Win'netkft 98 or FOR RENT-TWO 5 RM. HOUSES, 127 :-woan r tachr. easriale.Wrie 328.56L.TN46-tfC anld 133 Prairie Ave. Furnaùe heat, iý Wonxa ote L he.Rslibe.B-Write 8338. -t car garage. Ph. Wilmette 573 or 1334. ____________________57 FouR RNT-FURNISHD APTU. 60LTN52-tp" fou ' OU N-..PATMENTB 3 'ROOM FURNISHED APT. IN WIN- à OR 9 ROOMS, B-AUTIFUL COR- CONVZNIICNT, MODERN1 4 BM, APT. netka, close to transportation. Cali ner. Fîowersi and sunshinte. Best trans- Ecar Bd.Wineka84.Mr. Adanm$, Winnetka 2. por. Low rent. Winnetka 1630. 56LTN52-tfc 57LTN52-lte OT5-t lot..wine i for immedis nieticu.1194, 1.ýl'«