UA~ orai M4,cRAFr6aa~ ~ j NA SC~ Omo" - - The above suap w'as draoem by Lagle Scout George Besch, ont of the outstanding Scouts of the Council. He is 19 yeors old and has served on the Ma-Ka-Ja-Wam staff for the pasi two years, The aerial view of Aa - a Wan is accu rately p ortrayed in the 'above ma>, depictimg every important detail in Camp>. Varjous Camp Units Form S mail Villages Asý the above nmap shows, the campj 1,; divided into several. smaller camp- ing uniits. Thi.- year, with the groWth of canp,, two new units will. bc added.. There wiIl be six units of twenty- four Scouts each, a Sea Scout unit for sixteen: boys, and onie unit for *oficers. Six tents, housing four boys each, and one officers' tent, will be The Sient Cali a of- Ma-Ka-Ja- a Thcre i's a silctit cal 40 be 'np and away And a f ervent'de ep desire For the smell, of the woods at 'break 'of day And the smkef rlu the evenling fire. And tho 1 should live a thouisand lives New Thrills Are Planned for Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, Veterans Special. H'ilk es Included- on Pro gram. Camp Ma-Ka-ja*-Wan bas plnty of new thhills awaiting the old cam- ers who are returning for. the. second or third season. Ail of these privileged experiences cannot be revealed ' at this time, but any camper who misses the nnnnrtunitv to return to Camp -I A viète- 01 >i sg Lake Shore Lime Sc0'ut camp develops Great Scouts, iiot Great Names. Visitors are always welcome at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. Scouting in camp* is hfealth in- surance. dampness and make for neat appea-r- ing quarters. 'With tent sides rolled there is good cross circulation alTord- ing plenty of fresh air for ail. Not moqre than' four Scouts wili be as- signed to one. tent. , Daily inspection of tents and equipment keeps every- thinig "ship>-shape." 1 L "eý