L'ots of Activitie8 for Those Rainy Daga Rainy days are brigbt and sbiny for Ma-K'-Ja-Wan campers. There. are always lots of. things to -do. The library'is-wide opèh and widely used. Ilandicràft goes on in full-swing in tents and shelters, special events of fun and f rolic are conduct.ed in the. Main lodge.- If there were uothing eIse to do, it is always great to just sit around the big. bright, glowing fireplace, spin yarus and dreafi away amid the echo of spoutaneous song and iaughter. Ramn as mnuch as it will, the. water sinks right througb the sandy soil, and everything is soon good and dry, looking sjtill brighter because of the rain. Order of AcrwW Emblem v Twelfth Scout Law la Not For gotten in Ca ým*p The. twelfth part of the Scout Law W "A Scout is !Revereut." Oppor- tunity isgiven the Scout to exercise fik reiigious obligations in bis own way. A non-sectariarX service is heldý every Sund ay morning. Cathcôic Scouts gzo to mass either at camp or at a nearbv village. Special services are arranged for the Jewish. Luth- eran an Christian Science Scouts. Life out-of-doors, close to the beau- ty and wonders of nature. teaches a Scout an apperciation of God he tan get lu no other way. The objectives of Scout are "character building and citizenship trainin2,." The Scout Law is the iaw of the camp. A large variety of speciai activities are conducted froin which a camper rnav coose to, enter as manv as'lie likes. Here are sonie of them: Canoe tiiting, swîmiiming mecet, canoe and, boat meet, saiiing races,: bâsebali,'barn yard golf,, crazy king, treasure bunt, song fest s, c amp auc- tion, wool hunt, scalp hutt, message relav, hay relay. fish frys. stories aud- stunts, troop and camp council fires, orchestra, drum and bugle corps, pageants, Scoutcrait meet, goofy golf. Ja-Wan it is featured as a major pro- ject. A specialist is 'on tble cmp staff to instruct and inspire Scouts. in an apprecîation of nature. Bird hikes, tree study hikes, geological trips, for- est preservation trips, trips to the fishi hatchery,,and game.,reserve are al inciuded inu thé bioad Naturecraf t program. Authorized bird-banding and research work is carried on by the older Scouts. Opportunity for ini- sect life study is far beyond what -a Scout could' accomiplish in a whole sumnmer. Maniy Scouts -specia'lize lni one. phase of nature study for their entire stay et camup. 1.Look. at the "ol' ýOwl",pictured'be- iow. "Can't you hear him "booti!ng" for ypu to come to M -Ka-J -Wa? -- a ja-Wa 0w4 'Ijoots" IVelcome E ver y Scout Receives Coveted Numeral,"3 1 IEvery Scout wbo attends Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan this year wil*be awarded the Camp Numeral "31" to be worn on bis uniform, signifying that he attended camp. An achieve- ment awyard. the Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan The Ibiggest factor ini arranging the varied groups of activities for Ma- Ka-Ja-Waii canipers is tbe boys' own intercst as indicated by experience ini previous year.s. On coming to camp thie, boy 15 encouraged to make bis, own decision; seiecting from the miany, possible superviscd activities- those lie likes best. Five fields of specialization in camp, life are offered, those in campcraft, watercraft, naturecraft, Indiancraf t and handicraft. If a Scout finds none of these attractive, be .miay make up bis own. progran apd leadership is supplied to help him during his camp stay. Scouts ail wanit to pass Scout ad- vancemnent tests whiie at. Camp. Ample .oppprtunity and leadership is provided for this- ,witbout conflicting with bis other hobbies. The prograni nmade up by. the boys! guided selection is- bound to b e fui! of adventure, thrills, and clean wholesomne activity. A Tgpicad Daily Péogram 6 :30-R eveille 7:00-Camp Inspection by Scout- master s 7:1,5-Breakfast 8 :0ý-Health Period 9:00--Scout Test. Passing 10:00-Craft Work Haudicrait, Naturecraft, Caiiupcraft,' Watercrafti Indiancraft. il : 15--Swimming 12 :30ý-Dinner i :30-Quiet Hour, test, write letters, read 2 :30-Hikes, organized games, spe- cial activities, contests 4 :45-Swimxning S :45-Retieat ceremony 6:00-Supper 6 :30-Games, fisbing, boating, canoeing 9:00-CÇal! to quarters Budde Song (Tune : "Let Me Cal! You SWeet- heart.") Let me cal! you Btiddie, let me pal with you, [Let me hear you whisper that %we're pals so true.. Kleep the friendship glôwing, in your Teyes sà bine, accompisnment to be selected. George Bersch of Troop 4, Wilmette, is President of the Mýa-Ka-ja-WVaniÀL Chapter for his second terni. Ci 2 Day is done, gone the sun, ,From the lakes, from the hills, the sky. A Il is weil,'safely rest, God is ONC A COU ALWAYS, A SCOUT- AND EVERy SUMMER A CAMPER Rveming L'empfira ý «Caps Climex" .1 Happy Day in Camp, Nature Stady, Hakers ONR ý Aý SCOUT