tne Meie acap LIitli, are urged Uy ------------------------j the touring bureau of the Chicago are involved in most of the accidients Motor club to pbstpone thieir pljansý are somewhat above the averag(e ini at Ieast until fal intelligence, and they arc ex'perî- "At he resnt irn thre s aen'ced. In short, they would ordi- "At he pesen tiie tere s anarily be classed as "good citizenis." gap of sorne distance in the 11191- Their ignorance of traffic ridies, how- ivaà north of Mexico City," the 1fl0 everpaling tor club cxplained. ."This galp n e-recis en appalligtta h moutitainious country. Tosnso ,n:meetadiibiaefri nIlenl have been at work fornmôtis 1 opîv.etnt a proebratiorm.a blasting the right of way througlhe ortraing pu smal poor tion. this area. While the two ends 01h. oorn uliaîouhte are far more conspicuouis. t is truc the 'highway May be connected soifl htte aersosbl o oa tinme .nelxt -month, the road. will Te- >Ihtte r epnil o oa quie avas amuntof radng îîdof accidents. which is out of ail pro-. burde abuildin befor ingcandb eportion 'to their numlbers, and that .traveled with any degreéeof£ase.j thei r removal froni the higliwaYs îs. Oîil a otorst ith he oul greatly to 1)e (esired. Suchi a stc), pionerand ithunlmite ni~ a however, would not bring a safetY hîs disposal, could hope to drive. over mlenun he aeae die i iwou Id stillihave to be considcred, and aur eff ective safetv prograinu must 1in- "T'he rainy season ln tllis. section .'clud(e bis conitintius, eduicationi. pf Nlexico.begiiis in Julie and lasts through Septemiber.Manv section:: of, the higliway Nvil1 becoine abso- lutelv impassable (luring tlijis,,lcriod., It appea rs niow that Octob)er is the earliest mionth in which to e-pect the highiway to be in travelable condi- . ~. Tfle club based its statements on a report 'received from John H. Vea-: nasecretiary of the Ainrican Chamber of 'Commerce, Mexico Cityv, who traveled recently by horse awl automobile, wvith the cooperation of the Mexican goverment. over the' route of the highiway f roin the Mexi-v Cali capital to Laredo.. -1 received four main impréýsiOwm' as a result of this long and àrdumi, trip),' Mr. Yeanan wrote the club. *'fhose impressionkts are, lýrst, te Iighi degree of executive ciîergy ami eniginieering skill whïch aàre. creatinlg tis higlhway, which unquestionably! %ll stand as a masterpiece of roadý .-Constructioni. Second, the enth.usiasîn ber of the National1 Highway >coin- misoanithe great pride tlhey al -av in the tremnendous task they, .1.1 .obly coinpleting. Third, the sceîîic gr-aideur and historic interest of the * entire route, a tourist a- MC MÀY 3, 1931 S ubject: "Everlasting Punishment" READING ROOM-1 148 Centrai Avetu Open Daily (excepting Wednesday) 9 A. M., 0 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. . 1 45,I-. M.' E Open Stindag if ternoofla P. mi to 6 P. MV. The Bibleand Works, of Mary, Baker Eddy and ail other authorized m - Christian St§ience Literature miay be- read. bortowed or pmrcbased a8 the 3 Reading Room. -THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE! -CHtURCH SERVICES 'AND) VISIT THE! READING ROOM, PA TRONIZE OUR A DVERTISER.S YTORS SERVICEý WHAT IS GU.M DIPPING?70 In al FIRESTONE TIRES the extra quality cotton codis dipped in liquid rubber before it is buit iiflo the' tire. Thus every littie cotton fibre is coated with rubber'. This keeps the fibres from rubbing on each other and so increas es the bending -life of the'tire by 58 percent. It: also makes the cords much stronger. We have both dipped' and irndipped cord in our salesroom-come in and see them. The facts they show are worth dollars to the tire whien he thinks wihit, and freqt human lapses of tbe wheel. step on the g can get auw tly suiffers vE ention while In an'article in a recent issue o Public Safety, puiblished by the Na- wîîue¶u' 721 MAIN ST THE AUTOMOBILE Service NEYERCOE Illinois A. B. Vant Deug.. mua