SERVICES Fourth sunday atter Easter. Foui'th Sunday afteî' Easteir Cantate S:5an.First service. andseo. 9*320 a.înjý. .Sunday school and 'Bible 10 a.m. AdIvanced Bible class. 10:0 am.Conesiofalserviée for cof.mmunteants. Address: Th.e Wliolesome Esc Of thie fhrlstiafl Questions. 11 Second servi-e adrlli(l oy Com- mlunion. Sermon: "An Important Question of Our Loird inthe Face Of înuch ljnfaltli- fîtiln-s.s: Wili ye also go away'?- M1E ETINGS Fi-id'ay evening at 8: Bible Tîav--e,9,g fou rth lecture. Satudav evening at 7: .1ufli0l) 1'e4' tion :-of the> newIyv onflrmied. Monda y at, -4 Choir- reheartsaL Tuesday at 7 :45 ýp.m.: Chureh couticil., Thursday at 2 Ladies' id. and Thurmday, at 7 :45 pan. :Snirwal- theif ieagiue. -Saurdv eenigMay 2, the tinnual, réception given by the .Jntniror Walther o e~u f vouflg peoplc. for thé ne-wly cortnime willI le held it the 'Sunday - <h<<,l .îoolil i Afie p lg)of tall<s in(] gamies h;as been arri:ngecl and it i'i The i hl4 Travelogýs which are being giv en,: évery Friday ev-%ening at the ('hurch are lîringifig' ont 'increaslng 'rod <f peoP.e J er 300 heing present at the Iast meeting ."he lecture will hegin W*ith the NwTetamentý next Friday nortrayiiig the ]lie aiid -trilvels o (ilr Lord. - The 1i,ord's. Supper wil ibe celebriite<I r on Su;tndaý, imorning next 'in the Il dicok evc. ' Plic Te confessiontil or pre- prratory se(rvicýe willI begin at 10-::10. Al tho10.e w ho desire to receive th(, Sacra- inent ire reillested to - nake this kof te) the pastor on Satujrdiîy afte-rfoon or eveingnext at the parson8ae The nionthly., meeting ofthfice hurel f counmcil. nmade up (if thevain.ticr f of th hrc-h, will be held on Tu4-r-t'y eN-eniig, May aiît7 :4.7) coc at the e-hurch roonis. A niumber of very lin- potant reports.-; oth itmt t-r.sire f On the clna foi-(i.sCIssiofl and recr I - The variolEs ,rgiat %-s ithiii the. c(,ngregatlon will also have their regw- l'i. nnthjy. meetings duning. the comnlg. week. Ail memberis rare nrgently re- qurirm to attend'. * The dse ion of ehildrE th 'ristiali educa- %nvý:nw- een closed snlday i "a*'go to f was elected 10 menershi n the un ry. CommunicatioIlS for the treasurer 'jY - should be sent té St. Augustine's church. À - large deleration fromn St., Augus- tine'uà Church fchool attended tho 1. Church âcmhoël rally of North Shore 4 EplaollelChurch achoole at Christ church, Waukegan, on asat Sunday té prefent the Lentes. gavings of the chli- mette 1134) baàs tIét4 for the Miay bal9 to be gîven ai. the -.'ra *"K - Sanders' oYrchestra) *on May S. by the young people Of the dtocese for *thée Caithedral futid. Blsliop Stewart, wili address a meet- ing.of mthers of pre-sehool chIldren at, 664 Rush streét, -Chicago, Tueàday, May 5', at 2 o'elotki thé rector lias tickets. for admission, for which, there \vll he' no .charge. Methodist Chu rch The Higli shool leagué wll1 méet Sun- day evening at 5:10 ln the Senior Higli roomn. ElectIon of officers fornext year' will take place. A meeting of the Offiiai. board Nvill be field Monnday n ight. Plans foy thé prograi of ne*t year m-lll he presentêd for conflideratioli. Philatheanc; are invited toi turn-de- at 6 o'ciock Sunday evening for a pro- gram ln charge of the Devotiotial Comn- mission. We urge. ail our meinbers to be present at thèse closing meetings- of the year, since each one willi bc Im- portant and extremely interesting., Saturday,, _My 2, a numbýer of mieii- bers of the Church schooi wiil make the, trip to .Bloorpifgton to witness the Pas- -lotn ;epýia The Board of D)eacons wlll Ineet on Monday evenIng, May' 4, at8 olk at the church. The Board of T'ru.tees wi-i11nieét 0n 1Tuésday évening, May 5, at 8 O'Clor'k in the pastor's study. 1 Next Wednesday eveniniýg. , at q, oclock, the pastor wl begin, the. first of four discuss-ions-on "The Churcli and ('urrent Questions»- thé therne for this !.one to be appýropùiate to M.%other's ,Day -"Thé Church and the. Child Welfa'rc tecètive neéxt Tues.çdayi.% evenin g and gatner. a t theé Woman's room, of the churci at 1*The ana dinner of the churéh wilI 8, o'clock .Qharp to track down dlues that, be held1 May 20. Ail president4. of or- will lead thein to their hos;tes."es for their ganizatiohs ar«e requested to send- in business and social meeting. This pro- to thé churchi iie their reports between gram Is luý charge of the new' membe1rs- the dates of Ma> 1 and _May 10, In ordel, (it Philathea. to get them printed in, tine for- the "ndand the Slumis". Is the titie if a very unuirual book whicli the pastîr will' Frlday, May S, is thé date of thec discuss at the Fellowshilp service WPd-Woansociety annuai Spring lunchéoiî nesidaty night. This book is simila-r. ti which is to be held at thf- church -at 1 4Twice florn Mclii," a emarltbe 'cok.Tis is the time when: the. volume: of* recén t earq. Tlie're will bé. year's work is suimmed up. interspersed a brief Bible*study and devotional ,zerl"- with thé re.ports of thé yeaWr's actiVities icé. Do not miss this inspirational hout. and théeleetion of officers for thé new yrwill-be a, musical program by Mrs. The Wo(manti's Aid soleywiî et 1Rdgar A: Feller.s, accýompatied byý. Mrs, Thfurs-day at the c-hu rch. Thf eedl F. G. (7mthnidge. i S as folows: 10a. m. - Executive conittee., and1 (,irl scu't Troop , M-%iss Pearl. Hoose,. Di visioniiuineetiiigs. . Caita fi 1 overniglit hike 12 non--A Piunkett luncheon given liv t'or" Friday, Nfà,48. They mill leave Wil-- soineof Arerica's foremnost food nianu- mt l asa oo sshosot fncturers, sponsored by the FirAt Di _'hMedcestifiation will be a farm néar vision. A Yeàl dinner serveil piplng biot èiftdwlere they have secui'ed a and plenty to ent. An lntèresting pro- 1aa o sépigqure, Hkst graim of pictures following dinner, laqt- n1,r-by ood are planned, nature walk- ing about fifteen minutes. For informa- ima-nîailikilig excursions, out-of-do0r tion ain(ltick<etq ealu MNrs. Nyluiid, 1114, vo0"king a1nd îîassing of nature. signal-i; hy-Tuesday, -May 5.' iît. ooi and flré-building tests wiiI ý 1 :30 P. mBsns meeting and b le inuludud iii thé activities. -i Tu esday, \Iay 12, Girl Scout, Troop A ,41X Wéeks' training c6urse for Girl .\Vrs. Percy Arden, caprtain, is planning1 Scou leaers nd oher omeî nt1rana International dinner at' thé ch*urci. ested in learning more' about this niove- A anese girl, formérly a Scout leader, ment bégah i n,-the Girl Scout room ot il take part in the'program-as- Weil, this churcli last* Monidayý eveing.- as -girls from othé'r lands. Members of, Thiry-tbdé wmen erin attendance. the troop are :practicigflkdné Others -interested In joining this grour oivroscunne hc ilh are" invited to attend the class next 1paîrt of..thé program. Thé, spir i t of good, MoLnday evening at 7 :30. This ie not a wii betwëeen, Anié'ticanis and people of lectu're course, but Is run on thé plan l other praces- and countries can be ex- of a Girl Scout troop.* pressed thirough pro-grains of tlîis kind., A rrus sponsored by the three: Girli, First Congregutional Scout trooils. wbch meet inthis ;; hurc 4ývill -hé held Thursday afternoon, _May . John G. Hindley, mniistéîr 14, and Friday niglit, May 15, in the iCarMdietoofelios Comuntyhall. -The proceeds of thi- 1 i ir ecton fre For thé chlldiren there wil ne tne story «"Jésus Cails the FiBhermen," followlng which there ls a kindergarten perlod ln Chlldren's hall lni chs.rge of Miss Net- 'tie Kaufman. We: anttcipate a large $Lttendance at this communion servide and wlll extend a welconxe té eevéral *new members- Mr. and Ifrs. A. -J, Covert, Mr.- andMrs. :s reî uxose wflo take. work and attend Monday, at 12.:30. a luncheon meeting ,jf the North End circle wlll be held at the home of Mrs. E. M. ,Anitrni, 1136 Ashland aveýnue.'Mrs. D. M., Gale will r-epeat, the talk on "Cairo" which shé gave- recentlyý at a méètlng of thé Gar- den. club. Mrs. C. R. Bixby, Mrs. F.- ,H Cornell, and Mrs1. R. IL ipffineott will, bé asslsting'liostes4es. Mr.Charles McÇoy, o! 730 Ashiand avenue, wiii entertain mnembérsj of the, East End circle at a luncheon meeting on Monday at one oC'eock, Mrs. Bertha L4itz anci Mrs. Cushing S'mith will be the assisting hostesses. An ail-day meeti 1ng of the-Croicent circee vill bé héid Tuésday at the home, Of r.. J. Mulvey, 800 Oakwood.ave- nue.. Lunchéon wili be, served at 12 :30. The asiting hostesses are Mrs. C.. P. Ev.a s,, Mrs. C. M.' Osborn,. and Mis. Fred I{iee.' Thé anilual Lýadie-s' night, dinneir of, the Men's club Wil hé held next Tues- ayat 6 :30 Pi. A spécial surprise en- tertainméint h as béén arrangeti. Res-- etrvatiolis for thé dinnér ->must reath '1(7fls . Crossley, Wîlmet te 64S, flot mrter tlîan Sundà3' night. - "ies~is thé sub.ject of tlhé' addt*ess, wihîehMi lniéey WUI givé to tw àMîd-Week meeting, which là, held inx thé - ul1urçh parlol' at 8 onWe neé (ay. %-. eetn z 0f thé Board of Dea - colis vi1 fOlloW the mid-wékservice. Friday, May 8. at 1 pji-. the Njay luncheon aîd 'meeting 0f thé oîîn guià il be seived mn the chur-ch. 'lhé, Auneil u WnjiillI be served Iby thé North- west ciarde,' andi the pro)gra ni and %ý.orkI ar'e ii charge o!, the CenUfal Avenute cir-cle. 4téservations for tfle lUncAewli ,shovuiti bu madie thi-ough thé chui'ch 44- fice, WVilnxette IzO4, îlot later tliam «Ithnrs(day. Aýs thiýs is the final luncheun -the véar, it is hopé4 that er guila Iincnber vll xnalk a specialt effort. to attend. Presbyterian Church Wonan'sclub Gréenléaf avenue andTenf fth sticét Chiurtehoffice. State Biank building Telép honé Wilmétté 6" andi 6bb MSuvng -y shl.......... ... ...31 Junior echrch..... * Ju.o 1? .c. .i±....... l-'r ye îîeétmge, Wédnesday. s a lii. p.nm. uni. viiostO ail the services of the churei. * .- Rev SiclIlL. Haynes, D.D., who 1_; ,supplinig oui, pulpit for a lew weeh-<s, wvla± preaci at theé usual morinig ov,- 1S*o ~ .lIS f . Z, i o . o lU. *Thursday-8 :15 p.n.-Blue flirds; A otberwise aliliategi to unite Wth hu p.m.-Junlor Choir rehearsal; 7:30 their fellowsnip meetings. -Trooto No. 1, Boy Scouts. Saturday-9 :30 p.xi-Cub Pack No Spoké 8 will meet Tuesday, May 5, 63. Next meeting May 2. at the home of Mra. Elllott V Young- berg, 419 Washington avenue. Mrke. Rog- The. Junior choir is lncreasing in ers. A. Fiske wlll be C-hostesa. numbers and enthuslastm every week. During the ývast.iew weeks the boys Thxe Pasloraài committee lea ctively, have taken an.lnterést In Juniîor choir at work as are aimé the committees On actlvitleo and are now assistlng the building finance, 4nd plans and speci-