corner Greenleaf avenue and street, Wllmette Carl I. Empson, pastor Seventh Thý Fourth Sunday after Easter. 9 :45'a.m. ..........Suriday sehool il Arthur Stark, superintendent a.m. .Mosining worshili. *sermon: "The Hnoly Comforter,.. TUESDAY, MAT & 4 pin......... Confirmation clas Pastor Frrpson, teacher P....C huirch council Regular May meeting TltIilSI>AY, 3AT 7 2 .i. ... ..... .......Womani's Society Mjrs. William Mfelbye. Sr-, preqident 8 p.111 ...... Choir rebearsal A t. Njsthmiinster .Presbyterian hr, EvanstQn SNT U RDA Y, MATY 9. HJector Dodds, inoinatcd -several We oriInvite al wNho have. no wccks ago, was elected presidentof, church home on the north mhore to wor- the lIViliiette CivOic icaguie at -thé ghiý> regularly with us. P«r bptii il lnchconinzceinq of.the leagite origainiztionf artivities. Ynu will, receive9 a hart ~vlcoe. Worhi in Wîî. hcld Fia, April 24, at the,,UUni- tteý" li " Joseo Wrhi"t'sitv cluii iChicago. Ifr. .Dodds Mr. àrnd Mrs. Cedric Smith of 2011 £l1c(CtC(ds.Pr. Donald..Galle Lssex rood, Kenilworthi, -ith their a cdo h raiain soni anddaughter, Burton and Patsy -I have returne t teir home . rom i Othernoiiniees w~ho were elected to three W.eeks' trip -to Havana, Cuba l'serve %vith . Mr. Dodds %vere George F. The Smiths made,'-the trip with Tulif, vice-presidet : RaIlh H. Dur- friends f rom New York, Mr.. andiban, sccretatry; 'F'. B, Kniudtsoii, treas- 1\1rs. Ross Beason. They ýsiIed oni urer; \Villiain D. Leary, John' P. Bal- the S. S. Orientfe. inan, Robert Stoddard, inîd 1Emer D. CHA y Sautiior ot tthe new novel sbeen widely read, "Tih ile." Mrs. Burnham and de the trip back to Kenilw, tor. You Con Save 10% on a New Gus Range Cheer up, Kitcheu 1 Along with"te crlsp, new curtains you're getti»g this sprin, it's goiug to be easy 10 QWfl aà iew gas range. You can trade in your old cook..stove toward one. of the modem new.,gam ranges-andBave 109, on' the cosL Any time until, May 15., The single exception is on Magie Chef Gas Ranges, On these, your old cook-stove hms an allowance value of 5%0. Won't you accept a. Free can of Voie Nazme ----~ Yom. Addres I ,Vout' DeaLm h~Jame __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) <'lus r l'onsmr exws ;r da" &am (ladt Of inserHýOs* MERCER LUMBEFR COMPANIF.S 2738 W. Railroad Avenue EasoIiuj JOSEPII W. KEROE Distriet >lanager, Evalistoiî H. C. REYNIOLDS I)itrict sitpesitce)ln(Jt 1141 Centr;al Avenue. Phonte WlImnette Me 1)0W :cts