THE BEST in mo- tor fuels and ois (Red Crown Ethyl and Iso-Vis. Oi). servedup in. a jiffy at -Main and Linden. Try. US. OIL WEcLi Bob 'n' NMac Main St.. at Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 3334 "It is cheerfully admitted tiiat îio state administrator can ever prop- erly criticize car safety construction as such; but there is no reason why every state Cannot keep records of. and Ériticize. car: performance f roim the angleof highway safétyV. "The departmetit made a, studyo cars from the standpoint of shatter- proof glass. This amnounts to a classi- fication of which cars, have it, mhichi Lpartially have ýit, and Which -do not. have it at ail; aiso.those which have it -on some. nodels and flot'on ail. It * seemns to.,be fair eiougli to ask that every maker of ever -car àdvertise piainly, if lie elects to Mention it at ail, regarding each and, ail of. his * models, as to whether or not shat- ter-proof glass is pro vided.: It Perfornia une to~t~ provesChroe the Great Aviueriran 'Value. I IThe big, modern Chevrolet Six is a fine performer. It maintains high rosad speeds at a low, casy-. working engine speed. Its 50- horsepower vaIve-in-heaid engine .ope rates with unsurpassed econ- omy. Si.x cylinders enable you to creep along, accelerate, climb his, go fast -and do it alU smoothly, quietly -with little, shifting of jears. I*f..You have- formed your opinion of Chevro.. let quality solely f rom the car's fine, appearance-step into a -----------Chevrolet and drive. Because Our Clevrolet trained mechanics and 100%/o *arantee on ail work done assure yen of the. besi service te be, had. NORtTH SHoRE CHEVROLET SALES 611 Mlg*n St., Wilmette DIRECTLY OPPOSITE DEPOT PhoneWlmte41 I top expreys truckc, ice truckc, hCeIvY .duty express truck, garbage dump truck, mechanical dump truck. com- bination coal and coke dunip body. and service' truick -and bois t. The Ford truck caravan, coming at this season of the year, wili -be ýof -par- ticular interéetto Wiimte busins mien, it is anntounced..' Il 1, forth to stage spectacular crashe., for the edification of the thrill fans. From now on Roby Speedway is to have crashes put on by men who~ know how to crash., This year's 'racing' is to be ruii under .themue and with the sanc-, tion.of the American Automobile as- sociationcontest board. of whichi Cap-1 tain Eddie Rickenhacher is chairmaxi. The triple A controls ail big league auto racing, including -Indianapolis 500-mile- event, and they keep a strict hand on their affairs, see that. pro- moters do not advertise drivers until they are actualiy entered, then foilo%'w through- and see that the driver ap- per.The A .A.A. organization: aiso points with pride that thrâtigl al l . years as ýthe contmolling hieads, of big time Auto Racing there has neyer be >en a bmeath 'of. scandai conncictedI with races held under their. sanction. 1the first race will be held at thle RobY-Chiicago -speedway on Suinday ~afternoon, June 7, entry Ilanks arc~ being prepared and iil be mailed to every A.A.A. driver ini the coutn- try, and with the prize môney the highest ever offered in. the -Chicagb district in yéars, -if is expected. that many of the star drivers, who'tak e part in the coming Indianapolis .500 mile race wili be on hand, T 'he track wiii be unider .tue.,iai agement of B. WVrd Beani this year one of the outstanding A. A. A. pro- motors of the country,. and one wlio hias had years of experience ini -the speed gaine. To Receive Bids M'ay 12 for Road, Bridge Work Illinois state .highway officiais have *.aninounced, that they, wili receive,- bids,Ma 12, for the season's big- gest semies of .road, and bridge con- struction projects.- They, estimate that' the work will total$,3198 The 39 paving. sections that, totaP' 164.78 miles; 26.13 miles of grading, caliing for 1,000,000 cubic 3ards of excavation and 21 bridge jobs, to ci